At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 248 Either get married or lose your child!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!At this moment, there was a slight noise from his mobile phone, he frowned and picked it up, and saw that there was news that satisfied him: Wilson tried to chase the ghost king, but was discovered by the ghost king and the Pei family bodyguard, and has now been forced to it. Hongmen Road is nowhere near, waiting for him to pass.

"Qian'er, take a good rest at home, and when I come back, I will give you an explanation." Pei Yilin smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and stepped forward and gently touched Song Qian's hair.

Song Qian drew away angrily, he grabbed her slender waist, branded a kiss on her lips, and then quickly left.

After Pei Yilin left, Song Qian immediately turned on the phone.

Seeing more than a dozen call records on her mobile phone, she opened her eyebrows and found that they were all from Xiao Honglian.

Isn't he in the gang with Kawon Silver now?

Now, why are you still calling her?

"Hey, Elder Xiao." Thinking of the affection between herself and Xiao Honglian, Song Qian called Xiao Honglian back.

"Song Qian, you have answered the phone." Xiao Honglian's tone was very thankful.

"Yeah." Song Qian answered indifferently.

"Song Qian, I know what I have done has disappointed you. However, for the sake of our shared sufferings, I still hope you can let Pei Yilin let go of our killer center, and I will also provide you with some Valuable clues, and do my best to help you." Xiao Honglian said apologetically.

In fact, no matter how he trades with Canadian Yuan Yin, in his heart, he still feels reluctant to part with Song Qian.

Moreover, on Pei Yilin's side, he really can't afford to offend...

"Wilson was caught by the ghost king at Hongmen. Now Pei Yilin is rushing to Hongmen. On the road, Yuan Yin set up an ambush, and he also set up a timed gas bomb at some point. If you are willing to let him give up Destroy our killer center, I will tell you that point, and let Jiayuan Yin eat its own fruit." Xiao Honglian seemed to be afraid that Song Qian would not believe it, and immediately reminded.

Song Qian frowned, and the hand holding the phone didn't feel tight. Pei Yilin might be in danger, which made her feel uneasy.

At this time, her abdomen was also agitated.

The little person seemed to worry about his father before he was born, and moved around in her belly...

"Old Xiao, Mengmeng still likes to call you Grandpa Xiao now." Song Qian said with a faint smile while probing his hand to touch it.

She remembered that she had accidentally talked to Xiao Honglian about her leaving the organization.

At that time, Xiao Honglian left a sentence: As long as Qian Mengmeng is willing to call him Grandpa Xiao, his relationship with Song Qian will not end.

But now, Song Qian said so, naturally also agreed to Xiao Honglian's request.

The seemingly nonsensical sentence caused Xiao Honglian's body to tremble, and then he smiled slightly, feeling much better.

Song Qian, he deserves to be the Sasheng pill that he valued very much. This kind of temperament is really not comparable to ordinary people.

"Song Qian, I haven't seen Mengmeng for a long time. In the rest of my life, I hope to see her become a big girl and stand alone. And I will also contribute to the growth of Mengmeng as my grandfather Xiao should have. "

Xiao Honglian’s words indirectly stated that she was not deliberately tripping Song Qian under the coercion of Kawara Silver, and sincerely asked for sincerity, hoping that Pei Yilin could give them a way to survive in the Red Lotus Killer Center and let them continue to develop in Z His career.

"Okay. Old Xiao, I believe you. Where is that point?"

Song Qian relaxed, Xiao Honglian immediately told Song Qian everything she knew, and asked Song Qian if she needed someone to help her leave Pei's house.

"No need." Song Qian refused, and was about to say something, but suddenly there was an urgent knock on the door, three long and one short. It was Song Qian's maid, Susan.

"Come in." Song Qian hung up Xiao Honglian's phone, got out of bed and cleaned up, then nestled in the sofa, speaking lazily.

"Madam, it's okay, Miss Mengmeng and Master Cheng Xian are gone. Listening to the maid who followed them, they...maybe taken away by their wife." Susan pushed the door and walked in, his face full of urgency. Zhi Lu, "And my wife also ordered that if the wife does not go to her before noon today, she will take action against them immediately."

"Yeah. I see." Song Qian was embarrassed when he heard this, and Pang Bingshuang hated him so strongly that he was so angry that he wanted to slap him.

And today, will it be another fierce battle?

Song Qian was very nervous, but on the surface he snorted slightly, "Go down."

"Yes, ma'am." Susan heard the words, although he was impatient, but still left very quickly.

As soon as Susan left, Song Qian immediately called Pei Yilin and told him everything Xiao Honglian had told him, and he told Pei Yilin clearly that he was going to go out and would not allow Pei Yilin to stop her.

"Okay." Pei Yilin hesitated, thinking that the bodyguards he had left behind were all elites and good at hiding. It would be best for them to protect Song Qian secretly, and he readily agreed.

"Yeah." Song Qian responded.

After hanging up the phone and getting dressed, she took Pei Yilin's special car to the Pei's old house, where Pang Bingshuang now lives.

Pei's house seems to have been waiting for Song Qian for a long time. When Song Qian was helped by the driver to get off the luxury car, she saw a group of maids dressed in luxurious clothes and comparable to world stars, and bodyguards with cold looks like international Madou.

They seemed to have been sent by Pang Bingshuang to pick her up. Although most of them stood upright, a few of them still couldn’t hide their curiosity. They wanted to see Song Qian and see what kind of woman captured them. The frosty young master.

When they saw Song Qian's slightly protruding abdomen, everyone suddenly became aware, and there were many sighs, and some even sneered in disdain, "Mother is expensive, it's no big deal."

Song Qian glanced at the person faintly, and the person suddenly fell silent.

The murderous aura emanating from Song Qian was so strong that she didn't dare to fight her at all, and bowed her head. The man didn't dare to say anything, only dared to look at his toes.

The headed maid originally wanted these people to disarm Song Qian, but seeing the most noisy one of them was withered because of Song Qian's eyes.

She immediately took a deep look at Song Qian, but then a slight smile was drawn from the corner of her mouth, and she walked slowly in front of Song Qian, trying to help Song Qian go forward.

"No need." Song Qian stopped her movements. Qian Mengmeng's business is her top priority now. She has no time to play the palace fight with the maid.

"Madam is unwell, let me hold it." A cold light flashed through Fengdie's eyes.

"I said no." Song Qian interrupted her coldly, and wandered forward: "Where Mengmeng is, you can take me there. I have no interest in seeing other places and other things. There is no time to play."

"Yes." Although she was teased, Fengdie still smiled decently. Leading the way, she led Song Qian to the most luxurious room and stopped.

"Miss Mengmeng is with his wife now. Madam, do you want to go in?" With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Fengdie waited for Song Qian's answer in a long time.

Their wives and Song Qian are in the same situation. She doesn't want to remind Song Qian that his wife doesn't like people's involuntary habits.

"Yeah." Song Qian responded and pushed the door in without hesitation.

Fengdie smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and stood aside, waiting to see Song Qian deflate in it.

But she waited for a long time, and the movement inside was always gentle.

Fengdie knew that there would be no result if he waited any longer, so he could only leave in a hurry, and dialed a call in the dark.

"Mom, Mengmeng and grandma have a very good chat." As soon as Song Qian appeared, Qian Mengmeng ran over, blinking his eyes to please Song Qian, "Mommy, Mengmeng has something for mom. Leave a note, did Mommy see it?"

"Really?" Song Qian looked at Qian Mengmeng with a flat face, Qian Mengmeng nodded immediately, for fear that Song Qian would be angry with her.

Song Qian felt better now. She tried to pull Mengmeng behind her, but Pang Bingshuang sent someone to act first.

"Bring the little lady down." Pang Bing waved his hand, and the maid standing next to Qian Mengmeng immediately stepped forward and took Qian Mengmeng to leave.

"Mommy, I'll be fine. Have a good chat with grandma." Qian Mengmeng was very reluctant, but thinking about her agreement with Pang Bingshuang just now, she could only sigh and take the initiative to hold the maid. 'S hand and left with her.

Originally, Song Qian thought that Mengmeng would guard her tightly, but now seeing her as if she was willing to be taken away, Song Qian frowned.

"Since you are here, sit down." Pang Bingshuang's tone was very kind.

"No need." Song Qian faintly refused, "Madam, I want to take Mengmeng to leave."

"Song Qian, you are still disobedient as before." Pang Bingshuang seemed to be dissatisfied with Song Qian's attitude, but she did not immediately go crazy, but stubbornly emphasized her order, "I don't want to sit with someone who dare not sit down. The next person talks about things. If you don’t want to sit down, you can leave now. But Mengmeng, you can’t take it with you.”

"Madam?" Song Qian snorted coldly, "Madam should have seen my abilities. I think it's easy to take away Mengmeng."

"Really?" Pang Bing smiled faintly, "Song Qian, if you want to lose the child in your stomach and Qian Mengmeng at the same time, you can do so. Our Pei family's old house is not vegetarian all these years, even before You may not be able to escape successfully, let alone you who are not as strong as before, and you still want to take away a money Mengmeng?"

"The bullet has no eyes. Our Pei family's bodyguard will not take into account your relationship with Yilin, and give you a little face." Pang Bingshuang seemed to want to break Song Qian's back path, snorted, and continued, "Song Qian , You have no other choice but to listen to my orders. Perhaps, I will let you and Qian Mengmeng die."

"What does Madam want?" Song Qian frowned and seemed to regret not taking part of the Pei family bodyguard.

But what about bringing it here?

It was just jumping from the wolf den to the tiger den, allowing Pei Yilin to guard herself more closely.

Moreover, Song Qian didn't believe that Pei Yilin's bodyguard would do anything against Pang Bingshuang.

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