At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 254 I am very worried about you

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Knowing that he could no longer stay by his side, Fengdie smiled bitterly, and pressed the red button in his hand, and closed his eyes resolutely.

Perhaps, in the next life, she will never sneak into Pei's house again. If she does not meet Pei Yilin, she will not be tempted, nor will she fear death like this.

"Yilin, she is the maid-in-charge of Pei's old house!" Before he died, Fengdie felt the pain of her body being dragged, and also heard the sound of steady steps getting closer.

She really wanted to open her eyes and take another look at Pei Yilin, but she seemed to never see it. A feeling of suffocation came from her throat, and Fengdie's eyes widened unwillingly.

When Pei Yilin was about to appear in front of her, she reluctantly exhaled one last breath and never inhaled the fresh air of the world.

"Contact Pei's old house, dig three feet in the ground, and find out where there may be gas bombs." Pei Yilin frowned and ordered, and he glanced at the controller in Fengdie's hand. He added, "The first person Withdraw all."

"Yes." Fang Zi Kuang took the order to do it immediately, contacted Pang Bingshuang, and learned that Pang Bingshuang and others had already withdrawn, but when Xiang Yuqing was out without a trace, Pei Yilin frowned.

"Zi Kuang, where do you think she will go?" Pei Yilin frowned and asked.

He doesn't care about Xiang Yuqing's life and death, but if she is with Song Qian, he has to worry about Song Qian's safety, and for Song Qian, he will rush Xiang Yuqing back to Xiang's house as much as possible.

"I think she is still at Pei's house. Moreover, she may have become a dead person now." Fang Zi Kuang frowned, thinking of Ka Yuan Yin's determination just now, he had reserved guesses, "But if Ka Yuan Yinan’s gas bomb is not very strong. She may be alive, but she is definitely not the original one."

While Pei Yilin was thinking, his and Fang Zikuan's mobile phones rang at the same time. The two of them frowned and looked at the phone screen, and frowned immediately.

It was a video of Xiang Yuqing being stunned, but looking at her slightly undulating chest, Pei Yilin was sure she was not dead.

"Yilin, if something happened to Xiang Yuqing at Pei's house and eventually died at Pei's house, do we need to explain to Xiang's family?" Fang Zi asked frantically.

Xiang Yuqing had an accident in Pei's family. Although it was not the fault of Pei's family, it seemed that Xiang's family had lost a healthy daughter. They seemed to give them an explanation.

"No. She shouldn't be dead yet." Pei Yilin said coldly, "If she is really dead, she will be ordered to collect her body and send it to Xiangjia."

"Yilin..." Fang Zikuang still felt wrong.

He spoke, he was about to persuade Pei Yilin, but he saw Pei Yilin rushing towards a short distance anxiously.

"Yilin!" Fang Zi Kuang followed closely. Only then did he see that the silver vehicle not far away seemed to have been severely injured, and was rushing towards him crookedly.

Fang Zikuang could see that although the people in the car were trying their best to brake, the effect was obviously not very good.

"Yilin, be careful." Fang Zi frowned frowned.

He didn't know why Pei Yilin would suddenly rush over, but he believed Pei Yilin and knew that he must have his own reasons for doing things.

Therefore, Fang Zi Kuang instructed Pei Yilin to pay attention to his body, while rushing to the car, trying to help the person stop the car.

"Uncle Zikuang, hug my mommy!" Qian Mengmeng was sitting in the swaying car, his face pale in fright, but he kept begging Fang Zikuang.

Fang Zi Kuang frowned when he heard it, and was about to ask Qian Mengmeng where Song Qian is.

The car door over there was suddenly pulled down, and then, Fang Zikang saw Pei Yilin picking up the car door with one hand and holding the potbellied Song Qian in his arms with the other.

The car was not stable yet, so he carried out a pregnant woman who had been pregnant for several months. It was too risky.

"Pei Yilin, this is very dangerous." Song Qian shouted uncomfortably.

She just woke up and didn't know the ins and outs of the matter, but she also knew that it was an incorrect behavior for Pei Yilin to hold herself out of a speeding car like this.

Pei Yilin glared at her fiercely: "You know the danger, come back? Come down with me."

"Yeah." Song Qian knew that it was not a good time to quarrel, and nodded. When the car drifted to a place with a willow tree, she suddenly grabbed the branch of the willow tree, and Pei Yilin was also very cooperative and held it. Her waist lifted her out of the car.

"If you don't ask my opinion anymore, you will go to a dangerous place. I will let you never get out of bed, and you will never see Mengmeng." Pei Yilin hummed coldly when everything was done.

Listening to Pei Yilin's ambiguous dominance, Song Qian frowned slightly and was about to refute, but when she raised her head, she looked into his worried eyes.

"Okay. I won't do this again in the future." Song Qian nodded uncomfortably, and looked at the side Cheng Xian who had tried her best to stop Brady who had failed the brakes. She immediately struggled away from Pei Yilin's arms. come out.

"Sheng Xian, how are you?" Song Qian asked anxiously.

"Aunt Xiao Song, I'm okay." Cheng Xian got out of the car. He was not rusty, but he didn't have time to take care of it. Instead, he walked quickly to the back seat, opened the car door, and took the money inside. Meng brought it out.

"Mengmeng, how are you?" Qian Mengmeng kept holding the door frame, trying to keep her body stable. Even if Fang Zi Kuang didn't hug her down just now, she still protected herself very well and didn't let herself suffer. hurt.

This situation made Cheng Xian feel less guilty. He smiled silly and promised Qian Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, next time, I will not let you sit so uncomfortably."

"There will be another time?" Qian Mengmeng squashed, "Constitution, although you and I are all boasted as gifted children. But this kind of driving work should be given to your driver in the future. You, really don't Suitable."

"Mengmeng, what happened this time was an accident." Cheng Xian listened and nervously told Qian Mengmeng what had happened.

Qian Mengmeng's expression suddenly shrank upon hearing this.

She didn't expect that Jia Yuanyin would team up with that Yuchi Haolan's mother Ye Xin so quickly.

Moreover, after joining forces, the first thing they did was to brutally attack themselves and Mommy, allowing them to secretly destroy themselves under the cover of a group of road construction workers while Cheng Xian got off the car for inspection. Brakes.

"Mengmeng?" Cheng Xian quickly called when Qian Mengmeng frowned.

"I'm fine." Qian Mengmeng glanced at him, and was about to say something, but he met Song Qian's disapproving gaze next to him.

Qian Mengmeng knew that Mommy was worried about herself and constitution, so she sighed slightly. She took out a slender finger and tapped on the temple of constitution, and then learned the posture of shrews on TV to instruct constitution. .

"Constitution, you should pay attention to it in the future. When there is a lady in the car, you must be gentle and drive slowly. You can't be as rash as this time. If it wasn't my daddy who did it just now, my mother Mi must be panicked right now. Cheng Xian, when will you mature a little, when will you be like my daddy, like me?" Qian Mengmeng paused and continued, "I will stop the car in the future, don't Just look at the brand, but also look at the performance. We can’t grab a car without world-class brakes, no matter how big the brand is.”

Qian Mengmeng blinked and signaled Cheng Xian to go on according to her own statement. She knew that only Cheng Xian had seen the small move of adding Yuan Yin.

So she hoped that Cheng Xian would keep it secret, and after she got the news about the hiding place of Kawon Silver, she would tell Pei Yilin and others.

"Yes." Cheng Xian smiled, his white and neat teeth gleaming in the sun.

Although he knew that Qian Mengmeng's words were the logic of the robbers, they were simply untenable.

However, being able to stand in front of her, listen to her nagging, and look at her various cute little expressions, Cheng Xian feels that this is the life he wants most and what he wants to do most.

"Mengmeng, didn't you scare you?" Cheng Xian probingly touched Qian Mengmeng's hair.

"Of course not! How could I be frightened? I am a bold child in the world." Qian Mengmeng threw off Cheng Xian's hand and spoke proudly. The appearance of defeating the cock made Song Qian laugh.

"Mengmeng..." Song Qian beckoned towards Qian Mengmeng.

Why did she suddenly feel that her daughter is loved by others and the flowers are blooming?

"Mummy, I'm here." Qian Mengmeng replied, and repeatedly used his eyes to indicate the constitution, asking him to keep a secret with himself and not to disclose what happened to them to Pei Yilin.

She didn't want Daddy to worry, and she didn't want Mommy to be nagged by Daddy.

Cheng Xian agreed, and he didn't want to mention the shocking scene just now.

In that case, his brakes suddenly failed, so that he didn't even help Uncle Pei to stop Kawara Silver, which made him feel guilty.

It seems that I can feel the interaction between Cheng Xian and Qian Mengmeng. When Qian Mengmeng ran to Pei Yilin, Pei Yilin did not hug her, but squatted down and looked directly into Qian Mengmeng’s eyes. .

"Mengmeng, did you encounter something on the way here?"

Pei Yilin frowned very tightly and his eyes were very sharp.

He knows very well that, like Cheng Xian's calm temper, it is impossible for him to find a car without checking the brakes.

It must be something they encountered on the way, these must be very dangerous, so Qian Mengmeng did not want Cheng Xian to say it, so he worried.

Pei Yilin knew Qian Mengmeng's intentions, and even more clearly that Cheng Xian would definitely not tell him everything under her instructions.

Therefore, instead of asking Cheng Xian, he directly asked Qian Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, what happened?" Song Qian frowned. She suddenly remembered that she had a memory gap in the middle.

After she woke up, Qian Mengmeng told herself that Cheng Xian was too unreliable and chose a car with a brake failure.

Although Song Qian was puzzled at the time, under Qian Mengmeng's repeated assurances, she could only choose to trust her daughter.

But, now it seems that the situation is not what you think it is?

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