At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 256 Hate due to love

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"You..." Xiang Chi looked at Pang Bingshuang annoyed, and was about to say something rebellious, but Pei Yilin stepped to the front of Pang Bing's double side, squeezed Xiang Chi's wrist, and pulled it to dislocation.

Screaming to Chi with pain, big beads of sweat kept slipping from his forehead.

"How can you do this?" Madam Xiang reacted and quickly scolded Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin glanced at him coldly and said, "Anyone who hurts our Pei family will end up like this. Madam Xiang, while I have a good temper, I will immediately take your husband away. Otherwise, I will completely ruin the Xiang family. , There is no place in this world at all."

" unscrupulous white-eyed wolf. Have you forgotten how Yuqing treated you? She used to chase after your ass and called her brother every time. Now she has been made a fool. She seeks justice and wants to kill our Xiangjia. You are too unconscionable!" Madam Xiang was deterred, knowing that she could not seek justice from Pei Yilin this time, so she could only cry.

"Shuangshuang, we grew up together. You like Yuqing's child very much. Now that she has become a fool, you may realize my heart of being a mother? I am a good daughter, how come to Pei's house..."

"Xiao Sa." Pang Bing showed guilt on both sides. Although the Pei family is not to blame for today's events, such things also happened in Pei's family.

In addition, she has a good relationship with Mrs. Xiang, and it seems impossible to explain it to her.

Why don't you let her become Lin'er's woman and be raised in Pei's house, and said to the outside world that she was the righteous daughter?

"Mom, I only have one wife, and that is Song Qian." Pei Yilin coldly rejected Pang Bingshuang's fantasy. When he turned to face Xiangchi, his expression became colder, "If you want Xiangjia's family crest, I will do it now. I can give it to you. But you must be clear that holding the family crest is equivalent to holding a piece of hot potato. Are you sure you can continue?"

"I, I..." Xiang Chi hesitated.

Although he does covet that amazing wealth, he also knows his strength. Now letting him guard the family crest is basically pushing him to death. He can’t covet the family crest, what he wants. It's real money.

"Leave your daughter out of City Z and go to the Philippines. I will give you three entertainment industries there." Pei Yilin promised lazily.

Hearing Xiang Chi's eyes brightened, he had been coveting the property of Pei's family in the Philippines for a long time.

But now, Pei Yilin handed over?

It's just that he doesn't have a suitable person on his side. If he takes it over, if he doesn't, would he lose a lot of money?

"My staff will lend you ten years. After ten years, they will return to Pei's family. During these ten years, all the wealth they created belongs to your Xiang family." Pei Yilin seemed to see Xiang Chi's He hesitated, and then said, "It's just that Xiang Jia must abide by the agreement, and he must not step into China in this life. Otherwise, I will take back all of your industries and leave you with nothing."

"Okay, okay." Xiang Chi nodded after hearing this, with Jinshan Yinshan in his hands, where did he go to enjoy it badly, but he still wants to return to his hometown?

"But, Yuqing..." said to his wife embarrassedly, "We don't come back anymore and leave Yuqing at Pei's house. We can't bear it."

"What's the reluctance? The daughter who married out, the water that was thrown out, you still expect her to stay with you for a lifetime?" Xiang Chi reprimanded, "The great wealth is in front of you, and you can't forget it. Is that stinky piece of meat that fell off your body?"

"Master, she, she is our daughter." Madam Xiang was sad.

Pang Bingshuang looked distressed, and he just wanted to promise something, but was stopped by Pei Yilin.

"Xiang Yuqing, you can take it away. If you need any doctor, our Pei family will arrange it." Pei Yilin said coldly, and couldn't help but refuse to his wife.

"Come here, take Director Xiang and Mrs. Xiang. In three days, help them pack their things and send them to the Philippines." Pei Yilin ordered Xiang Yuqing to go.

Mrs. Xiang listened, although she was unwilling, but she also knew that this was the biggest discount Pei Yilin could give.With a sigh, she could only leave Pei's house with Xiang Chi and set about preparing to go to the Philippines.

"Lin'er, Yuqing's child is also pitiful, why don't you keep her?" Pang Bingshuang felt bored as he watched Mrs. Xiang leave.

"My home will only keep my family. Nobody is allowed to enter." Pei Yilin snorted lightly, "Mom, if you want our family to be harmonious and prosperous, don't stop people like Xiang Yuqing in the future. I took them home. Their arrival will not only help Qian'er and me get better, but will push Qian'er further and further away."

"Lin'er?" Pang Bing was embarrassed, "I think I cover it up very well, how do you tell?"

"Mom, Qian'er is not an ordinary woman. What she wants is pure love, but I want to give her a lot of it. My heart is very small, and I only love this woman. So, if next time If someone comes to Pei's house, their fate will be even worse by Xiang Yuqing. Okay, I have been away from Qian'er for too long, so I have to go back and see her." Pei Yilin left a word and left.

Watching the back of his son leaving, Pang Bing sighed quietly.

Why is his son so different from his husband?

So affectionate, so stubborn, it really hurt her to the bone!

Pang Bingshuang knew that interfering with Pei Yilin's love would only make his attitude towards him worse.

Therefore, for her and Pei Yilin's hard time breaking the ice, she decided to close her eyes and let his relationship with Song Qian develop.

As soon as Pei Yilin left Pang Bingshuang's vision, he speeded up and walked towards Song Qian's room.

There were silly gas bombs placed there by Kayuan Silver, and I hope someone has cleaned it up.

"Uncle Pei, you are here." Cheng Xian looked at Pei Yilin who was approaching, and cried out obediently.

"Yeah." Pei Yilin replied, opened the door, smelled it, and made sure that there was no such smell before stepping in slowly.

Cheng Xian stood outside the door, watching him approaching the sleeping mother and daughter cautiously, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Cheng Xian vowed in his heart that he must continue to grow stronger, that he must be able to protect the woman he loves comprehensively, and that he must treat his future lover gently.

But the prerequisite for all of this is to solve the external factors affecting her growth first, so that Kawara Silver and others can eat their own fruits.

"What is the result of your investigation?" Cheng Xian contacted the Interpol.

"We already have some evidence of the crime of Jiayuan Yin. But now, we have not found suitable witnesses, and we can't find Jiayuan Yin. It is constitutional, you and Qian Mengmeng still need to work hard. As soon as possible Only by helping us collect information can we arrest Kawara Silver." The Interpol leader said anxiously.

"We... don't have time." Cheng Xian snorted lightly. "Ahu and the others seem to be very leisurely recently. You might as well let them join in. And Mengmeng and I will occasionally provide you with some valuable clues. Oh, by the way, how did you deal with the suspected arms sale in the Dark Night Empire? Is it true?"

"This..." The leader of the Interpol organization was embarrassed. Should he tell Cheng Xian the latest information?

However, if they tell him that the Dark Night Empire has not involved any activities that are not conducive to the country at all, will Cheng Xian wish to rush back and kill him immediately, and then take Qian Mengmeng away and fly high, so that they will never find it again To?

"What's wrong with this?" Cheng Xian frowned. Recently, the organization stopped forcing them to inquire about the Dark Night Empire, which made him feel relieved.

But then, he became suspicious again.

After all, things in the Dark Night Empire are very serious. If they are really involved in crime, Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian will inevitably be rivals with Pei Yilin.

"We haven't checked this out yet. After we check it out, let's contact you." The head of Interpol hung up the phone in a panic and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was really afraid of this. It's a constitutional man!

Let's talk about the constitution. Seeing that the leader of the Interpol organization hung up, he immediately contacted the people on the side of Chengwenfeng, asking them to follow the clues he gave to continue inquiries, and send the information found to his mailbox on time.

Cheng Wenfeng's subordinates said they would take the order to do it, and then asked whether they want to rescue Cheng Wenfeng from Pei's house now.

After all, Written Seals are their masters. They leave him empty like this for a long time, and it seems not very good.

"Don't worry about him. He has his own arrangements." Cheng Xian ordered a few words, then hung up the phone, and began to recall the scene of his assassination.

Although Kayuan Silver was among the people who assassinated him, she was obviously in control. The people who attacked them were covered with their faces, and their steps and guns were a bit like Ye's.

They are from the Ye family, there is no doubt about it.

But are they Yuchi Haolan's people or Ye Xin's people?

"Master Cheng Xian, you are here. Great." Cheng Xian's thinking was interrupted by the call of the maid.

He put a deep face away and looked at the maid faintly: "What's the matter?"

"Master Yuchi heard that the young lady was injured, and now he brought tonics and waited in the living room. The lady was speaking with him, and asked me to invite the young lady and the young master to pass. However, the young lady and the young master seem to be inconvenient." The maid looked at Cheng Xian embarrassedly.

The young master, his wife, and the young lady are sleeping, she dare not wake them up.

She knew the young master's temper very well, and she did not dare to mess with him.

However, Cheng Xian seems to have a good relationship with the young master. If he goes to call someone, he should be better?

"Well, I see." Cheng Xian replied and walked towards Song Qian's room.

The maid looked at his leaving back, wiped off his sweat, and quickly returned to the living room.

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