At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 258 In short, I will always love you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Pei Yilin, Cheng Xian is still outside." Song Qian said coolly, "I am a face-saving person."

"It doesn't matter, he may have left early." Even with his own strength, Pei Yilin knew that Cheng Xian's knock on the door was about to sound in the next second, but he still said lie without shame.

The three black lines on Song Qian's forehead slid down, as he was about to make a "Hedong Lion Roar", but the door over there was closed.

It turned out that after hearing Pei Yilin's suggestion to make a constitution, after thinking about it for a long time, finally decided to listen to Qian Mengmeng's words to create opportunities for Song Qian and Pei Yilin.

Immediately afterwards, a faint sound of footsteps went further and further, and Song Qian knew that Cheng Xian had really left this time.

"Qian'er, I think..." Pei Yilin nodded as she watched Cheng Xian close the door wisely, and then looked at Song Qian pitifully.

Song Qian laughed at the look of wanting to get his beloved thing.

She spoke, just about to say something, but suddenly remembered that the person who seemed to be lying with her was Qian Mengmeng?

But where is she now?

"Where is Mengmeng?" Song Qian frowned.

Nothing can happen to Mengmeng at this critical moment!

"She went out, she asked me to come here." Pei Yilin took out her cell phone and showed Song Qian a video recorded by Qian Mengmeng just now.

In the video, Qian Mengmeng smiled and told Song Qian everything he had done.

When Song Qian learned that Qian Mengmeng had calculated herself just now and wanted to rest on this big bed with Pei Yilin, her face flushed with shame.

damn it!

Who taught her daughter to go bad?

Is it Pei Yilin?

"Pei Yilin!" Song Qian glared at Pei Yilin fiercely, and gritted his teeth, "I'm going to see Yuchi Haolan now. If you don't take me over, I will turn out the window myself."

Song Qian was very angry, especially angry.

She felt that her self-esteem had been severely damaged, and it was not counted by her daughter and Pei Yilin to calculate it together, but she even saw her daughter's black belly?

What does it mean to enjoy your rare youth time as soon as possible before the birth of your little brother?

Mengmeng must have been damaged by Pei Yilin!

Song Qian was very distressed, and a touch of discomfort and anger was added to Pei Yilin's eyes.

Ren is an ordinary woman, and she will get angry when she sees that the obedient girl she has finally cultivated has been trained to become a little sister.

What's more, Song Qian, who placed high hopes on Qian Mengmeng?

"Qian'er, it's not me..." Pei Yilin said helplessly, trying to explain something, but their door was knocked suddenly.

"Are the young lady and young master inside? Young master Yuchi will be here in less than a minute. Madam asked his subordinates to inform the young master and young lady to prepare." A cowardly voice conveyed Pang Bingshuang's command.

"No, we are not here! Don't you want to live anymore?" Pei Yilin roared, seemingly in a very bad mood.

The knocker outside was shaking badly. When he spoke again, his teeth shook so badly that he almost bit off his tongue. "Master, the subordinates know that he will definitely die this time, but for the sake of my eighty mother. , You'd better let the young lady come out to meet the guests."

As soon as the bodyguard finished talking, he turned to leave.

The young master inside is so terrible, he shouldn't have any direct contact with him!

"Okay, I'll go over now." Song Qian put on the clothes, regardless of Pei Yilin's disapproving gaze, got out of the bed slowly and walked towards the door.

Pei Yilin was very annoyed, and yelled at Song Qian's back: "You can't see him alone, I'll go with you."

After the words, he got off the bed extremely quickly, came to Song Qian in three steps and two steps, and was about to walk out, holding her waist.

The overbearing appearance made Song Qian very helpless.

She glared at him uncomfortably, and said unconsciously: "Pei Yilin, in such a hot day, you are so close to me, do you want me to get prickly heat?"

"No..." Pei Yilin shook his head, "I'm just... afraid that you will fly with someone."

Song Qian was embarrassed and her white cheeks suddenly turned red.

Such red is as dazzling as a peach blossom, so Pei Yilin can't help but want to bend over.

But thinking of Song Qian's temper, he still opened the door, hugged her waist, and gently led her out.

"Qian Qian..." Outside the door, Yu Chi Haolan's eyes were locked tightly on Song Qian and Pei Yilin. They clasped their hands, they looked so harmonious, but they made his eyes sore.

Is he still a step late after all?

Did she not open her heart anymore and invite herself to enter?

"Hao Lan." Song Qian yelled, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, "How are you doing?"

"I recently... very good." Yu Chi Haolan paused and looked up at Pei Yilin, "President Pei, I have something to talk to Qian Qian alone."

"Do you want me to get out?" Pei Yilin was very upset.

His place, his woman, why should he give way?

"Qian Qian, okay?" Wei Chi Haolan ignored Pei Yilin's anger and looked directly at Song Qian.

His gentle gaze fell softly on Song Qian's face and body, and seeing that she seemed to be living well here, there was no trace of missing him in his eyes, and Yu Chi Haolan's heart was bluntly hurt.

I'm afraid she doesn't even know how she thinks about her, right?

Her eyes were as calm as ice, without a trace of waves, but she moved to the side to look at Pei Yilin, although with a touch of discomfort, it made him envious.

At least, she still has feelings for Pei Yilin, as well as some emotional ups and downs.

Yuchi Haolan's eyes were sour, and his lips trembled. He almost wanted to blurt out the words in his heart, and wanted to tell Song Qian that no matter what she was, he was willing to guard her, and wanted to give her the best love, and wanted to keep it. By her side forever.

"Hao Lan, no need." Song Qian politely rejected Yuchi Haolan.

Song Qian didn't seem to want to give Yuchi Haolan any chance at all. She interrupted him decisively. Although the tone was very polite, the result still hurt Yuchi Haolan.

Especially when he saw Pei Yilin who was smiling smugly next to him, the sadness in Yu Chi Haolan's eyes became even worse.

"Qian Qian, is it because of him?" Yu Chi Haolan's voice was tentative. "Although Pei Yilin doesn't seem to be perfect, I won't say anything bad about him. What I want to tell you is just about your safety. It is related to my mother. If you have time, I still want to talk to you alone."

"She doesn't have time." Pei Yilin interrupted Yu Chi Haolan with a cold face.

Yu Chi Haolan was furious and gave him a harsh look.

"Yuchi Haolan, I protect my Qianer very well. I don't need you to cry a mouse and fake mercy. If you really want Qianer to be safer, stay away from her!" Pei Yilin commanded domineeringly, he was right. Yuchi Haolan didn't have a good attitude.

Recently, because Ye Xin sent someone to rescue Kayuan Yin, he hated Yuchi Haolan even more.

He hated Yuchi Haolan's indecision, and he didn't want his Qianer because Yuchi Haolan had any difference.

Therefore, although he clearly said such words in front of Song Qian, it seemed inappropriate.

But for Song Qian, he still tried...

Song Qian frowned. Just now Wei Chi Haolan said it had something to do with his mother?

Ye Xin, that kind-hearted mother of Yuchi Haolan?

What does she want to do to herself?

Is it possible that she was afraid of her entanglement with Captain Chi Haolan, or for the family crest that Wei Chi Haolan gave her?

Thinking like this, Song Qian couldn't help but cast his eyes on Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin's eyes were heavy, as if he was thinking about something.

"Qian Qian, you should know that I won't hurt you." Seeing that Song Qian did not immediately agree to his request, Yu Chi Haolan turned his attention to Pei Yilin, and said quickly, "Whether you are in What to consider, I just want to say that I just want to protect you, just like when I was a kid. Shallow, just once, let me protect you again, okay?"

Yuchi Haolan's gaze fixedly looked at Song Qian. Because of her pregnancy, her figure became plump and more attractive than before.

But the sadness between her brows was the real reason why Yu Chi Haolan was reluctant to leave her.

When they were young, Song Qian stayed in his heart, and he still couldn't bear to let her go.

In these days, Yuchi Haoran has been taken by Ye Xin to study business management in Switzerland.

It seemed that it was to punish Yu Chi Haolan for giving Xiang Jia's family crest to Song Qian without authorization. When Ye Xin knew that he was a leader in corporate management, he immediately invited a strict mentor to teach him.

That teacher is notoriously hard-hearted, if it weren't for Yuchi Haolan to successfully achieve his goal, he might still be staying in Switzerland now instead of appearing in front of Song Qian, watching her close to Pei Yilin.

The longer he stayed in Switzerland, the more Yu Chi Haolan missed Song Qian. When it came from the country that she was calculated by the original silver, he immediately drove the plane back to City Z.

When he got off the plane, he didn't go home and went straight to Pei's Mansion, wanting to see Song Qian.

He knew that Song Qian now intends to divide his boundaries with him, which made Yu Chi Haolan very painful.

But under the pain, he still wanted to keep his gentleness towards Song Qian as much as possible, and told Song Qian the countermeasures he thought of dealing with Ye Xin these days.

However, Song Qian obviously didn't want to listen, and Pei Yilin repeatedly hindered...

Pei Yilin, why is he?

Yuchi Haolan turned to look at Pei Yilin, the man who had always been arrogant, now there was a faint smile on his mouth.

With Pei Yilin's "little man's ambition" appearance, Yu Chi Haolan's eyes were darkened, and a trace of anger rose in his heart. For the first time, he had the urge to tear someone apart.

Qian Qian and him can be regarded as childhood sweethearts, and the relationship between the two is naturally very deep. Without Pei Yilin's aggressive insertion, Qian Qian would be his bride.

But now, Qian Qian has become a young woman pregnant with Pei Yilin's child.

Yuchi Haolan knew very well that although Song Qian was cold on the surface, in the bottom of her heart she yearned for the warmth of family more than anyone else.

And she has always been a responsible person, even for the child in her womb, she is reluctant to leave Pei Yilin, right?

However, Qian Qian, Pei Yilin is so dangerous around him, he is not suitable for you at all.

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