Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin's heart was worried again.

Thinking of that possibility, his voice suddenly became colder than before, and his attitude became worse than before: "Yichi Haolan, it seems that I have given you a little more time. Now, I want to take back the convenience I just gave you. "

Pei Yilin said viciously while attacking in the direction of Yuchi Haolan very quickly.

Yuchi Haolan is not strong, even if he thinks that his software prowess is equal to Pei Yilin, he can fight.

But in terms of physical fitness and martial arts, Yu Chi Haolan was a bit behind Pei Yilin. Even if he tried his best to fight Pei Yilin, he was still within three moves and was hit by his fist on the bridge of the nose.

Yuchi Haolan's nose was beaten with blood by Pei Yilin, he wiped his hand, then smiled evilly, and rushed towards Pei Yilin again.

"Come here, help the young lady back." After the beating, Pei Yilin did not apologize immediately, but instead ordered people to take Song Qian away.

Song Qian naturally didn't want to leave, so she snorted coldly. She walked quickly to Yuchi Haolan, took out the tissue she was carrying with her and handed it to him.

"Qianqian, don't worry, I will always have a strong day." Yuchi Haolan took the tissue, and while wiping it, promised.

"Yeah." Song Qian snorted lightly.

She looked somewhat distracted.

Yuchi Haolan is good at observing people's expressions. Seeing Song Qian behaving like this at this moment, she immediately understood that she didn't want to continue this problem.

"Qian Qian, I will one day turn you into my bride." Yu Chi Haolan smiled, and the probing hand grabbed Song Qian's hand. When Song Qian reacted, he quickly bowed down. She branded a kiss on the back of her hand, then got up and left quickly.

He thought as he walked: The feeling of deterioration just now seemed pretty good!

"Yuchi Haolan!" Pei Yilin yelled and narrowed his eyes. He had made up his mind to solve Yuchi Haolan as soon as possible so that he could no longer appear in front of him and Song Qian.

"I am angry, I am angry!"

As soon as Yuchi Haolan left, Fang Zikang came to Song Qian and Pei Yilin.

With an unhappy expression on his face, the current Fangzi Kuang seemed to be a balloon about to explode, and he didn't know how to place himself.

"Is the company's affairs finished?" Pei Yilin asked coldly.

Song Qian saw that he was in a bad mood.

"Yeah. It's over." Fang Zi replied wildly, still looking a little impatient.

"What about other things?" Pei Yilin frowned and asked again.

"Nothing else. It's the ghost king, who is the child of the ghost king, why is it so annoying!" Fang Zikuang seemed unbearable. After all the things Pei Yilin handed over to him were clearly explained, he was filled with righteous indignation. What happened to him and Yin Baoer these days was told to Pei Yilin and others.

When Pei Yilin heard that Fang Zikuang was angry because the ghost king was not a bird, he couldn't help but twitching, as if saying, Fang Zikuang, I despise you.

"Yilin, you don't know how difficult the ghost king is. He is almost even more difficult than your Qian Mengmeng." Fang Zikuan was helpless.

"What did he do?" Pei Yilin raised an eyebrow.

Fang Zikuang even dared to say that his cuteness is difficult, it seems that he should give him a bit of a taste.

His eyes turned dark, Pei Yilin's mouth overflowed with a sneer.

Although he didn't quite understand the personality of the ghost king, Pei Yilin was also sure that the ghost king didn't seem to be as difficult as Fang Zikuang said based on the few contacts with him.

What is the reason that Fang Zi Kuang and Gui Wang are on the bar?

"Isn't it because of Bo'er? No, no, I didn't do anything." Fang Zikuang's face blushed suddenly, thinking that he had finally taken advantage of Yin Bao'er to kiss her inadvertently, and was planning to do something deeper. When he was deliberately interrupted by the ghost king, his anger surged again.

But at the same time, he was thinking about telling Pei Yilin and the others the possible sneer. He suddenly had a chill and decided not to say it.

"Since it’s okay, I’ll take care of the affairs of the Dark Night Empire and the Muhua Group. There have been a lot of things here recently, and I will stay with Qian'er. You are solely responsible for the company and organization. Or, you and Yin Baoer It's okay to be responsible together." Pei Yilin said, "Oh, yes, that Yuchi Haolan seems to be very difficult recently. You are responsible for fixing him."

Get Yuchi Haolan?

What is this concept?

Did Pei Yilin mean to kill Yuchi Haolan?

No way?

Hearing this, Fang Zikuan trembled, and then shouted "Heaven, earth", and he ran away hurriedly.

He should not be squeezed by the wicked boss. He has no wages and no time to rest. He is so foolish that he will do these things!

Seeing Fang Zikuang's back, Song Qian smiled comfortably: "This Fang Zikuang is really getting more and more fun. It seems that the power of friendship is greater!"

"Not really." Qian Mengmeng muttered, "Uncle Fang was clearly angry for Aunt Bao'er just now. Uncle Fang must have been unable to compete with Uncle King of Ghosts and came here to ask for help. But, I didn't expect it, shit. Daddy, You are really the evil capitalist!"

"Really?" Pei Yilin raised an eyebrow.

He didn't feel it at all.

"Of course." Qian Mengmeng nodded without hesitation, "and he is also the only evil capitalist in the world."

Cheng Xian beside him couldn't help laughing, but Pang Bingshuang frowned.

Thinking of what Pei Yilin had just ordered Fangzi mad, she said coldly: "Yilin, it is troublesome now. Anything wrong can cause disasters. You should be careful about everything. After all, this society is too impetuous, so be careful. That's great"

Pang Bingshuang knew that his son was very capable and had a strong team.

Usually, she knows something about this team, but she doesn't go deep.

But Fang Zikang's remark just now let Pang Bingshuang know that that organization must be an economy, which may create a lot of wealth for the Pei family, or it may bring disaster to the Pei family.

Pang Bingshuang did not pray for more money, all they wanted was family harmony and well-being.

Therefore, she must solve this hidden problem as soon as possible, and to do this, she must rely on Song Qian.

In other words, she needs Song Qian's help, but also without Pei Yilin's knowledge.

"Qian'er, are you tired too? Mom will help you down to rest." Pang Bingshuang suggested, the cunning flashing under her eyes made Song Qian immediately understand that she might have something to say to herself.

"Okay." With a faint smile on the corner of Song Qian's mouth, he walked slowly to Pang Bing's double face. The detective was about to take her hand away, but Pang Bingshuang glanced at Pei Yilin first.

"If I take you away like this, he won't have any opinions?" Pang Bingshuang seemed to care about Pei Yilin's thoughts.

"No." Song Qian shook his head and looked up at Pei Yilin.

In the sun, he stood leisurely by the door frame.

There was a cool breeze outside, and he stood at the tuyere, letting the squally wind mess up his hairstyle and mess up his plans.

Seeing that Pei Yilin did not respond, Pang Bingshuang immediately pulled Song Qian away.

As soon as Song Qian left, Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian also clamored to find Song Qian to play. Pei Yilin had no choice but to find a car to settle Cheng Xian and others, and then went to the company and organization to check the situation.

The company's situation is not optimistic. Although Pei Yilin and others have used the method of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger many times, the undercover is hidden very well. Even now, they have found no other evidence except for the clues that Bi Yuntao discovered.

This situation is not a big problem for Pei Yilin.

Therefore, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Pei Yilin decided to play a game to catch turtles in the urn.

In the afternoon, as soon as the beauty secretary Melanda arrived at the office, she heard the news that Pei Yilin was accompanied by pregnant Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng to Switzerland for surgery.

Melanda is a very calm person, even if she is very interested in the news, she still has a faint expression.

But the more she was like this, the more people wanted to carry out her gossip spirit to the end. In this way, Meilanda just walked around the office area and collected all the information she wanted.

"Master is at Ye's house now. Go and tell the master the news." As soon as Meilanda entered her office, she immediately lowered the blinds, and then there was a rustling sound, while she undressed and faced her. The man hiding in the closet spoke.

"Why should I go?" The man's voice was dull, and he obviously didn't want to do anything.

"If you don't go, do you want me to go personally? Huawen, I know you are sad because of your sister's death. This, I can understand. Fengdie is also my best friend, and I love her very much, too. I miss her very much. The thing I want to do most now is to kill Pei Yilin and avenge Fengdie. You are Fengdie’s sister, and you think the same as mine, right?” Meilanda looked at with beautiful eyes When I turned to Huawen, the deep affection in that made Huawen suddenly confused.

"Okay. I'll go." Huawen took on the task and hurriedly dressed up. She quickly walked out of Pei Yilin's company, and hurriedly walked to Ye's house under Meilanda's command.

Huawen, who thinks she has escaped Pei Yilin's supervision, seems to have no idea that everything about her and Meilanda is in Pei Yilin's plan, and the person sent to investigate her information this time is still the madman she is thinking of.

"You? Why are you here?" Huawen was stopped halfway by the employees of the Muhua Group led by Fang Zikang.

"Miss, you are trying to steal the trade secrets of the Muhua Group. We are going to send you to the Public Security Bureau now." Fang Zikuang looked cold, looking at Huawen as if looking at a stranger.

Such a look made Huawen's heart hurt. She couldn't help tearing off her mask and taking off her glasses, revealing her true colors.

Her eyes are full of affection: "Fang Zi Kuang, look at it, it's me, it's me Huawen."

"Well, you are the one who caught you. Huawen, you have been lurking in our company long enough, and you should pay the price for what you did." Fang Zikang said coldly, ignoring Huawen's affection.

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