At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 27 Eat-all, well-designed companionship

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Qian Mengmeng could only take over the cakes, and when he saw Daddy's face clearly, it suddenly became difficult to look.

"Prepare, there is an important guest to see in the evening." Pei Yilin said rough, then walked back to the study.

Liu Xuan also walked up to the second floor. Instead of seeing Pei Yilin, he came to find Song Qian.

"You are very curious, why can I return to Lin again?" Liu Xuan was obviously screaming.

"I disdain to know." Song Qian lazily responded.

It can be guessed with toes that Liu Xuan must have played the role of the bait and provided Pei Yilin with important information.

"You are not disdainful, you are jealous!" Liu Xuan smiled, "The reaction when you saw me and Lin hugged just now was obviously jealous. It's a pity that Lin is not interested in men!"

"Miss Liu." Song Qian's voice was close to freezing point, "You have not been with President Pei for a short time. Besides getting money, what else did you get?"

After speaking, Song Qian left Liu Xuan and walked to Pei Yilin's study triumphantly.

Liu Xuan gritted her teeth with anger, Song Qian poked at her most painful scar.

Qian Mengmeng tilted her head, she just went to the toilet, as if she had missed a good show!

Facing Pei Yilin, Song Qian remained arrogant.

Song Qian handed the token to Pei Yilin and said, "I found it according to the killer's words before his death."

Pei Yilin didn't lift his head, held the token in his hand, just glanced briefly.

"In addition, I also went to the Red Lotus Killer Hire Team." Song Qian said.

Pei Yilin frowned. He thought Song Qian was a member of the hired team, so he went to report it. But now, she took the initiative to tell the matter?

Could it be that his guess was wrong?

If it is wrong, what is Song Qian's true identity?

Looking at Song Qian's eyes, Pei Yilin asked, "What are you going to do?"

"As a buyer, I will meet the person named Xiao Honglian." Song Qian replied.

Pei Yilin's eyes narrowed and asked, "What do you think of him?"

"Greed of money." Song Qian quickly replied, "Seeing that he needs to pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan, 10% off if things are not discussed." Moreover, Xiao Honglian did not pay her at all!

"It's just like going to the zoo to see the monkeys." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian couldn't help laughing, Pei Yilin's sometimes cold humor really made her unacceptable!

"President Pei." Song Qian asked in a negotiating tone, "Why don't you reimburse me?"

Pei Yilin raised his eyes, "I think you are more greedy for money than Xiao Honglian."

"I'm at public expense! How can I do everything by myself?"

"Not convinced?"

"There is no such rule on the road!"

"If you work for someone, you have to listen."

"Evil capitalist!"

"what are you saying?"

"I said you are the most generous and righteous boss in the world!"

Song Qian was not convinced. She was a money fan. Recently, she lost a large amount of banknotes and was distressed.

There is a chance, she must kill Pei Yilin hard!

After Song Qian left, Pei Yilin picked up the phone and dialed a number to go out.

"Go and check if the Red Lotus Killers team is about to start replacing tokens today." Pei Yilin's voice was calm.

Song Qian?

After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, you are smarter than I thought, and I know more difficultly than you...

It was dark late, Song Qian drove Qian Mengmeng and Pei Yilin to the "Shengtian Farm" on the mountain to eat. The meals were all famous local products, and Pei Yilin was going to greet a guest here tonight: Cheng Wenfeng.

"President Pei! My dear brother, we haven't seen each other for three years!" Cheng Wenfeng greeted enthusiastically without getting off the car.

Written seals are well-known evil merchants, often appearing in the desert. Their gold-fishing skills are first-rate, they are fat-headed, and they wear a gold necklace as thick as an iron chain around their neck.

Cheng Xian, who is next to Cheng Wenfeng, is gentle, handsome and stylish, and his eyes will discharge at a young age.

"This is my son." Cheng Wenfeng pushed Cheng Xian in front of Pei Yilin, "Isn't it an uncle!"

Cheng Xian looked at Pei Yilin and said, "He is so young, he should be called the older brother."

"Little devil." Pei Yilin curled her lips, "You call my brother, then you and your dad are also brothers?"

Cheng Wenfeng smiled and said, "What a stinky kid!"

Qian Mengmeng was surprised. Could it be that Cheng Xian's surprise was to appear in front of her to help her?

Cheng Xian squeezed his eyes at Qian Mengmeng secretly, Qian Mengmeng hurriedly stayed beside Song Qian honestly, worried that Pei Yilin might see the flaws.

"Yo!" Cheng Wenfeng's gaze fixed on Song Qian, "This guy is really good-looking! He's more gentle than the little handsome guy I played yesterday!"

Song Qian frowned. She had inquired that Fangzi Kuang only loves women, but seeing beautiful men like to make fun of them, and the risk factor is not high.

Cheng Wenfeng is a true bisexual, and his habit of men has become stronger in the past two years.

Song Qian's intuition is: it's over!

"Cheng Wenfeng." Cheng Xian called his father's name directly, "In front of children, can you restrain yourself?"

Only then did Cheng Wenfeng see Qian Mengmeng with a baby like Qian Mengmeng, squeezed her face, and said, "This guy is so cute! He must be a boy killer when he grows up."

Qian Mengmeng hid back, first feeling that he didn't like written letters.

"Brother Pei, who is she?" Wenfeng asked.

"I picked it up by the road." Pei Yilin said casually.

Qian Mengmeng was not happy. After acknowledging her daddy, she would have to figure out her current account carefully with him!

"It's better to give her to my son!" Wenfeng suggested.

Cheng Xian couldn't help smiling, Qian Mengmeng quickly said: "No! I only like the big brother!" Then he tightened Pei Yilin's hand and refused to let it go.

"I'm bold enough! Most people don't dare to say anything when they see me, don't say to refute me!" Cheng Wenfeng was more concerned about Qian Mengmeng, "That's it! Be my daughter-in-law!"

Song Qian felt that Cheng Wenfeng had done a good thing. How she thought about Cheng Xian and liked her, she matched Qian Mengmeng very well!

Seeing the smile on Song Qian's lips, Cheng Wenfeng pointed at her in turn and said to Pei Yilin: "Brother Pei, you bodyguard will be sent to protect me personally tonight."

Song Qian's face turned white, and it sounds like a protection. Adding the word personal, how could it be a hint of danger!

"Okay." Pei Yilin readily agreed, "Bodyguard Song, you go take a good bath, change your clothes, and re-arrange the boss's room by the way, and make sure to give the boss an unforgettable night."

"Yes." Song Qian was not angry, but instead said with a smile: "The subordinates must complete the task, and the boss will not be hurt by the slightest!"

Written and laughed, he hugged Song Qian over, touched her soft waist with one hand, and bit her lips in her ears: "Good deed, wait for me, I will come soon."

Pei Yilin's dark eagle eyes narrowed, shining a sharp cold light.

Song Qian slipped off like a loach, and then said, "I'm going to take a bath first."

"This guy is really the best!" Cheng Wenfeng didn't forget to admire, and then went to dinner with Pei Yilin.

Song Qian didn't go to the Wenfeng room at all, but went around looking at the lights on the mountain with great interest.

At the dinner, Cheng Wenfeng had been thinking about Song Qian, and said, "Brother Pei! I really can't drink it! My head hurts right after I got off the plane. I drank too much. What will happen after a while... Uh? You know!"

"I understand." Pei Yilin put down the wine glass in his hand, "The room has been opened for the boss, it's at 666."

"Then I'll go first." Cheng Wenfeng said, then took another look at Cheng Xian, who played well with Qian Mengmeng, and went to the room.

"President Pei." Kang Lu sent Pei Yilin back to his room, hesitatingly said: "Bodyguard Song is..."

Pei Yilin lowered his eyes and asked, "Do you care about her?"

"The subordinates are just afraid that Song Bodyguard will not be able to bear it." Kang Lu whispered his worry.

That written title is notoriously sadistic in some respects!

"With Song's bodyguard's ability, can't he handle such a thing?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

Just Song Qian's flexible brain, ten written letters may not be her opponents!

Do you still need him Pei Yilin to take care of her?

Kang Lu thought about it, so he stopped worrying and went around to see if there was any danger.

At this time, Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian secretly came out, swapped Pei Yilin's room number 888 and Cheng Xian's room number 666, smiled at each other, and then evacuated lightly.

Pei Yilin was sitting in the room, and Liu Xuan happened to call him.

"Lin." Liu Xuan whispered softly, "I've also come to the villa. Which room are you in. May I come to see you?"

After getting permission, Liu Xuan smiled happily, and after finishing her carefully dressed makeup in the mirror, she walked to the room gracefully and charmingly.

Song Qian saw Liu Xuan and followed him quietly, knowing that Liu Xuan must have come here for a date with Pei Yilin!

"I really don't spend a second." Song Qian muttered, the light in his eyes dimmed.

Why is she sour in her heart, as if she can't lift her energy for anything?

Song Qian glanced at Room 888, pouted, then raised his head proudly, and walked to Room 666.

Knocked on the door three times and then pushed the door to enter. When he saw that the person inside was Pei Yilin, Song Qian's eyes suddenly widened!

"Why are you!" Song Qian blurted out.

But Pei Yilin's face didn't look surprised.

Song Qian's mind was moving quickly. She entered Pei Yilin's room. Then, didn't Liu Xuan enter the written room just now?

How is this going?

Did Pei Yilin deliberately?

"You..." Song Qian's face flushed slightly.

She couldn't help it, so she asked, "Don't you like Miss Liu very much? Why do you want her to serve as the boss?"

A funny smile flashed in Pei Yilin's black eyes, and he glanced at the number plate on the door, and already understood what was going on.

Pei Yilin walked towards Song Qian, step by step, keeping her eyes locked on her body.

Song Qian's heart thumped and thumped wildly, all the blood poured into his head, and his reaction became slow.

How to do!

If he wants to kiss her, is she addicted or let it go?

What should she do if he wants to go a step further?

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