At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 283 I will protect you

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Ghost King, I am outside the door now. Come out, I have something to give you." Thinking about this, Fang Zikang called the Ghost King.

At that time, the ghost king had just recovered from the loss of Yin Baoer, when he suddenly received a call from Fang Zikuang. He frowned slightly, his fingers trembling, and wanted to put it on the hang-up button, but thinking of Yin Baoer he loved. He still put it on the answer button.

"En?" As soon as the ghost king answered the phone, he heard Fang Zikang's instructions, his brows frowned slightly, "Are you at the door? Where is Bao'er? You are not with her?"

Obviously, the Ghost King was a little bit lost. He thought he could hear a little Bo'er's voice by talking to Fangzi Kuangzi.

Song Qian sat next to him, looking at the child-like loss of the ghost king, the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

She felt that if there was no Fangzi Kuang, her brother and Yin Baoer seemed to be a good pair.At least, her brother is a boy who has never been in love. He knows how to love Bo'er.

"Yeah. I'll do something urgent here, and I'll go back soon. Bao'er, someone will take care of..." Fang Zi lied wildly.

"Okay, then I'll come out immediately." The Ghost King hung up the phone and turned to tell Song Qian to take a good rest. He immediately walked to the door and opened the door.

Fang Zikuang had already stood outside the door, and saw the ghost king coming, he immediately handed the marriage certificate to the ghost king, and told him to keep it well, not to Pei Yilin or Song Qian.

"Yeah. I know." The Ghost King nodded.

"Okay. The next thing to protect Song Qian, you can do it well. I miss my Bao'er very much, I have to go back immediately." Fang Zi listened wildly, smiled, turned around and left quickly.

With that impatient appearance, the King of Ghosts frowned, inexplicably, he always felt that today's Fangzi Kuang was different from before.

"Fang Zikang, if you can't take good care of Bo'er, I will snatch her back and be my bride." The ghost king shouted at Fang Zikang's back.

Fang Zi kuang heard the words, his body trembled, and then he turned and smiled at the ghost king: "Ghost king, do you think I will give you a chance? Dream it!"

"Is it a dream? Only you and I know." The ghost king stared at Fang Zikuan's eyes, and saw that although he was angry, he was not as impatient as before, and he immediately felt bad.Taking a few steps quickly, he immediately came to Fang Zikang's side and grabbed Fang Zikang's collar.

"Fang Zi Kuang, call Bo'er immediately!" The Ghost King threatened.

"Why? When I love to call Bao'er, you can't control it!" Fang Zi Kuang separated the hand of the ghost king, turned and left quickly.

He is still anxious to find the whereabouts of Kawara Silver, he has no time to spend time with the ghost king here.

"Okay, if you don't call her, I'll call her." The ghost king frowned, and immediately called Yin Bao'er.

Yin Bao'er's phone call kept showing that no one answered. The ghost king called for ten minutes, and finally someone answered. The voice of that person was not from Yin Bao'er, but a familiar but also a little strange voice.

"Who are you? This is not your cell phone!" Ghost King thought that someone took Yin Bao'er's cell phone and shouted coldly.

"Of course it's not my mobile phone. But, King of Ghosts, we are old friends." The voice over there was faint, it seemed to be very familiar, but there was no temperature.

When the ghost king heard this, a figure flashed in his mind, his face was dark, and he frowned and looked at Fang Zikuan next to him.

"Bo'er, was it taken by Kayuan Silver?" The Ghost King roared in a low voice.

"Yeah." Fang Zi Kuang nodded, "You continue to talk to her, I am looking for her location, and when we find her, other problems will be resolved."

"Yeah." The King of Ghosts nodded and continued to talk with Kawara Silver, "Let's talk about it, what is your purpose for catching Bo'er? Is it for Fang Zimad or for me?"

"What are you talking about?" Jiayuan Yin raised his eyebrows, and a touch of resentment suddenly appeared in his voice, "Ghost King, I have cultivated a lot of you over the years. You abandon me for a Yin Baoer. Do you think you are worthy of me?"

"Kahara silver, no one knows what you are to me better than you." The ghost king's voice was also cold, "and in those years, your so-called kindness, I used my half of my life to pay. If you didn't deliberately separate me With Song Qian, we will not be hostile to each other for so many years, and my face will not be so ruined."

"Face, a man's face, is that important?" Jia Yuanyin sneered, "Ghost King, it seems that you still have a lot of affection for Yin Baoer. He ruined Song Qian's appearance and brought Fang Zikuang and Pei Yilin to me. Come here, I will let you marry Yin Baoer and let you be free, how about?"

"Do you think I will believe you?" The Ghost King countered, "Add the original silver and I will find Bo'er. When I find Boer, it is the time when you atone for your sins over the years."

"Really? I'm so scared." Kawara Silver took off the phone in his ear and walked slowly to a huge double bed in the warehouse.There were two people on the double bed, one was Yin Bao'er, and the other was Qu Lan, who was abducted by Rolls-Royce and disappeared suddenly.

"Are you a doctor?" Jia Yuanyin probed her hand to Qu Lan, and Qu Lan immediately turned her face aside: "I am not anymore."

"But you used to be. I only give you two choices. The first is to perform heart dissection for her from now on and you will live; the second, let her perform the heart dissection for you, and you die!" Jia Yuan Yin He grabbed Qu Lan's collar, and went to touch Qu Lan's fair and tender face.

"Look, your face is so tender and lovely. If you die at such a young age, wouldn't it be a pity for you?" The enthusiasm and jealousy burning in Kayuan Yin's eyes are so strong, Qu Lan Staring at her eyes, thinking for a while, then spoke lightly.

"If you don't unlock it for me, what should I do?"

"It seems that you are sensible." Seeing that Qu Lan seemed to be willing to cooperate, a trace of regret flashed through Jia Yuan Yin's eyes, but she quickly let go of Qu Lan and threw a key to her.

"Unlock the lock yourself, and then do as I ordered. Here, I have installed the video. If you don’t do as I ordered, I will immediately detonate the gas bombs here and let you die together. And the people you care about , I will come to accompany you one by one." Kahara Silver gave an order, turned and left.

Suddenly, in the huge room, only Qu Lan, who was closest to the key, and Yin Baoer, who looked calmly left, were left.

"I'm sorry." Qu Lan was closest to the key, and slowly reached out to take the key into her hand. She first unlocked her handcuffs, then picked up the scalpel that she was most used to, and slowly moved towards Yin Baoer walked over...

She still wanted to see Yuchi Haolan, she didn't want to die, so Baoer was sorry.

"It's okay." Yin Baoer said lightly looking at the guilt in Qu Lan's eyes.

She knew very well that if she was in Qulan's position, she would choose the same as Qulan.However, she is really reluctant to bear this world, important things, she is reluctant to love her madness!

"I'm sorry, really, I'm sorry." Qu Lan trembling hands, walked towards Yin Baoer slowly.

Step by step, she walked hard but firm.

Seeing that she has come to Yin Bao'er, as long as she bends down, her sharp scalpel will cut through Yin Bao'er's white and tender skin, open her chest, and take out the heart that is still jumping...

Kawara Silver looked at Qu Lan's performance with satisfaction, and a slight arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

She lifted her veil with her slender fingers, and looked at the mirror clearly and resentfully at the scar that ran across her entire face.The scar was drawn by a sharp stone when she fell off the cliff. It was ten centimeters long and had a deep bone. Although Jiayuan Yin had been treated hastily, because of Pei Yilin’s next mountain search operation, she He did not leave successfully, but delayed the final opportunity for treatment.

Later, when she found the right time to go for treatment, the doctor shook her head helplessly and told her that she could only go for plastic surgery.

"Plastic surgery? Let someone use a knife on my face?" Kawara Silver sneered, lowered her veil, and walked quickly toward the door.

She adds the original silver and needs to arrange everything properly so that those who hurt her will pay the price for their actions.

Of course, the first person to pay the price is Song Qian, and the second is Pei Yilin.

Although she was reluctant to kill Pei Yilin, she couldn't wait to disfigure him.

In the misty night, the Porsche driven by Jiayuan Silver is like a silver fox walking through the widest streets in Switzerland. Her destination is the most luxurious film and television processing base here. She needs people there. It is very important to help her complete one. Very important thing.

The sky is always so long; the night is always so short.

When the sun's rays illuminate Switzerland, the most luxurious food street in Switzerland is already overcrowded.Everyone’s eyes are shining with excitement, and it seems that something great is about to happen. Although they come from different places, they still get acquainted very quickly, talking about today’s important people-Pei Yilin and Hong from China. Yu Chi Haolan, a Chinese who is all over their Switzerland.

"Do you know? Our confinement chef, Yu Chi Haolan, wants us to taste his craftsmanship?"

"Really? I heard that his craftsmanship is praised by our Swiss celebrity chefs association!"

"Isn't it, you don't know, the dish he cooked that time was simply..."

Foodies always have both appetite and sex, as long as there are handsome guys and good food, it is enough for them.

But now, they can not only eat delicious food, but also have close contact with their male gods, how can they not be excited?

As a result, the originally quiet hall suddenly babbled, lively like a morning vegetable market.

In this noisy crowd, a fat woman with a cold face was staring at the door.Now, less than half an hour has passed since the time Ye Xin gave, but neither Yuchi Haolan nor Pei Yilin showed up.

Do they know their plans?

Or are they not planning to come at all?

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