Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Huh huh." Song Qian hugged Pei Yilin, her voice filled with affection, "I have been pregnant with your two children, and you have treated me well recently. Who am I not to marry?"

Hearing Song Qian's words, Pei Yilin's eyes filled with joy.

The two of them tossed for so long, and finally, she agreed to marry him!

Seeing Pei Yilin's subconsciously ecstatic expression, Song Qian smiled lightly, feeling full of satisfaction, and deliberately said: "However, if you don't marry me sincerely, then I can't marry you sincerely. Big deal, wait until the child is born, We will divorce by agreement, okay?"

"I won't let you leave me." Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian tightly, nervous as if she would suddenly disappear.

Feeling the warmth of the ground in his arms, his heart was satisfied. He picked her up, and he turned around excitedly, looking like a child like a silly way of getting candy, and he was slightly taken aback when he saw Fang Zi Kuang who had just started. .

Immediately, Fangzi bowed his head frantically, and his voice was low, "Yilin, this is what I got from Jiayuan Yin. She is completely unrecognizable and there is no bone left."

"Yeah." Pei Yilin nodded, put Song Qian down, reached out and took the things in Fang Zikuan's hand. He only glanced at it and threw it aside.

"Burn it!" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"Okay." Fang Zi listened madly and nodded.

He took the thing and turned around to leave.

However, Song Qian stopped him.

She looked at the small bottle in Fang Zikuang's hand with a deep gaze, with a faint smile on her mouth: "Fang Zikuang, since you are going to burn this thing, it's better to leave it to me."

"Qian'er, no!" Pei Yilin flatly refused.

This thing is iron evidence that he was bullied by Kawara Silver when he was young. How could he let it appear in front of Song Qian?

Although, when Pei Yilin saw this thing, he was very happy.

However, these are in the past, not enough to disturb his current life.

"Why not? Pei Yilin, do you still want to marry me?" Song Qian made an angry expression with hands on hips.

"Qian'er..." Pei Yilin was helpless, and was about to say something, but Song Qian squatted down, covering his stomach.

"You...what's wrong with you?" Pei Yilin suddenly became nervous and squatted down quickly.

"I... my stomach hurts." Song Qian whispered.

"Quickly, call a doctor." Suddenly, Pei Yilin was sweating from fear.

While instructing Fang Zi Kuang to call for a doctor, he picked up Song Qian and ran out in a hurry.

"You put her down. She is going to give birth." Just as Pei Yilin walked to the door holding Song Qian, he was stopped by Qu Lan and Dr. Hao.

Doctor Hao checked Song Qian first and confirmed that Song Qian did not have prenatal syndrome, and immediately ordered Qu Lan to be her assistant. They pushed Song Qian to the delivery room that Pei Yilin had prepared for delivery.

The delivery process is intense and fast-paced.

During the whole process, Dr. Qu Lan and Dr. Hao hardly stopped, they kept encouraging and helping Song Qian.

Song Qian has also been very cooperative. After a lot of hard work, she successfully gave birth to a little boy who was very small and fainted.

"This is your son." Dr. Hao cut the umbilical cord and installed the cord blood for the newborn, and then simply washed the newborn and ordered him to hold him in front of Pei Yilin.

The child was born crumpled, he was so small and so soft, Pei Yilin looked at him and did not dare to reach out and hug him.

Doctor Hao smiled, and has been with Pei Yilin for so long, and hasn't seen him so nervous and overwhelmed!

Suddenly, Pei Yilin suddenly changed his face.

"Where's Qian'er?" At first glance, Pei Yilin was overjoyed for the villain, but besides his joy, he panicked again, grabbing the nurse holding his son, his face dark as hell Yama, "My wife Where is she? If she ever misses anything, I will kill all of you."

"Mr. Pei, please calm down. This matter is not what you think..." The little nurse wanted to explain clearly, but under Pei Yilin's pressure, she became more and more confused, making Pei Yilin think that Song Something went wrong.

In addition, Dr. Hao was anxious to perform surgery on Qian Mengmeng, but before he had time to inform Pei Yilin, Pei Yilin made a big oolong.

Although this oolong was explained clearly later, it still became a joke for Song Qian and others. Until Qian Mengmeng was completely cured and their son was full of the moon, Song Qian and others still laughed at Pei Yilin about it...

"Haha, you don't know. At that time, Yilin's face was as black as the bottom of a pot." Fang Zi slapped his palms and laughed, and Pei Yilin immediately glared at him fiercely.

In the past, he must have been silent immediately, but now with Song Qian supporting him, he naturally recounted what happened that day vividly.

This is the second time Song Qian heard that Pei Yilin threatened the little nurse because he was worried about her, which made the little nurse want to give him a child to pay off the debt.

But she still smiled very openly, looking softly at Pei Yilin, whose face turned dark, she waved softly at him.

Pei Yilin immediately stepped forward and squeezed her tightly, "Qian'er, what's wrong?"

"Pei Yilin, how lucky I am to meet you in this life?" Song Qian whispered against Pei Yilin's ear, breathing softly like the best ecstasy, making Pei Yilin's eyes blurred, and the familiar tension once again He heard from the suit pants that always fit...

But now, Qian'er's body is obviously not suitable.

Pei Yilin took a deep breath, barely suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and gently patted Song Qian’s hair, “No, the lucky person is me. If it weren’t for me to bump into you by accident and follow So many things have happened to you, maybe I will never know what my heart is like in my life, nor will I know that love is such a fascinating thing."

"Pei Yilin, you are so numb." Song Qian's face flushed.

But what Pei Yilin said made Song Qian's heart warm. After all, which woman doesn't like to hear sweet words?

But she looked at him with an agitated look. The appearance of pretending to be disgusting caused Pei Yilin to laugh. He bent over and was about to say something, but the maid from the Pei family came forward and told him that there was a big five and three rough. The man yelled at the door, saying that he wanted to meet his daughter-in-law and godson.

"Written title? What is he doing?" Listening to the maid's statement, Pei Yilin immediately guessed the identity of the person who came. He ordered the maid to go down and invite him up. He gently hugged Song Qian and placed her in the room. Just walked out quickly.

In the hall, Cheng Wenfeng had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Pei Yilin coming out, he immediately gave to Pei Yilin the treasures he had collected these days.Among them are the top-quality donkey-hide gelatin and velvet antler that can nourish the body of pregnant women; there are some precious medicinal materials suitable for the recovery of little girls.

"Brother, a little gift, don't be polite, accept it." Cheng Wenfeng smiled stupidly. After a few months, Pei Yilin felt that he was a bit fatter than before he left.

"No need." Pei Yilin flatly refused, "Boss Cheng should know that those jade jewels were destroyed by Jiayuan Silver personally, and I don't have them here."

"I know." Written Feng Wenyan, he smirked, "However, I am not here this time for this. I am for my son. I heard that a man robbed my son of Mengmeng. I want to help first. My son decided to be cute."

After that, Cheng Wenfeng gave Pei Yilin the property rights of all his properties in City Z, "This is a deposit. If Mengmeng is willing, I will pay more."

"This?" Pei Yilin smiled happily as he looked at the pile of thick property rights certificates, "Since Cheng Boss is so worthy of Mengmeng, then I will accept it for him. However, we have already said about the constitutional matter. After they reach adulthood, they can naturally fall in love."

"Come here, see off the guests." After the words, Pei Yilin turned and left, leaving the dumbfounded text sealed in place and regretting the intestines.

He was originally going to get close to Pei Yilin and want to ease the relationship between the two, but now it seems that he is like a stupid big man who has been fucked by Pei Yilin?

"Ah, brother Pei, I took the wrong things. Those are not, not the deposit..."

After being invited out by Pei's bodyguard, Cheng Wenfeng still did not forget to howl.

Qian Mengmeng, who had just rushed back, frowned slightly, and turned to look to the side, only to see Cheng Xian's face suddenly red, like the most beautiful burning cloud in the sky, Qian Mengmeng was stunned.

It seems, it seems, she suddenly discovered that Cheng Xian has also become beautiful and delicious.

Then she has to study like Mommy, eat first and do it later, and get Cheng Xian done?

This, it seems, too risky!

Qian Mengmeng seemed to be able to feel Qian Mengmeng's thoughts. Before she could say anything, a roar of Hedong Lion came out from inside.

"Qian Mengmeng, if you dare to fall in love before the age of eighteen, Mommy will kick your daddy out of bed..." Song Qian's voice was extremely angry.

Although Song Qian is very satisfied with Cheng Xian's son-in-law, after all, the two of them are still too young now, and they have come into contact with men and women prematurely. Is this really good?

It's too early!

"Mummy, don't. Don't deprive you of the rights that Daddy has struggled for so easily." Qian Mengmeng immediately trembled after hearing this, shook his head, and shook out the strange idea just now. The brisk bird flew into the happy atmosphere of Pei's family...

It became a constitution, although his complexion was slightly flushed, but he still quickly followed.

Outside the door, Yuchi Haolan and Qu Lan, who rushed in, looked at their happy family, with a faint smile on their lips.

Glancing at each other, they all saw the relief in each other's eyes.

In fact, the best thing in this world is to be with someone who loves you and live the life you all yearn for...

Song Qian's lover is Pei Yilin, and Yuchi Haolan's lover is naturally Qulan who has been waiting for him for many years.

(End of full text)

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