At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter Twenty-Nine You win, I give up.

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Back at the villa, Song Qian's mood became particularly good.

She took the cakes she bought from outside yesterday, knocked on the study door, and sent Pei Yilin in.

"President Pei." Song Qian smiled, "Are you hungry? I brought you pastries."

Pei Yilin did not lift his head.

"It's delicious! I finally grabbed such a few dollars from Qian Mengmeng's mouth! It's not easy to buy in long queues every time!" Song Qian said flatly.

In fact, Qian Mengmeng didn't want to eat a bite at all, and Song Qian brought it all.

Seeing someone continue to be an ice cube, Song Qian had to act as a dazzling sunlight, and said softly, "I was wrong about the morning."

Pei Yilin raised his eyes and asked: "Where are you wrong?"

"I shouldn't listen to you too much." Song Qian said, still suspected of deliberately angering Pei Yilin.

Sure enough, Pei Yilin's slightly relieved expression turned cold again.

Song Qian was dark and refreshing, and handed the cake to Pei Yilin again.

Each of the stacks of pastries was bitten and laid out in pieces.

"Because I bought it from outside, I'm not sure if it is poisonous, so I tried to take a bite of each one. Now that it is safe, President Pei can rest assured to eat." Song Qian said while laughing.

Seeing the arc of laughter on Song Qian's lips, Pei Yilin's palm tickled.

He couldn't help wondering: Is she here to persuade him, or to add obstacles to him?

But he took a piece of pastry in his mouth without his temper, and chewed it. It was delicious!

"President Pei slowly enjoy it." Song Qian put the pastry out, and muttered how could Pei Yilin really eat it?

However, the feeling of success of the prank is still good!

"I'll go busy if there is nothing to do." Song Qian said.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, she walked briskly, as if she had met a happy event, but his brows were still twisted.

Seeing Song Qian suddenly stopped, Pei Yilin quickly picked up a piece of pastry and pretended to be eating it, but found that it seemed very stiff.

"By the way, President Pei, I still have something I haven't told you." Song Qian said as if remembering, "Actually, I didn't serve as the boss last night, and my sexual orientation is normal."

Pei Yilin looked out the window again, his brows loosened, and the sky that had been gloomy turned blue...

Being bored in the villa, what Song Qian must do every day is to fight Pei Yilin, but she is not idle with the investigation.

Suddenly Pei Yilin was in a good mood and wanted to write a calligraphy. Song Qian looked left and right, but did not recognize his masterpiece.

Song Qian asked without shame, "Do you have a hobby of being a doctor? I didn't understand anything written."

Pei Yilin's lips twitched, as if saying that Song Qian was embarrassed not to recognize it.

Song Qian made a "chi" sound. As far as Pei Yilin's gestures were concerned, she could only see a cross and a hook. Where would she go to recognize it?

At this time, Kang Lu opened the door, "President Pei, caught two killers from the Red Lotus team, now..."

"I see." Pei Yilin interrupted Kang Lu coldly.

When Kang Lu saw that Song Qian was still there, he closed his mouth quickly.

Song Qian was anxious to death. She knew that Pei Yilin was catching the killer in the Red Lotus team recently. Could it be that he really caught it?

"Bodyguard Song." Pei Yilin said coldly, "Go find what Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian are doing. They got together and didn't see anyone all day."

"Yes." Song Qian could only take orders.

When he came to the door and closed the door, Song Qian stood for a while, but no sound came from inside.

Song Qian asked herself: Is this a trap?

She couldn't judge.

For a while, Pei Yilin had put too many smoke bombs on her, and she knew what was true only when she was close to the answer.

Song Qian decided that she was going to check it out. If she was sure that the killers were in the dungeon, she would have to sneak in tonight.

On the lawn outside the villa, Song Qian peeked inside through the window, Pei Yilin really went to the dungeon with Kang Lu, and Dr. Hao also rushed there.

It seems that Pei Yilin really caught someone!

Song Qian bit her lips tightly. If the rivalry between the Red Lotus team and Pei Yilin is not resolved as soon as possible, it will only get deeper and deeper.

For a while, Pei Yilin didn't move because he still had doubts in his heart.

But over time, I'm afraid he would rather kill by mistake than let it go. At that time, the black hand behind the scenes will take advantage of the fisherman.


At night, the hot summer is the most common call of insects and birds.

Song Qian put on the special glasses and walked smoothly in the dark night.

The villa at night is the most vigilant time, but Song Qian has found a breakthrough, that is, the shift at 12 o'clock.

Although it is not too late, even Pei Yilin may not be asleep yet, but it becomes Song Qian's only chance to enter the dungeon.

The dark shadow flashed, Song Qian moved quickly, the dark light of the dungeon was still on, she quickly descended, and there were really two people lying in the cell, but they were both facing their backs and could not see their faces.

"Who!" A moving light came on, and Song Qian warned, and chased after him, only to see a black back.

Could it be that besides her, anyone else stole the dungeon?


The man lurking in the villa!

Song Qian didn't chase anymore, and the result of chasing them was that both of them were exposed. She finally sneaked in. The important thing at the moment is to ask the two people in the Red Lotus team some questions.

"Hey, wake up." Song Qian said softly.

Those two did not move.


The two people still didn't move.

Song Qian took out two small stones from her waist and threw them over them.

Still not moving.

not good!

When Song Qian realized that she was in the middle of the game, a dozen people had already attacked her. She knew all of them were security guards in the villa.

Song Qian was wearing night clothes and covered her face. As long as she escaped safely, she would still be safe. Even if Pei Yilin suspected her, there was no evidence.

"Remember, I want to live." Pei Yilin's voice appeared in Song Qian's ear.

This cunning man!

Song Qian gritted her teeth, with a belief that must not be revealed in her mind.

She didn't fight hard, nor did she love to fight, she just looked for a breakthrough to retreat.

More and more bodyguards are coming up, and these are all selected through layers. They are definitely the elites among the elites. Song Qian is particularly difficult to deal with.

A knife stabbed, Song Qian hid behind, followed by a knife slid behind her, she rushed out, jumped back to the room from the window, and quickly changed back the bodyguard uniform.

"Quickly, everyone will gather in the hall! If you don't come out within a minute, you will be guilty of the ghost!" Kang Lu's voice sounded in the corridor.

Song Qian hid his night clothes and hurried to the hall, yawning, and asked: "What happened? The gathering at night? Is it rare for me to have urgent action without standing guard?"

Kang Lu reminded: "Bodyguard Song, you should be sober, there are people breaking into the dungeon at night."

"Who is so bold?" Song Qian asked, "With so many bodyguards in the Pei family, he has come in, can he get out?"

"It's an inner ghost." Kang Lu said softly.

Song Qian nodded and saw Pei Yilin coming, he stood in the crowd, looking hard to keep calm.

"The inner ghost received a knife on the back. Now, the men and women stand separately for examination." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were standing on the second floor of the villa without being approved, she smiled at them to make them feel at ease.

Kang Lu checked one by one, and when Song Qian came, Pei Yilin stopped Kang Lu's hand.

"What are you doing tonight?" Pei Yilin asked Song Qian.

"go to bed."

"Not lying?"

"Guaranteed loyalty."

Pei Yilin raised his eyes and pressed his finger on Song Qian's back, one, two, three times, Song Qian endured it without making a sound.

Pei Yilin asked: "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Where is President Pei kidding?" Song Qian grinned, "I'm not a ghost, how can it hurt?"

"Yeah." Pei Yilin said coldly, "Even if you endure the pain, your shirt will ooze blood."

But Song Qian's clothes were nothing unusual.

Song Qian's night clothes had been processed long ago to protect against bullets and knives, and the cut that was cut really hit Song Qian. If it weren't for the special clothes, she must have been seriously injured now.

"President Pei, I found night clothes, but only scratches, no blood." A bodyguard came to report.

Pei Yilin asked: "Where did you find it?"

"In..." The bodyguard hesitated for a while and said, "Your room."

Pei Yilin's black eyes darkened, and Song Qian's gaze became complicated. He let go of her, took a few steps, and said, "You are more cautious than I thought."

Song Qian didn't care if Pei Yilin was talking about her, in short, she couldn't avoid being proud.

There won't be anything belonging to her on the night clothes.

fingerprint?She was eliminated long ago.

hair?She is wearing a wig.

Try it on?Her night gown is very flexible and can be worn by anyone taller or shorter than her.

She didn't believe it, Pei Yilin still has evidence pointing to her today!

"Very good!" Pei Yilin's tone could not be heard. "Song Qian, you come to the study with me, and the rest, disband."

What the hell is he doing?

Song Qian followed Pei Yilin's footsteps. In the study, he wrote the calligraphy.

"Do you know what to pronounce these words?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian shook his head.

"The inner ghost is Song Qian." Pei Yilin read out in order.

Three thick black lines floated on Song Qian's forehead. She really admired Pei Yilin's writing, so that she could not even read her name.

"President Pei, have you misunderstood?" Song Qian remained calm.

Pei Yilin's long body stood upright, and the aura from between her brows was severe and domineering, revealing a king's aura.

Pei Yilin lightly moved his lips, "Not long ago, you went to the Red Lotus Killer Team. On the same day, the killer team's token was changed."

Song Qian still had an indifferent expression, "Is that a coincidence?"

"Tonight, you escaped in night clothes, thinking that it was foolproof, but you overlooked a little." Pei Yilin's finger tapped on the desk.

Song Qian was curious, and asked, "Which point?"

If two people are facing each other, if the other is smart, they will feel like they must win.

Song Qian and Pei Yilin looked at each other. Both of them wanted to win, but there was only one winner.

"Touch your clothes pocket." The voice fell, and Pei Yilin's eyes had a win-win light.

Song Qian touched it. There was a miniature monitor inside.

Her eyes darkened. It turned out that this was a trap aimed at her. It was a trap set by Pei Yilin for her. When she decided to enter the dungeon, she had already lost.

"Since when did you suspect me?" Song Qian asked.

Anyway, now she can't admit it, she can only wait to see whether Pei Yilin's punishment is to kill her or slap her...

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