At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 31 I have a fiancee!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Mengmeng!" Song Qian screamed and ran to the house quickly.

A firefighter stopped Song Qian, "Miss, this building is temporarily blocked, you can't go in now."

"My house is on fire, and my daughter is still inside!" Song Qian said anxiously.

"We have sent someone in, please..." Before the firefighter had finished speaking, Song Qian had already fended off him and rushed in.

The firemen were chasing after him, but Song Qian felt like a gust of wind, and he couldn't grasp it.

"Mengmeng!" Song Qian yelled and searched while running the stairs, "Mengmeng, where are you?"

Song Qian ran up to the eighth floor at once. Several firefighters were putting out the open flames, but there was no trace of Qian Mengmeng in the bedroom.

"Where is my daughter!" Song Qian felt an unprecedented panic in her heart, "Where is she?"

"This lady, we have checked the scene, except that everything in the house burned out, and there were no casualties," the firefighter said.

Song Qian let out a sigh of relief, and looked around. Everything in the house was basically burnt. The only thing she should have fun at the moment was that she didn't clean the house last night.

Otherwise, she spent a lot of effort to clean up, but the house burned out again. Didn't she waste her energy?

"What was the cause of the fire?" Song Qian asked.

The firefighter had never seen anyone who caught fire so calmly as Song Qian, and replied: "In the initial inspection, someone set fire on purpose."


Song Qian frowned. At this moment, Qian Mengmeng's voice sounded: "Mommy!" Qian Mengmeng ran over and hugged Song Qian tightly, "Mommy, you are finally back!"

"Mengmeng." Song Qian picked up her daughter, "has it hurt anything?"

"I'm fine, the fire ran away together." Qian Mengmeng said.

Song Qian left with Qian Mengmeng, and asked in a low voice, "Did you set the fire?"

According to Song Qian's judgment, Qian Mengmeng was able to run away immediately, and the cause of the fire was man-made. It is very likely that Qian Mengmeng deliberately set fire to the house in order to return to Pei's villa.

"I didn't." Qian Mengmeng pouted like aggrieved, "I just saw someone set fire and chased him out, so I didn't get hurt."

Song Qian didn't pursue it, and said softly, "It's okay for people to be fine."

"Who is killing us?" Qian Mengmeng asked.

Song Qian shook her head. She believed Qian Mengmeng would not lie, but the person who set the fire seemed to just burn the house and had no intention of hurting others.

But why?

Song Qian couldn't understand.

The usual neighbors and neighbors don't have much contact. Seeing that Song Qian's house was burned, everyone came to comfort him. They were more curious about gossip and wanted to know the cause of the fire.

Song Qian didn't bother to care, anyway, the house belonged to Xiao Honglian. Now that it was burned, he was still dealing with it, so she took Qian Mengmeng to find a hotel for temporary stay.

"Mummy, don't we really go back to Big Brother's place?" Qian Mengmeng asked for advice for the Nth time, expecting light in his big eyes.

"Have you never heard of'good horses don't eat back grass'?" Song Qian asked, "It's just such a broken villa, just like a ghost house, please don't go back!"

She said bitterly: "He drove us out."

Qian Mengmeng retorted unwillingly: "Mummy clearly came out on her own. Big brother didn't let us go at all!"

"Looking at his cold attitude towards me, does he have to speak with his mouth?" Song Qian muttered.

"But..." Qian Mengmeng blinked his eyes, "No! Mommy, are you angry?"

Qian Mengmeng summed up: "Mommy never gets angry with people, unless that person really does something excessive, there is another possibility that you care about him."

Qian Mengmeng's eyes lit up, "Mommy! You don't like your big brother anymore!"

Song Qian unceremoniously knocked on Qian Mengmeng's head, and said with great reaction: "Like him is something you can do for a little fool of the appearance association!"

Not far away, Kang Lu drove a black Land Rover, Pei Yilin and Cheng Xian were sitting in the back seats, and Song Qian's voice happened to be heard in the car.

"Huh!" Cheng Xian looked at Qian Mengmeng and Song Qian in surprise, "It's them!"

Pei Yilin's gaze hardly turned away. Kang Lu parked the car in front of Song Qian, and Cheng Xian asked enthusiastically, "Mengmeng, Aunt Song Xiao, where are you going?" I am very happy with this chance encounter.

As soon as Qian Mengmeng saw Pei Yilin, she wanted to get into the car. Thinking of Mommy's determination just now, she could only put on a pitiful expression, and said quietly, "We don't know which villain burned our house Now, Mommy is going to take me to be a neighbor with a beggar under the bridge."

Song Qian took the black line, she clearly said to find a hotel, right?

Although very unwilling, Song Qian still couldn't help but glance at Pei Yilin.

It's better not to look at it. Seeing his ignorance, she felt an unspeakable feeling in her heart, and wanted to crush him.

"Why is the house burned?" Kang Lu was obviously anxious, "Bodyguard Song, don't you have the money to stay in a hotel now?"

"We didn't have any money." Qian Mengmeng said, squeezing two teardrops as big as beans.

Kang Lu looked at Pei Yilin, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "President Pei, Bodyguard Song actually did nothing wrong, why not let her go back to the villa?"

"That's right!" Cheng Xian also followed to help, "Uncle Pei, they are so pitiful."

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian and said coldly, "My home is not a shelter."

Song Qian said, "I didn't want to go yet!" Although she did not control it just now, she looked forward so little.

"This is my real ID card and household registration book, press your place first." Song Qian passed the things through the window, "I will find evidence as soon as possible to prove my innocence with Mengmeng."

Pei Yilin took it, and looked at the birthday column on the ID card purposefully. It was indeed the last month. The cloud of tangled eyebrows scattered inexplicably.

"Big brother." Qian Mengmeng shouted to Pei Yilin with his poorest voice, "Do you really want us to go back?"

"Mengmeng!" Song Qian felt that his face was lost, "President Pei, don't delay your time, goodbye."

Song Qian led Qian Mengmeng and left with a backbone.

"Qian Mengmeng." Pei Yilin's lips moved, "Get in the car."

Qian Mengmeng quickly let go of Song Qian's hand and sat down in the back seat. Song Qian's expression changed, only to hear Cheng Xian shout: "Aunt Song Xiao, you come up soon too!"

Song Qian was stubborn and awkward, telling herself repeatedly in her heart: She got in the car because she was optimistic about her daughter!

Coming to the villa again, Song Qian felt that she was familiar with this place. When everyone saw her back, they all came up and asked.

Xia Erlan smiled at Song Qing, "How beautiful your dress is!"

Song Qian said lazily: "You are all stunning beauties, I am still comfortable in men's clothing."

Kang Lu brought Song Qian the bodyguard uniform, Song Qian took it, and said to Xia Erlan: "I'll change it."

When he came to the door of the room, Song Qian actually saw Pei Yilin there.

When the two met in this way, Song Qian felt embarrassed, and bit the bullet and walked over, Pei Yilin also walked towards her.

"Women disguise themselves as men, you don't need a chest strap." Pei Yilin said softly.


"You have no chest at all."

When Song Qian reacted, Pei Yilin had already entered the study.

Song Qian was so angry that he wanted to follow up and taunt Pei Yilin again, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have nothing to make a joke!


Do you want to be so unfair...

The days began to live carefree, Song Qian sensitively discovered that her life seemed to have gradually deviated from the track.

"Bodyguard Song." Pei Yilin's standard cold voice sounded, "Go to'Zhixintang' to buy pastries and eat back."

"Why did I go again?" Song Qian was dissatisfied, "I am a bodyguard. I did babysitting and logistic work, but you didn't give me a salary increase!"

"Are you bolder again?" Pei Yilin raised an eyebrow, "Go or not?"

"Don't go." Song Qian was upset, "You have called me for so many days, thinking I was the maid you bought? Could you please come back quickly, this is modern, there is no maid."

Pei Yilin put down the pen in his hand, got up, and slowly approached Song Qian.

Song Qian moved back slowly, looking at the ambiguous light in Pei Yilin's eyes, but she was very guilty.

If, if he dares to belittle her, does she want a left uppercut, a right sweep or a front and back fly?

Why is she so slow when she meets him?

"Really not going?" Pei Yilin asked.

Pei Yilin in Song Qian's pupils zoomed infinitely, seeing that he was about to touch her, she stepped back, and at the same time let out a sigh of relief, avoiding Pei Yilin's pressured kiss.

"I'll go." Song Qian compromised.

Instead of standing here and being molested by him and having nowhere to avenge her, she might as well go out to get some fresh air.

But what quirk does this man have?

Every time she was called to buy cakes from Zhixintang, she had to take a bite of each piece and then make sure it was not poisonous.

It seems that he is quite fond of that life!

Is her life worthless?

Song Qian greeted Pei Yilin's eighteenth generation of ancestors in his heart, and when he arrived at the lobby on the first floor, he ran into a beautiful girl.

In the country of China, there are three families of "Pei, Ye, and Xiang". Pei Yilin is the son of Pei's family. The Xiang Yuqing in front of Song Qian is the jewel of the Xiang family and Pei Yilin's fiancee.

"Where is Lin?" Xiang Yuqing asked Song Qian.

Song Qian pointed to the study. Perhaps she has become more interested in beautiful women recently because she has been disguised as a man.

Pei Yilin's voice just sounded: "Why are you here?"

"Lin!" Xiang Yuqing rushed to Pei Yilin, but was empty.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, and Song Qian quickly retracted his gaze, pretending to be nonchalant, looking at the walls for cobwebs.

Xiang Yuqing is still enthusiastic, next to Pei Yilin, and gently said: "Our marriage should be done! I'm here to pick you up."


Song Qian hesitated to tidy up the sofa cover. Is that beauty Pei Yilin's girlfriend?

"I already have a fiancée." Pei Yilin whispered and grabbed Song Qian to his side, "I have a child."

"He?" Xiang Yuqing pointed at Song Qian, "Is he your child? Lin, stop teasing! Hehehehaha—"

Pei Yilin lifted Song Qian's wig, a long straight hair fell down like a waterfall, Song Qian subconsciously grasped the wig, Pei Yilin's lips had already attacked.

It was not once or twice that Song Qian was taken advantage of with the unfinished kiss.


"This is my fiancee." Pei Yilin declared proudly, "There is a baby girl upstairs, who is my daughter."

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