Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin's tearing action was very hard, and with a "hiss", Song Qian really heard the sound of clothes breaking.

Song Qian hurriedly grabbed Pei Yilin's hand and bit down his shoulder severely, until she tasted the bloody smell, she let go.

Song Qian covered his chest, her amber eyes filled with doubt and anger.

Except as a killer, she is unwilling to engage with others in life, but Pei Yilin jumped into her thunder pool time and time again.

She has tolerated, retreated and retreated, but he couldn't help getting into it!

If it weren't for the retreat, Song Qian absolutely kicked Pei Yilin's lifeblood.

"President Pei." Song Qian's voice trembled with forbearance anger, "I have found the undercover agent in the villa, and your marriage issues have also been resolved. I will leave with Mengmeng when I go back later, please come back later. Don't bother us either."

Seeing Juran in Song Qian's eyes, Pei Yilin's harsh and indifferent aura was even more shocking.

Pei Yilin seems to have forgotten that what he is facing is a killer. Although she is already a mother, trying to play a loving role, the coldness in her bones is indispensable.

Song Qian grabbed the clothes on her chest, which had been torn. She had to find some clothes to change and then leave quickly.

Looking at Song Qian's back, Pei Yilin chased up, took off his coat and covered her body.

Song Qian raised his eyes to look at Pei Yilin. Instead, he made a grimace at her and said coarsely: "If you want to show it, you can't show it to others."

Song Qian couldn't figure out the meaning of Pei Yilin's words for a while, instead he picked her up and walked outside.

"Let me down!" Song Qian's face turned red with anger, "There will be many people."

"Let's go back." Pei Yilin whispered.

"Go back?" Song Qian was surprised, "but the banquet is not over yet!"

Pei Yilin didn't reply and put Song Qian in the co-pilot.

Song Qian looked around and asked, "Where is Xia Erlan? Isn't she going? Isn't she your female companion?"

"Who said she was my female companion?" Pei Yilin really wanted to say Song Qianzhu's brain, Xia Erlan was just a Russian translator for this banquet, so she appeared.

Why didn't Song Qian think about it, who would have the guts to pretend to be his order and dress her up before sending her?

And now Song Qian obviously just thought of something.

Seeing Song Qian's eyes, Pei Yilin explained awkwardly: "My mother sent someone to monitor us, so I can't find you as a female companion."

Song Qian said nonchalantly, "I didn't ask you why."

Pei Yilin squeezed the steering wheel, "Also, in the future, don't move and just say to take Mengmeng with money to leave. Is the villa where you come or leave? You are not allowed to go anywhere without my order!"

Song Qian was too lazy to reply, and simply looked out the window.

Pei Yilin is even more angry, "From today, all employees in the villa are not allowed to fall in love, not to have private meetings with the opposite sex, and not to dress too revealing!"

"Pei Yilin." Song Qian Zhuoyao looked at him, "What are you doing? Are you jealous?"

"I'm just jealous!"

For a moment, the car was so quiet that you could hear each other's breathing.

Song Qian took the lead to remove her eyes. Is she sick?How could you ask that kind of thing?

And did Pei Yilin get sick too?And also very sick!

No one talked any more, until they reached the villa, Song Qian and Pei Yilin were embarrassed to go their separate ways.

Qian Mengmeng greeted him, took Song Qian's hand, and said with a smile: "Mommy, are you wearing Daddy's clothes? So pretty!"

Song Qian covered Qian Mengmeng's mouth, and whispered: "Mommy will go take a bath first, it's getting late, go to bed."

Pei Yilin went back to the bedroom, drank a large glass of water, and pulled his tie, feeling annoyed inside.

Damn Song Qian!

When is she going to disturb him?

This is obviously just a game, and it's just pretending to be a couple. Why is he gradually getting into the play?

Song Qian was happy when he was alone in the bedroom.


She first admitted that she really liked Pei Yilin, so she condoned his approach to her.

And he just madly set a series of rules only for her, and also clearly said that he was jealous, which also proved that he has feelings for her, right?

The twisted guy must have never really liked people when he grows up, so he is so uncomfortable with her appearance, right?

Song Qian is in a good mood, but she wants to see how long Pei Yilin can hold back her feelings for her!

"I love to take a bath, the skin is good, oh oh oh, crystal soap is so bubble...hahahaha——" Song Qian was happily, being cared by someone she likes, it's really not a bad thing!

After taking a shower, Song Qian put the pink roses that Yuchi Haolan gave her into the vase, and then searched for news about him.

She always felt a familiar smell on him.

At this moment, Pei Yilin pushed open Song Qian's bedroom door and just saw the pink rose and the handsome picture of Captain Chi Haolan on the computer screen.

Song Qian's eyes widened slightly, and she said without a good tone: "Although this is your villa, this room is currently where I live. Can you please knock on the door before you come in?"

Pei Yilin directly pressed the computer's shutdown button, then pulled the flower out and crushed it, staring at Song Qian viciously.

"What's so good about him?" Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian, "I didn't see enough at the banquet, so I want to come back to see?"

Song Qian didn't reply, but noticed that the milk cup in Pei Yilin's hand was not white in color, so it must be a lot of seasoning.

This ice cube will not come to avenge that cup of "hybrid" coffee until today?

"Drink this glass of milk." Pei Yilin said coldly.

"Don't drink." Song Qian said crudely.

Pei Yilin raised his eyebrows, "This is an order."

Song Qian was suspicious, and asked, "What is the end of not drinking?"

Pei Yilin couldn't help laughing. Song Qian was so magical that he didn't need to say more than five sentences to him to make him feel better.

Pei Yilin casually found a word: "rape first and then kill."

"You..." Song Qian's face flushed, and she plucked up the courage to say: "I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

"Really?" Pei Yilin's lips twitched and walked towards Song Qian.

Song Qian's eyes trembled, she suddenly took the cup in Pei Yilin's hand and said, "I drink, I drink."

"Don't think about running away." Pei Yilin said faintly, "If you don't drink, I will take it to Qian Mengmeng."

"You dignified president bullying the small by the big, is that fair?" Song Qian asked.

When Pei Yilin saw through the idea of ​​running, she felt frustrated.

Pei Yilin proudly raised his voice: "My dignified president can't even subdue you, let alone explain."

Song Qian was helpless, and muttered, "You can only threaten me with Mengmeng with money, don't you think that victory is impossible?"

Pei Yilin asked back: "Mengmeng threatened you just with money, do I need to find anything else?"

Song Qian pouted and looked at the glass of milk, suddenly wondering what flavor Pei Yilin would make, and took a sip.

The taste is not strange!

Song Qian wondered if he had a taste problem, and another sip was still delicious.

The taste is sweet, but not greasy, milky, but not fishy.

Song Qian finished drinking in one breath, looked at Pei Yilin, and said inconceivably, "Drink it well!"

"Be careful." Pei Yilin scratched Song Qian's nose, "From now on, make me a cup of coffee every day."

Song Qian smiled sweetly and discussed: "Then I will make coffee for you, and you will make milk for me!"

It really won't suffer at all.

Pei Yilin looked at the milk foam at the corner of Song Qian's mouth, moved in his throat, moved down, kissed her lips, and licked the sweetness she tasted.

Song Qian could hear her heartbeat, puffing and puffing, and why isn't Pei Yilin's?

When the kiss was strong, Pei Yilin suddenly picked up Song Qian, and then walked to the master bedroom.

Back on the familiar big bed, Song Qian grabbed Pei Yilin's hand trying to untie her clothes, her voice stuck in her throat, "It's not convenient for me." Auntie came to see her.

Pei Yilin was taken aback, and the awkward atmosphere spread.

Song Qian beat her head in annoyance, got up, and said softly: "I'll go back to sleep."

Just after taking a step, Song Qian was caught back to bed.

"Sleep here." Pei Yilin's voice was emotionally hoarse, "Sleep in my arms."

Song Qian was very suspicious, "This... isn't it?"

"Yuchi Haolan." Pei Yilin proposed the name again, "Don't see him again."

Song Qian smiled secretly, found a very comfortable position to lie down, and asked, "Why?"

Pei Yilin skipped and said, "Give me time to determine how much I like you."

Hearing what Pei Yilin said, Song Qian barely laughed, and deliberately asked, "Why should I give you time?"

"We have a five-year contract."

"If you really like me, will I leave?"


"Then if you are sure you don't like me, shall I leave?"


What a domineering man!

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin said after a long while, "Do you like me?"

Song Qian didn't answer Pei Yilin's words, she was exhausted today, and she was already asleep without having to worry about whether she was unrequited love.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian's sleeping face, he smiled lightly, hugged her tighter, dropped a kiss on her forehead, and then went to sleep with his eyes closed.

A white fish belly lit up in the sky. When Song Qian woke up, Pei Yilin was still asleep, and the two of them were still holding them very intimately.

She looked at his sleeping face and couldn't help reaching out and gently stroking his facial features.

The old people say that people with thick eyebrows have bad tempers, and Song Qian nodded and said yes.

Look at Pei Yilin's eyelashes. They are so long that most girls can't fight him.

At this moment, Pei Yilin suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed Song Qian's hand.

"What are you doing?" Pei Yilin's voice was gentle, with a husky waking up in the morning.

Song Qian didn't panic, and said, "I'm helping you see the picture."

Song Qian was the first person who dared to lie blatantly in front of him.

But Pei Yilin was not angry at all, he liked the state of the two very much.

She's not afraid of him, so good!

Pei Yilin suddenly turned over, pressed Song Qian under her body, kissed her eyes, dropped her nose and lips, followed by something that became big and hard.

Song Qian tightened her brows, pushed Pei Yilin away, and said, "You didn't brush your teeth!" As if she had brushed them.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian angrily. The romantic atmosphere early in the morning was completely destroyed by her!

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