At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 49 Provocation, Death Under the Peony

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!When night was about to fall, Song Qian received a call and Dr. Hao appeared at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Without a word, Song Qian wanted to arrest people immediately.

"Song Qian." Xia Erlan called to her when she arrived at the door, "Yesterday's movie was very good, thank you." The smile on the corner of her mouth was enchanting and charming.

"You're welcome." Song Qian said coldly and quickly left the villa.

In the car, Song Qian couldn't help but think of Xia Erlan's contented smile just now.

It seems that Xia Erlan and Pei Yilin got along very well yesterday!

The two of them can't tell how many times the affection has lingered, right?


It's really not rejected!

At the entrance of the Crowne Plaza, Song Qian's eyes were gloomy.

It was here that she had a relationship with Pei Yilin six years ago.

Hate it?

In fact, she doesn't hate it anymore.

Qian Mengmeng was a gift from God, and without Pei Yilin, there would be no Qian Mengmeng.

Song Qian loosened his clenched fists slightly and went up the elevator to the dining area on the second floor.

The dining area, which was full before and even had to be positioned in advance, does not have a customer at this moment.

Looking around, the huge restaurant is beautifully decorated, with beautiful lights and many roses, and only a table is placed in the middle of the hall.

Where is Dr. Hao?

Song Qian looked around.

At this time, Pei Yilin deliberately looked in the mirror, and then adjusted his tie before walking out of the side door.

Seeing Pei Yilin, Song Qianzhi was stunned for a second, then turned and left.

"Stop!" Pei Yilin couldn't help but say coldly.

Song Qian stopped, turned around, looked at Pei Yilin, and asked, "What does Pei always tell me?"

"I have wine." Pei Yilin said abruptly, "You take a look first." There was a triumphant expectation in his tone.

Immediately, a waiter pushed a cart of wine out, all top-notch expensive.

Song Qian's eyes lit up and she wanted to jump on her.

No way, who made her crazy alcohol control?

"There are first-class chefs from 80 countries in the kitchen. What kind of dishes do you want to eat? Choose your own." Pei Yilin's voice was faint, and then he opened a chair and stool for Song Qian.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin suspiciously, his subconscious reaction was that he wanted to poison her?

It seems there is no need to go so far to kill her.

"Sit down." Pei Yilin said softly.

Song Qian was not polite, and said, "I want to eat seafood."

Pei Yilin's face changed. He was allergic to seafood, and he didn't want to see them!

As if he had made a lot of determination, Pei Yilin said, "I'll serve seafood."

Song Qian's attention was again on the car of expensive wine.

She thought: Which bottle should I open tonight?

"I know you don't like waste, and you don't like the things you get too simple. Tonight, you choose a bottle, and the rest will still belong to me." Pei Yilin liked it.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin a few times, and then said, "I don't drink."

"Why not drink it?"

"Drinking is prone to accidents, I came by car."

"I have a driver."

"Mr Pei's car is too high class, I can't afford it."

"Just two sips?"

"Isn't that waste?"

Pei Yilin's cold face was cold and bleak, but at any rate Song Qian said so many words to him in a minute, aside from the self-esteem, he was still very happy!

Seafood soon came up, Song Qian poured two glasses of lemonade and handed one to Pei Yilin.

"For whatever reason, thank you for believing in Mengmeng and Cheng Xian for not treating them as undercover executions." Song Qian said softly.

Pei Yilin raised the corners of her lips. Although Song Qian dressed casually today, her eyes were bright, her skin was naturally white, and her lips were blushing.

He drank quickly, suppressing the fire from his body.

The moment he lowered his eyes, Song Qian's eyes were sly smiles.

There is only seafood on the table, she wants to see what Pei Yilin is eating tonight!

Pei Yilin looked around the table, there was nothing he could eat.

Obviously, all this was intentional by Song Qian.

However, it seems that his mood is not bad!

"Does President Pei not eat?" Song Qian asked, "Is it disgusting to sit with people like me, so I can't eat?"

Pei Yilin chuckled, and simply picked up a raw oyster before picking up the meat and preparing for the entrance. Song Qian suddenly stopped his fork.

Song Qian tightened her brows, she never thought that Pei Yilin would eat.

What about his indifference?

What about his domineering?

What about his arrogance and arrogance?

According to her guess, he should overturn the table and kill everyone here.

And why is he suddenly so...gently in front of her?

If he wanted to apologize, wouldn't he say "I'm sorry"?

But think about it.

The leader of the dignified Dark Night Empire and the president of the Muhua Group, didn't you say sorry when you grew up so old?

Song Qian knew that she was not that important, so she didn't get emotional.

She looked at Pei Yilin, there was a trace of unbearable fatigue on his face, but he was still so handsome, and people couldn't help but speed up his heart.

Song Qian didn't open his eyes, and whispered to the waiter beside him: "Serve him jade cabbage, black chicken mushroom soup, egg yolk potato shreds, and silver needle beef."

Pei Yilin's mood was even more comfortable. After all, Song Qian still cared about him, and what she called was his favorite.

"Do you want to open a bottle of wine?" Pei Yilin suggested again.

"No need." Song Qian is still cold, "I just don't want President Pei to be allergic for a while, I have to explain to Mengmeng when I go back."

The corners of Pei Yilin's mouth moved awkwardly, and the good mood he had only disappeared instantly.

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin said, "I..."

"President Pei." Song Qian interrupted Pei Yilin, "I'll go to the toilet."

"Go ahead." Pei Yilin said crudely.

Song Qian did not go back forever, but this was beyond Pei Yilin's expectations.

When the waiter rushed over and looked at Pei Yilin embarrassedly with a handful of "Grandpa Mao", Pei Yilin knew that something had happened.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin asked coldly.

"Miss Song has to pay for the meal, I can't stop it." The waiter was worried that Pei Yilin would anger her.

Pei Yilin put down his chopsticks again and looked at Song Qian with a cold look, waiting for her to explain to him.

Song Qian raised his head, wiped his mouth slowly, then stood up and lifted the backpack.

"I originally invited Mr. Pei for this meal. Thank you for a large number of adults. You don't care about the two children. Of course I have to pay for it." Song Qian said very clearly, but he also seemed unfeeling.

"Whether it's a high-level chef or expensive dishes, I should pay 100,000 yuan, right?" Song Qian asked.

She gritted her teeth, the one hundred thousand yuan, she had just paid in advance from Xiao Honglian!

"Also, please see Mr. Pei clearly, I am not a bitch who wants to be with anyone who has money!" After speaking, Song Qian stepped away.

Pei Yilin tightened his fist bitterly, and ran after him.

Just before the elevator door closed, Pei Yilin stopped him.

Song Qian's eyes trembled, looking at Pei Yilin, the expressions on his face seemed anxious, lost, flustered, and lost, deeply intertwined.

The kiss came fiercely and eagerly, Song Qian tried to push and hide, Pei Yilin simply pressed her against the elevator wall, restricted her movement, and captured her sweet kiss.

Pei Yilin felt that he was going crazy. He did so much for a woman for the first time, but he was still not forgiven.

All the blocking emotions melted into a fierce kiss, he even bit her lower lip heavily, pulled it, and forced her to open his mouth.

There was only a small gap, and he fed his tongue in forcefully, rubbing her sweetness, and his hands were still irregularly provoking around, causing her to tremble.

Song Qian was almost unable to breathe, and protested in his mouth "Woo".

There was no way to retreat, and his whole body was forced to close to his sturdy body. There was something against her, which made him feel uncomfortable.

She was annoyed and struck, but Pei Yilin didn't let go of her hand at all. On the contrary, her attacking power was even greater, forcing her to breathe, and there was an inexplicable heat all over her.

Pei Yilin wanted to laugh comfortably if Song Qian could be blocked here.

Worried that she might be in danger of suffocation, he just let go of his mouth a little, and he just praised: "You are awesome!" The voice was a bit hoarse, and he simply continued to kiss.

The elevator door was opened at this moment, and several waiters stood outside, looking at the scene in the elevator dumbly.

go ahead?They are not so bold.

Back?They haven't reacted to it for a while.

The waiters all stuck at the door like wooden stakes, seeing Pei Yilin's overbearing kiss skills, they couldn't help but swallow.

Only then did Pei Yilin let go of Song Qian, and her body was so painful to be beaten by her, but the taste of kissing her was so good that she couldn't resist.

He suddenly felt the charm of "death under the peony".

Song Qian hurried out of the elevator, but Pei Yilin smiled, and then a little annoyed.

"What to look at? It's a good thing for me!" Pei Yilin said fiercely.

"Sorry... President Pei. We...n't seen anything..." the waiters said tremblingly.

"Huh?" Pei Yilin's brows wrung immediately, "Don't see it?"

Everyone was surprised. Seeing Mr. Pei's meaning, do they hope they saw it?

It's so different from ordinary people's thinking!

Pei Yilin was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, Song Qian ran away, of course she wanted to chase!

Chasing Chery QQ with Lamborghini is a matter of minutes.

But Song Qian became fierce, and Chery QQ also took the momentum of Rolls Royce.

Pei Yilin pulled down the window and shouted at Song Qian in the opposite car: "You slow down, what should I do if something goes wrong?"

Song Qian didn't listen, her mind was so confused, what emerged was the scene where Pei Yilin was kissing just now.

I have to say, shameful...

The shame is not being seen, but that she has a moment of consciousness and wants to obey.

Song Qian, are you a fool?

When did the scar become better and forget the pain?

He is the man who insulted you six years ago and is your "number one enemy". Now, because of his status, you have to take your daughter to escape, even if you dare to be tempted by him?

He is no longer just a gold medal president, he is also the leader of the largest underworld organization!

Thinking about it, Song Qian stepped on the accelerator and sprinted to the highest speed.

Pei Yilin didn't dare to chase him anymore, Song Qian's rhythm was completely desperate!

Isn't it just a kiss?

It's not that I didn't take it...

Pei Yilin felt melancholy, touched his lips, the smell of Song Qian still remained in his mouth.

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