At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 53 The new chief secretary is ready to serve!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's cooking skills are too good to say, but she doesn't like the kitchen and Qian Mengmeng has always taken care of the tasks of cooking at home.

While still cooking the noodles, Pei Yilin couldn't help but come over—it was so fragrant!

"Are you sure you are just cooking noodles?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian rolled his eyes and said, "Otherwise? For the big night, will I get you a full table for you?"

"Then tomorrow at noon you will be a full banquet for the Han Dynasty." Pei Yilin will take advantage of it.

"I'm just a bodyguard."

"If you say you do something else, I will pay you overtime."

"Now I don't want it!"

"what happened to you?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm always called by you, I'm upset, can't you?"

With that, Song Qian picked up the noodles, poured the soup, and then brought them to the restaurant.

Pei Yilin took a bite and gave a thumbs up, "You will make my meal in the future."

"No!" Song Qian was unwilling. "You don't know how to find Xia Erlan? You always praise her for her good cooking skills."

Pei Yilin stopped the chopsticks and explained again: "She and I are not what you think." Continue to eat.

Song Qian didn't care at all. If he said that all women were just for fun, then Qin Xirong, he must have loved and always loved.

After all, a woman who has betrayed him can still live well, that is enough!

But today Pei Yilin saw Qin Xirong, and he still showed such a sad look. If he says he doesn't love it, a fool would not believe it!

Song Qian sullenly finished the noodles first, then washed the dishes, and stopped talking to Pei Yilin halfway through.

Pei Yilin clearly felt Song Qian's unhappy. Although she hadn't paid much attention to him these days, she did not have such a depressed expression.

Did she encounter something?

Pei Yilin was puzzled, and when Song Qian returned to her own bedroom, he walked over, took her by the hand, and brought it to the master bedroom.

Song Qian frowned, "What are you doing?"

"You have to sleep here." Pei Yilin whispered.

"No." Song Qian refused simply.

"Peipei was sent by my mother to monitor us. Once she finds out that our relationship is pretending, then none of us should have a good life." Pei Yilin threatened.

In fact, how could Pei Yilin not know that if Peipei hadn't liked Song Qian, she would not have the current attitude towards Song Qian.

Song Qian thought about it for a while, as long as Pei Yilin is still semi-crippled, Qian Mengmeng is very dangerous, so she must not provoke Pang Bingshuang.

Song Qian lay down on the bed and fell asleep holding the bedding.

"Huh?" Song Qian was confused, today's pillow is a bit different.

The pillow is a human figure, but in the head, it is still Pei Yilin's face.

I go!

This is the doll version of Pei Yilin at all!

Pei Yilin sat next to Song Qian, straightening out her messy hair, with a deep and mellow voice: "I will hold it to sleep in the future. If I feel unhappy, I can hit it."

Song Qian's lips twitched. Is Pei Yilin's brain broken?

"And this." Pei Yilin took out another porcelain doll.

As soon as you press the button on the belly of the porcelain doll, there will be a super fast sound, less than two seconds, it is estimated that Pei Yilin made it.

Song Qian asked, "What is this again?"

"It's fun to see, I bought it by the way." Pei Yilin's eyes dodged, "I tried another tone by the way."

He is clearly lying, and there are very important secrets hidden in the recording!

Song Qian looked at the dolls in doubt, and then at the porcelain dolls, it was hard not to doubt Pei Yilin's purpose.

"Is there any chronic poison in it? Will you die after prolonged exposure?" Song Qian only thought of this possibility.

Pei Yilin's laughter was very pleasant. He leaned down and dropped a cherished kiss on Song Qian's cheek, "Go to sleep, it's always so silly."

Dare to say that her generation assassin "Sashiwanu" is stupid?

Song Qian's teeth are itchy.

The light went out at this moment. When Pei Yilin lay next to Song Qian, Song Qian hesitated for a while, but decided not to ask anything and closed his eyes to sleep.

When Song Qian woke up, she was still lying in Pei Yilin's arms.

She didn't know what was going on. Every time before falling asleep, she would be far away from Pei Yilin, but when she woke up, she was definitely in his arms.

But this time it was okay, after all, he was dressed.

Pei Yilin suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Originally, it looked good to squint at her and stare at him, but he hadn't teased her all night. He really wanted to talk to her.

"Why would I allow you to hold it?" Song Qian was asking Pei Yilin and herself.

Why can she hate Pei Yilin to death, but reluctant to leave?

Pei Yilin curled her lips, "Because you like me." In a sure tone.

Song Qian almost asked if Pei Yilin liked her too.

When the words came to her lips, she quickly turned a corner: "No, I'm just testing, your hard thing against me, does it mean you are better."

Pei Yilin's face changed, and he clearly saw the depth in Song Qian's eyes, and he couldn't put it on anymore.

What a shame, it was revealed in just one day!

Pei Yilin lamented that he was not a madman, and he was not suitable for what he could do only with a madman.

Song Qian said angrily: "You lie about this kind of thing too!" And she actually believed it innocently?

Why is it that because the object is him, she will wave away the obvious doubt in her heart every time and choose to get into his trap again and again?

Pei Yilin's face changed slightly. The word "lie" has never been associated with him!

"Don't let me go?" Song Qian was angry, "In the morning, would you like to fight?"

"I don't mind doing it." Pei Yilin's tone was deep and charming, with an inviting seduction.

"Find someone else." Song Qian didn't have a good tone, and coldly pushed Pei Yilin away.

She got up and quickly tied her scattered hair into a ponytail.

Pei Yilin held his head with one hand, looked at Song Qian, and said, "Go and be my secretary."

Song Qian, who walked to the door, stopped again, listening to Pei Yilin continue to say: "I have read your information, so I should be able to do this job."

Song Qian's brows moved lightly and asked, "Do you want me to be a bodyguard?"

"The bodyguard, fiancee, and chief secretary are all part-time by you." Pei Yilin said in a cool tone.

"No." Song Qian said softly, she had already decided to escape.

She can't let herself be in danger. When she finds her ID card and hukou, she will go abroad with money Mengmeng and hide from Pei Yilin. If she is caught, let's talk about it!

How could Pei Yilin fail to understand Song Qian's mind about running away.

He got angry in his chest, got up, pressed her step by step, and asked with a low voice, "Do you think you can escape?"

Song Qian never wanted to hide Pei Yilin's truest thoughts, she knew it, and couldn't keep it.

"President Pei hasn't seen my true strength yet!" Song Qian's voice was very weak, but her tone was very complicated, "As long as I really want to escape, how can I not escape?"

Pei Yilin suddenly used his body to push Song Qian against the wall, with his hands on both sides of her ears, and two little girls were printed in her black eyes.

"Why escape?" Pei Yilin has never been a person who likes to ask questions, but Song Qian, a woman, has brought him too many doubts.

Sometimes he could feel that she had some feelings for him, but sometimes, he discovered that she could quickly put aside their relationship, ignored him, and even really wanted to escape from him.

Song Qian said very clearly: "I have a daughter and a husband."

Pei Yilin said in a cold voice, "Isn't your husband dead?"

Song Qian is ashamed, don't you mind hearing Pei Yilin's meaning?


What does he mind?

She has never been only him a man...

"I don't want to play ambiguously with Mr. Pei." Song Qian lowered his eyes, "Perhaps Mr. Pei is used to holding a woman and he can kiss and do it, and he can roll away at any time when he shouts, but I am not used to it."

Pei Yilin clenched his fists. In Song Qian's heart, was this how he defined him?

Song Qian's eyes were dim. She thought that she and Pei Yilin had already spoken clearly.

"I'm going to see if Mengmeng is up." As she said, she ran away flexibly.

Pei Yilin stunned and roared: "Follow me to work tomorrow! If you have the ability, you will run away under my nose!"


All employees of the Muhua Group knew that there was a chief secretary beside Pei Yilin. Everyone had seen him, and that was the woman who made him laugh.

Bi Yuntao looked at Song Qian and said, "Mrs. President, you don't have to work too hard, just ask me to do something if you have something. You, please accompany our President, let him be happy." Don't look for us anymore. The subordinate's stubble.

Bi Yuntao wanted to confess Song Qian as a bodhisattva, because he deeply knew that as long as Song Qian made President Pei happy, his work would be much smoother.

"I'm not the president's wife." Song Qian said crudely.

Bi Yuntao glanced at Pei Yilin secretly, but his expression was relaxed and happy.

"Small will never reveal that you are the president's wife in front of outsiders!" Bi Yuntao assured.

Song Qian's face was dark, saying every word: "I'm not the president's wife!"

"Obviously! Mrs. President!" Bi Yuntao smiled.

Song Qian directly defined two words to Bi Yuntao in his heart: Er Que!

Pei Yilin chuckled his lips and chuckled, seeing Song Qian's unconfessed and angry appearance, he was in a particularly good mood.

Mrs. President?

This identity crowned Song Qian, and it seemed just right!

"President Pei, why not set up the office of the president's wife next to you?" Bi Yuntao suggested.

"No way!"


Song Qian and Pei Yilin had completely opposite attitudes.

Bi Yuntao was delighted, "Let's do it for the small ones!" He completely ignored Song Qian's objection.

Song Qian stared at Pei Yilin, and asked, "Why should my desk be outside?"

Pei Yilin raised her eyebrows and asked lazily: "The chief secretary, bodyguard, fiancee, which position shouldn't be by my side?"

Song Qian's lips twitched in embarrassment, she didn't want to play with Pei Yilin.

Song Qian already had another idea, so he said, "Let's bet."

Pei Yilin knew what Song Qian was going to bet on with him, and said lightly: "I agree."

Song Qian's eyes darkened. Did Pei Yilin see through her, or did he disdain her?

"You want to bet with me, if you can run away from under my nose with Mengmeng, let me set you free and never find you, right?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian nodded, she had to admit that Pei Yilin's guess was completely correct!

She looked at him with a little more profound meaning in her eyes.

"Indefinite deadline, when did you run away, when did you and I become strangers!" Pei Yilin said with great momentum.

Song Qian's small fist tightened, and the three words "stranger" came out of Pei Yilin's mouth. It was really unsympathetic!

However, it was such a happy decision!

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