At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 57 Scheming, do you believe me?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Joyce sat on the sofa and saw Pei Yilin and Yu Chi Haolan coming. He got up and said, "Xirong, go and pour tea for the four of you."

Song Qian watched secretly, Qin Xirong's gestures were elegant and noble.

Song Qian confirmed again that Qin Xirong is indeed an impeccable woman.

"The two great talents in Z city, have we not seen each other for two or three years?" Joyce asked with a smile.

Yuchi Haolan is polite and polite, "Mr. Qiao is busy with things. It is my honor to see him once in two or three years."

Pei Yilin curled her lips and didn't reply, but looked at Yu Chi Haolan very much.

Yuchi Haolan is the only seedling in the Ye Da family. Although he is a grandson, his inheritance is destined to fall in his hands.

The Ye family's great cause is comparable to the Pei family, and the hidden wealth is not much less than that of the Pei family. However, the two families are enemies from the previous generation, and then become enemies in the next generation.

Song Qian didn't understand the reason for this, she just thought it was a good time to slip away quietly and leave Mengmeng with money.

"Please drink tea." Qin Xirong bent slightly when delivering the water, revealing a deep chasm, and a white fluttering tenderness.

Song Qian looked away and subconsciously looked at her chest, and decided not to humiliate herself. Although she was also very predictable, she was still invincible compared to Qin Xirong.

Pei Yilin watched Song Qian's every move, he wanted to laugh somehow.

Song Qian compares with Qin Xirong so carefully, is it because he is jealous?

This silly woman?

She and Qin Xirong are completely different types. What is the comparison?

Seeing Pei Yilin looking at Song Qian, who was bowing his head, Qin Xirong's eyes shrank deep, she looked at Yuchi Haolan again, and he was also looking at Song Qian.

Qin Xirong wondered: What on earth does Song Qian have?

Back then, Qin Xirong was the only girlfriend Pei Yilin admitted, but he never looked at her with that kind of look.

A jealous feeling came to her heart, and along with hatred, the smile on Qin Xirong's face became more and more blooming.

Joyce sat and chatted with Pei Yilin and Yu Chi Haolan. Song Qian was always looking for opportunities. She calculated the time to escape and simulated the escape scene in her heart, striving for a one-time success!

Intuitively the plan was almost done, Song Qian got up, smiled gently and generously while sitting down, and said, "I'll go out first."

Pei Yilin frowned. Why did he always feel that Song Qian was planning something secretly?

Run away?

Then let her try to see who is better!

"Yilin's new secretary is beautiful and temperamental, and what he said is very decent. It seems that he has recruited another capable general!" Joyce exclaimed.

Pei Yilin looked at Yuchi Haolan provocatively, and then said to Joyce: "She is not just my secretary."

Joyce smiled darkly, "You!" He nodded, "It's in the prime of life, and there is nothing wrong with it." The tone contained deep meaning.

"Old Qiao was wrong." Pei Yilin corrected, "Qian'er is my fiancee."

"Oh?" Joyce raised his eyebrows with interest, "Then I would like to congratulate you!" He originally thought Song Qian was just a lover of Pei Yilin!

Joyce looked at Song Qian's back. He always felt like he had seen that woman, but he couldn't remember the specific occasion.

Yuchi Haolan ignored it and asked, "General Pei's fiancee, isn't Mrs. Xiang Jia, Xiang Yuqing?"

Pei Yilin's aura immediately went back: "Is it possible that Mr. Yuchi knows who my fiancee is better than I do?"

"That's not true." Yuchi Haolan is still like a gentleman. "It's just that I heard from my mother a while ago that Xiang's family is preparing for the wedding. Could it be that the bridegroom is not you?"

Pei Yilin's lips twitched and said: "Maybe, the bridegroom will be you?"

Yu Chi Haolan smiled lightly, "My fiancee, Pei will always see it!"

Qin Xirong looked at Pei Yilin and Yuchi Haolan secretly. They were still like this, and they would argue over and over when they met, but this time, the object of their dispute had nothing to do with her.

Song Qian left the private room, she walked out openly, and before she took a few steps, someone called her.

"Stop!" is a tall man.

Song Qian turned around, and was already vigilant.

The man approached her and asked, "Where is the bathroom?"

"There." Song Qian said smoothly.

The man nodded at her, then turned back and left.

Song Qian wondered, this man, who seems to be Lianjiazi, would be Joyce's bodyguard?

I didn't understand, Song Qian only walked a few meters away, and heard the "bang-bang" gunshots.

not good!

problem occurs!

Song Qian had two choices at this moment, one was to leave as planned, and the other was to go back and see what happened.

Pei Yilin and Yu Chi Haolan plus Joyce's bodyguards were so many that it could be said that they were impervious, but Song Qian was still worried that even those people had the courage to come, and they must have carefully planned.

Will something happen to Pei Yilin?

Almost before he made a decision, Song Qian went back.

Song Qian has never revealed her identity as a killer in life, but when danger approaches, she is by no means weak.

She pulled out the gun she was carrying, dodged and rushed forward.

However, when she arrived, the battlefield had already shifted.

damn it!

Why are they so fast?

Song Qian could only continue chasing after the gunshots. She noticed something was wrong, but what was wrong, could not be said for a while.

Several people shot Song Qian separately. She hurriedly hid, took aim, and shot one at a time.

When she basically cleared the road ahead, she quickly ran over to meet Pei Yilin and the others.

Pei Yilin and Qin Xirong stood very close, and the two looked as though they had just lived through adversity.

"Yilin!" Qin Xirong yelled, and violent gunshots passed through Song Qian's ears.

Qin Xirong stood in front of Pei Yilin, her back was stained with blood, and the person holding the gun was Song Qian.

Pei Yilin hugged Qin Xirong who was about to fall to the ground, and then stared at Song Qian.

Song Qian looked behind her subconsciously, and there was no one, but the shot just now was shot by someone behind her, and it had nothing to do with her.

The man's movements were very fast and light, and even when she appeared behind her, she just noticed that the gun rang and Qin Xirong was shot and fell.

"Call an ambulance." Pei Yilin said coldly into the ice cellar, "Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

"I'm fine." Qin Xirong whispered, "I'm very happy, you are still nervous about me."

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin. He looked at her so fiercely just now, wondering if she was going to kill him?

Song Qian's lips twitched.

so funny!

Why should she expect him to believe her?

None of Joyce's bodyguards was built, and the gunfight subsided quickly, except that no one alive was caught.

What everyone suspected was Song Qian.

"Secretary Song, please explain, what is going on?" Joyce asked, apparently targeting Song Qian as an enemy.

"I haven't checked it out yet." Song Qian said softly.

She knew that in the absence of evidence, what she said was equivalent to a fart.

"The surveillance showed that the man who was going to kill Joyce had spoken to you just now." The bodyguard next to Joyce showed evidence, "There will be such a coincidence that you just went out to talk to this man, and then you pointed out Where we are, they will attack afterwards."

Song Qianxin said: Of course it will not be a coincidence!

Is it possible that someone is trying to frame her?

"What about the subsequent monitoring?" Song Qian asked.

"The bullet hit the monitor, and the back is gone," the bodyguard said.

Yuchi Haolan went to Song Qian's side, and said, "If Qian'er did it, why should she be so obvious and let you investigate the evidence?"

Song Qian smiled lightly at Yuchi Haolan, very happy that there is still someone who can believe her at this moment.

"Xirong." Joyce asked Qin Xirong, "Did Secretary Song fired the shot just now?"

Song Qian twisted her eyebrows. At the moment, whether Qin Xirong said "yes" or "no", she seemed to be unclear about the suspicion.

Qin Xirong looked at Song Qian, then Pei Yilin, and said softly, "No."

Joyce's secretary hurriedly said, "Xirong, you have to tell the truth."

"What do you mean?" Pei Yilin said coldly, "Does it have to be planted on my fiancee to solve the problem?"

The secretary stopped talking. Joyce saw that both Pei Yilin and Yu Chi Haolan were protecting Song Qian, and decided not to pursue it for the time being.

"My gun is a self-made bullet." Song Qian finally said, "Is it true that Miss Qin who shot me? I'll know by checking the bullet on her back."

With that, Song Qian handed the gun to Joyce.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, his eyes were complicated. It was not that he didn't believe her, but that he was aware of the complexity and purpose.

Soon, the ambulance came.

Qin Xirong's injuries were not very serious. The bullets taken out were indeed different from the bullets in Song Qian's gun.

"It's okay." Yu Chi Haolan comforted softly, "No matter what, I trust you unconditionally."

Song Qian smiled sadly. Her heartache is not because of being misunderstood, but because of Pei Yilin's stare, because of his nervous Qin Xirong's expression.

Until this moment, Song Qian had to admit that she had feelings for Pei Yilin more or less.

Although she suppressed it desperately, even thinking that she could forget it by escaping from him, she finally discovered that some people, if they love, are love, and it is not so easy to force them to forget.

I waited very late and didn't see Song Qian coming back, Qian Mengmeng couldn't hold back, and called Mommy.

"Mummy, your baby girl misses you so much!" Qian Mengmeng said coquettishly.

"Mengmeng." Song Qian whispered, "There is something wrong with Mommy. You go to bed first, okay?"

"The situation?" Qian Mengmeng suddenly became nervous. "Mummy, what's the situation?"

"Nothing, you go to bed first and Mommy will kiss you when she comes back, okay?" Song Qian coaxed.

"All right," Qian Mengmeng answered, "Mommy, don't come back too late for you and Daddy!"

After hanging up the phone, Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin and Qin Xirong in the ward again, one caring and the other gentle.

I have to say that the two of them are really right!

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