At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 7 Do you still have reason to not wash your hands after going to toilet?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's face flushed suddenly, "Ahem...I'm a big size."

"Bodyguard Song." Pei Yilin's voice was dazed, "It's best not to delay too much time for these messy things in a day."

"People have three urgency." Song Qian knew that she could never provoke Pei Yilin, but she was very innocent, and she was mistaken for provocation by simply returning four words.

Originally, in front of Pei Yilin, he only needed to say the word "compliance".

Pei Yilin did not speak, but looked at each other with Song Qian, her eyes that were dark as midnight became increasingly cold.

While looking at each other, Song Qian heard the sound of water "swiping and pulling", her face became hot beyond control, and she could only lower her head to prevent Pei Yilin from noticing her strangeness.

"I can, did you go to the tuba?" Song Qian asked quietly.

Pei Yilin closed the zipper, raised his sword eyebrows easily, and his stern expression became more violent as his jaw tightened.

He approached Song Qian, raised her chin, looked at each other, and asked, "Bodyguard Song, why are you blushing?"

Song Qian's breathing couldn't help speeding up, and he wanted to retreat, but Pei Yilin clamped his chin.

The yellow light in the toilet was very ambiguous. Song Qian didn't dare to meet Pei Yilin's gaze. His voice was very subtle: "Mr. Pei, you... didn't wash your hands."

He had touched her there, and now he came to touch her again, and Song Qian felt goose bumps all over her body.

The smile on Pei Yilin's lips suddenly deepened, and he took it back in an instant.

"Bodyguard Song, if you change my sexual orientation, you have to be responsible." After speaking, Pei Yilin left without looking back.

Song Qian petrified in an instant, his face turned blue and white, annoyed and regretted that he had not smashed a few bags on Pei Yilin's head just now.

At this moment, three drunk men came in the men's room, and when they saw Song Qian, they all pointed at her and smiled.

"This man is absolutely uncomfortable."

"Do you have any hobbies in this area?"

"Why don't you try it tonight?"

As the men said, they stretched out salty pig hands to Song Qian.

Song Qian squinted contemptuously, and within ten seconds, all three men fell to the ground.

Song Qian still didn't return to the private room. To rescue Qian Mengmeng smoothly, of course he had to create some chaos for Haoting.

Song Qian, the video surveillance system of major hotels, has already been familiar with it. It would be quite easy to cut off the wires of Haoting without being noticed.

She wears the special glasses Xiao Honglian bought for her. Wearing them at night to see the world is like daytime, specially designed for her night blindness.

It’s just that the glasses are frame-like, which is not particularly convenient to wear. The special contact lenses in Xiao Honglian’s hand have not been given to Song Qian. She said that she had to accept more than a thousand tasks before giving her as a celebration gift. .

The huge hotel suddenly went dark, and Song Qian quickly returned to the room Pei Yilin had booked, where there had been a fight.

Could someone come to kill Pei Yilin?

Pei Yilin has a wealth of wealth, and he is so indifferent and cool, so many people want his life.

But Xiao Honglian made it clear that he would not accept the order of assassinating Pei Yilin, and he did not want to conflict with the people of the Dark Night Empire.

Song Qian can at least be sure that the one who came to kill Pei Yilin would not be someone from her company.

In the dark, Pei Yilin was still sitting at the table and drinking tea calmly, Liu Xuan was frightened next to him, but Qian Mengmeng disappeared.


Song Qian was anxious.

She looked around and found Qian Mengmeng standing in the corner of the sofa. She killed her all the way and hugged Qian Mengmeng.

"Ah! Help! Big brother, help me!" Qian Mengmeng shouted out of fright.

Song Qian hurriedly covered Qian Mengmeng's mouth, bent down and hugged her and left the room.

When she reached a safer place, Song Qian said softly, "Mengmeng, it's Mommy."

"Mommy!" Qian Mengmeng hugged Song Qian's neck and kissed her face fiercely, "Mommy, I knew you would come to save me!"

Song Qian nodded Qian Mengmeng's forehead, "Xiao Ming will keep yours first, and then go back and settle the accounts."

"Mummy." Qian Mengmeng took Song Qian's hand, "We are going to call Big Brother to go back together."

Song Qian looked at Qian Mengmeng and said, "The villa is beautiful, but it doesn't suit us."

Qian Mengmeng tilted his head and asked, "Is Mommy not satisfied with Big Brother?"

"Satisfied with your big head ghost!" Song Qian whispered, "He is old enough to be your daddy!"

Qian Mengmeng smiled happily, and the deep meaning hidden in her smile made Song Qian lightly frown. Why didn't she seem to understand her cute treasure?

"Mommy, I don't want to go!" Qian Mengmeng said coquettishly, "Isn't it okay for us to live together in the big brother's villa? You look so handsome as a man!"

"Ghost boy, do you know who he is? If you want to fall in love early, you can't be a little bit lower? Maybe, our mothers have to finish their lives!" Song Qian analyzed the relationship. .

"I have a sense of measure!" Qian Mengmeng said with certainty, and then muttered something very quietly, Song Qian did not hear clearly.

Persuaded not to listen, Song Qian simply took Qian Mengmeng and continued to run.

"Mommy, let me go!"

"I'll clean up you when I go back."

"Wow-help! Someone kidnapped a child, big brother, come and save me!" Qian Mengmeng suddenly shouted.

Song Qian clearly saw the mischievous smirk flashing in Qian Mengmeng's eyes, and then Pei Yilin rushed toward them.

It is rumored that Pei Yilin's fight was not so fierce. Song Qian held his breath and dared not miss any sound, worried that he would recognize him in this dark night.

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