At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 79 It's not that I don't want you, you don't want me!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin stationed at a villa not far from Xiangjia Base, and all the bodyguards were ready to go to war at any time.

Pei Yilin was sitting in the living room. He knew that Xiang Jia's strength was not weak. He had to make a comprehensive plan for how to attack and win this time.

In his mind, there were blood stains in the bathroom, Song Qian's pale face, wounds on her body, and Fang Zi Kuang's solemn tone when he said that the city center was almost destroyed.

Thinking of this, Pei Yilin's bloodthirsty thoughts never stopped.

He wants to get rid of the troubles forever, and then Song Qian will not be chased down again, otherwise, the dog can't change the shit!

Hearing that his son had arrived, Pang Bingshuang hurried to find him.

"Madam, the Lord said that he will not see you." Kang Lu stopped Pang Bingshuang.

"No?" Pang Bing didn't say much nonsense, and slapped Kang Lu directly, "Do you know who I am? I am the fuck! Can there be him without me?"

"Please forgive me, Madam." Kang Lu couldn't let Pang Bing in, "Please also Madam not to embarrass me."

Pang Bingshuang simply slapped Kang Lu again.

"I think you are tired of living!" Pang Bing insisted on breaking in.

Pang Bingshuang's martial arts is very high, and Kang Lu can't make a ruthless hand.

When Pang Bingshuang arrived in front of Pei Yilin, Kang Lu could only apologize: "Please punish the Lord."

Pei Yilin's brows moved, and he said coldly, "Go down."

Pang Bingshuang looked at Pei Yilin, such a son was terrifying, no one dared to provoke him.

In her memory, she had never seen her son look like this. Even when Qin Xirong was driven away, he didn't have such a terrifying expression.

And because of this, Pang Bingshuang was even more intolerant of Song Qian.

"Are you here this time as a mother or as a lobbyist?" Pei Yilin asked coldly.

"Your mother." Pang Bingshuang didn't use a good tone, "part-time lobbyist to the family."

"Then you can go." Pei Yilin's gaze fell on Pang Bing's face, sharp as ice, "The account between us, wait until Xiang Jia is gone."

"What's your tone?" Pang Bingshuang asked, "It seems that you are still determined to kill Xiangjia?"

Pei Yilin gave Pang Bingshuang an expression of "You thought I was here to play".

"Son! Have you thought about the consequences?" Pang Bing softened his tone. "It's just Song Qian. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Pei Yilin's eyes searched more sharply, Song Qian only had one. If it is gone, where can he find another one?

Pang Bing simply said: "I sent the little girl who killed Song Qian this time. If you want to kill someone for revenge, kill me first."

Pei Yilin clenched his fists. He investigated why Song Qian was injured. That's how it is hated. They used such despicable means!

With Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian can no longer be called a competent killer.

Pei Yilin also knew Song Qian's heart was soft, so she let her work in the company, hoping that she would not be a killer in the future.

Unexpectedly, she still...

"So I said, the account between us will be calculated in a few days." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Pang Bingshuang shouted: "I'm your mother!" Does he really want to kill his mother?

"Qian'er is my wife and the mother of my child." Pei Yilin's voice has no excess temperature.

"I recognize that child, and Yuqing also said that she would take good care of that child." Pang Bingshuang said.

"No need." Pei Yilin raised her eyes, "Mengmeng has her mom, Xiang Yuqing is unworthy!"

"Is Xiang Yuqing not worthy?" Pang Bing was angry. "Whether she is not worthy of you on her appearance and family history? And what about Song Qian? What does she have?

"She has my love for her." Pei Yilin stared at Pang Bingshuang, "Moreover, I only love her!"

"You are rebelling with me now, are you?" Pang Bing let out a sigh of relief, "At first, you thought you loved Qin Xirong so deeply? In the end, didn't you let it go?"

Pang Bing suddenly realized, "Oh, you used this incident to express the anger of the last time, right?"

Pei Yilin's expression became even more ugly, and Pang Bing moved his mouth, thinking about what to say and what to do to make his son change his mind.

"It seems that I can't persuade you anymore. You must fight against Xiang Jia, right?" Pang Bingshuang asked.

Pei Yilin nodded.

"If I said, I would stand at the door of Xiang's house? If you rush in, first of all, step over my corpse first!" Pang Bingshuang threatened.

"I will." Pei Yilin's eyes flashed bloodthirsty, "If you insist on protecting them, I will step over your corpse as you expect."

Pang Bing looked at Pei Yilin dumbly. She knew her son was filial, so she threatened him with her own life.

He had never said anything like this to her, but today...

"You must have been confused by Song Qian!" Pang Bingshuang concluded excitedly, "She must have controlled your mind! So you don't even want your mother!"

"Please figure it out." Pei Yilin said word by word, "It's not that I don't want you, it's you, don't want me."

"You nonsense!"

"I only tell you that Qianer is a woman I am willing to use my life to protect. If you insist on choosing me between her and you, I will choose her."


"Because she will never throw this kind of difficult problem for me to choose." Pei Yilin's voice was filled with pain.

Thinking of Song Qian's refusal to him, and the cold eyes she looked at him, he had a kind of despair that could never be restored.



He grew up, and felt hopeless for the first time, so powerless.

Pang Bingshuang looked at Pei Yilin blankly, she was also good for him and Pei's family, so she let him be with Xiang Yuqing!

Why did she provoke her son's breaking and complaining?

Did she... really do something wrong?

"Push her into the bedroom and watch, she is not allowed to come out, three meals are delivered on time, and the rest are forbidden!" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"Are you under house arrest?" Pang Bingshuang asked.

She began to realize that her son was completely falling out with her.

"If you let her run away with tricks, the consequences will be serious!" As he said, Pei Yilin got up and left the villa.

Pang Bing yelled at Pei Yilin, but her power alone was limited after all, and she could only be obediently locked in the bedroom.

Pang Bingshuang was anxious, her cell phone had also been confiscated, and there was no communication equipment in the room. She couldn't call for help by her voice alone.

This is over!

It's really going to cause a big disaster!

The person Pang Bingshuang wanted to see most at the moment was Song Qian, and at the same time, he hoped that she would not die. This time, only Song Qian could solve the problem!

Pang Bingshuang felt so strange that she hoped that Song Qian would leave the world completely a second ago, and at this moment, she hoped that Song Qian would live well, and that life and prosperity appeared before Pei Yilin's eyes.

Sure enough, there is nothing impossible in the world...

Pei Yilin deployed, and just about to be dispatched, he sent someone to Xiangjia to negotiate.

"No." Pei Yilin was indifferent, "Let him go back and tell Xiang Chi, where he escapes, I will kill him!"

"Master." Kang Lu accepted Fang Zikang's request and must delay another half an hour.

"Since Xiang's family has sent someone to talk, let's see." Kang Lu suggested cautiously, "Look at what they want to say."

Pei Yilin sneered at the corner of his mouth, "What else can the dying person say?"

It is nothing more than pleading or compensation.

situation?Does he have anything with them?

money?He is too much to be interested.

Kang Lu took a breath, and at the same time he understood Song Qian's position in Pei Yilin's heart.

"Lord, if it spreads out, the people on the road will say that our Dark Night Empire rushes to death."

"When are the people of the Dark Night Empire a compassionate savior?" Pei Yilin's voice was very small and cold.

Kang Lu knows that if we continue speaking, he will suffer!

I saw Pei Yilin's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Kang Lu, as if examining the enemy.

Kang Lu felt a chill behind him, and Fang Zi's death order sounded in his ears. He could only bite the bullet and said: "Xiang Family is unusual. Although Song Bodyguard was seriously injured this time, after all..."

With Pei Yilin's eyes, Kang Lu could only hold back the words.

"Leave the word out, and anyone from Xiang's family who didn't participate in the killing of Song Qian surrenders now, I can make a living." Pei Yilin said coldly.

"Yes!" Kang Lu responded and went out.

For half an hour, he couldn't even delay for five minutes!

After hiding in a remote place, Kang Lu called Fang Zikuang and said, "No, the Lord is very determined."

"I'm grass! He is really angry as a beauty! I said that Xiangchi, who is not good to move, has to move Song Qian, I ate Song Qian a little tofu last time, brother Yilin almost beat it Destroy me!" Fang Zi Kuang hated it as he thought about it.

Kang Lu was speechless.

"If I don't know the consequences are serious, Xiangchi's old life, I will be the first to solve it!" Fang Zikuang said, hung up the phone, and could only speed up the driving.

"Why don't you call Daddy?" Qian Mengmeng asked Fang Zikuang.

Fang Zi snarled wildly: "You can get through and wait till now?"

Cheng Xian's brows tightened, Fang Zi Kuang quickly came down to be gentle, "Xian baby, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, your stitches come over, I still have soft legs!"

With that said, Fang Zi Kuang looked at Pei Peipei, gritted his teeth and said: "The two slap you slapped, I will get it back sooner or later!"

"Try it!" Pei Peipei hugged Cheng Xian, "You are a baby, you have to protect me! You are a man, a hero in my mind!"

"I only protect Mengmeng and Aunt Song." Cheng Xian pushed Pei Peipei away with no shame, "I don't care about the rest."

Peipei's face was twitching.

Fangzi leaned forward and backward with a frantic laugh. He glanced at Yin Bao'er from the corner of his eye. Yin Bao'er was just guarding Song Qian's side, so quiet that he didn't say a word.

The usual twittering Yin Baoer suddenly fell silent, and all his thoughts were written on his face.

Pei Peipei followed Fang Zikang's gaze, she pouted and kicked it, then made a face at him.

Regardless of the emotional entanglements between these adults, Qian Mengmeng asked again: "Then why not let Uncle Kang Lu tell Daddy that Mommy is looking for him?"

"You don't know your daddy!" Fang Zi sighed wildly, and said, "It's very possible that he and Song Qian didn't talk to each other, and he is even more reckless!"

Therefore, Fang Zikuang felt that he should wait for Song Qian's people to arrive, and hold Pei Yilin first, and then he would solve the rest himself.

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