At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 93 She is not the one he has a crush on? !

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Pei Yilin's brows were tightened. He not only had to worry about Peipei's affairs, but also about Song Qian's affairs. The purpose of the person who stole Song Qian's household registration and ID card was obvious: not let Song Qian get married!

who can that be?

There was a suspect in Pei Yilin's mind: Yu Chi Haolan.

"You don't reply anymore!" Song Qian gave Pei Yilin a hard pinch, "I ask you! Why is Fang Zikuan not the right person for Pepe?"

"Don't worry about this." Pei Yilin didn't intend to answer, "Anyway, remember, Peipei can't be with Fangzi Kuang."

Song Qian shrugged and mumbled: "You are like that tyrannical old man now, and you are in charge of other people's feelings!"

"Is it a wiser choice for Peipei to get involved in the relationship between Fang Zikang and Yin Bao'er?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"I don't know whether it is wise or unwise, but if it is me, I will respect Pepe's choice. She will take the path she chooses to be injured or happy. And you can't afford her future life." Song Qian said .

"In short, my answer is only two words." Pei Yilin's black eyes darkened, "No!"

Song Qian was too lazy to have a head-on conflict with Pei Yilin. In this regard, Pei Yilin and Pang Bingshuang are really alike: to interfere in a relationship in the name of love and concern.

Pei Yilin kissed Song Qian's eyes, and said softly, "Just do as I said. There are many things that you don't see fully."

"Yeah." Song Qian answered casually, "I have another question I want to ask you."


"How deep are your feelings for your crush?" Song Qian was very curious about this question, "Do you love her very much?"

Pei Yilin's eyes flashed with complexity, "Well, why do you mention her?"

Song Qian intuitively felt that Pei Yilin had something to hide from her, and it was related to his crush, that is, her.

"I want to know!" Song Qian said in a very positive tone, "Just talk about it! If she showed up before meeting me, or she would show up in the next few days, how would you treat her?"

Song Qian thought, maybe it's time for her to show her identity to Pei Yilin.

"Don't you go and see Mengmeng? She mingled with Cheng Xian's boy all day, so you are not afraid of her premature love?" Pei Yilin changed the subject.

"Mengmeng knows her heart, so I don't need me to care!" Song Qian believed in her baby girl, "What's more, Cheng Xian is my son-in-law, as long as they do not have physical contact early, I don't care about their childhood sweethearts! "

Pei Yilin smiled and scratched Song Qian's nose. Her daughter's stocking policy was really worrying!

"I'm asking you something!" Song Qian turned the topic back again, "That crush object, in your heart, must be super beautiful, right? Can you imagine, is she the most beautiful woman in the world?"

Song Qian is so happy, Pei Yilin has a crush on her!

After all, she is quite a bargain.

He thought of her for six years, and she hated him for six years.

Until now, he must still have that crush in his heart, but he was worried that she would be jealous, so he didn't tell her!

Song Qian was annoyed. If she was not his crush, wouldn't she tolerate the existence of other women in his heart?

"When did you become so talkative?" Pei Yilin was dissatisfied, "Can't you be quiet by my side?"

"It's better to be with you than with my daughter!" Song Qian said straightforwardly.

Pei Yilin's brows wrinkled, Song Qian explained with a smile, "Don't I have more than half of my life to be with you? But after my daughter is married, it must be rare to see each other!"

This is the most beautiful love story Pei Yilin has ever heard. He likes Song Qian to classify her as a member of his family. It makes him feel so warm and at ease.

"We can visit her at any time." Pei Yilin whispered, "What's more, we will have so many children. You won't be bored."

"Hahaha—" Song Qian laughed loudly, "Do you think I am a sow? There are so many children!"

Song Qian's life was half-life for Qian Mengmeng, and Song Qian never thought about having another child.

Song Qian felt that it would be nice to make Qian Mengmeng her only baby!

"What's more, don't you want children temporarily?" Song Qian didn't open his eyes, "You gave me contraceptives." Although he used condoms several times later.

Pei Yilin was taken aback for a moment and really didn't understand what Song Qian was thinking about.

He gave her birth control pills that time, but for her health!

"I was with you and you got pregnant within a few days, so what should I do?" Pei Yilin said crudely, "Why do you have to feed me before allowing you to become pregnant."

Song Qian's face flushed with shame, buried her head in Pei Yilin's chest, and pointed his finger at his heart.

She said softly: "Here, I still have a crush on someone!"

Pei Yilin was annoyed, "Don't always mention this matter!" Every time, he was like a joke.

Moreover, why does he have a crush on a woman, but she is not jealous at all?

Looking at him again, she was already envied and hated because of the big brother in her heart!

"Then tell me how much you like her, I won't mention it in the future!" Song Qian insisted, "Otherwise, I will keep asking until I am satisfied with the answer!"

"It's impossible for me and her." Pei Yilin said softly.

"What's wrong?" Song Qian asked, looking at Pei Yilin's expression, she seemed very hurt.

"That day, I lost Pei's family crest. She should have stolen it." Pei Yilin said, "I feel very much towards her, but if I find her, I can't actually be responsible for her. I can only kill her. !"

Song Qian trembled all over, "Wh...what?"


She didn't take their family crest at all, OK!

Is the crush he said is really her?

Wouldn't he have sex with another woman in that room?

But every scene he said, she was right!

"I have never used the most extreme method to find her, just because I don't want her to appear in front of me." Pei Yilin's fist clenched as he spoke.

Song Qian opened her mouth in surprise. She finally understood why so many years had passed and Pei Yilin, the leader of the dignified Dark Night Empire, couldn't find a woman.

The real reason is that he is not willing to find it at all!

Because he likes her, he likes a woman he thinks is an enemy.

Therefore, he would rather she never show up with her family crest, and then, he can open one eye and close the other, at least let her live.

Song Qian had heard of the importance of the three family crests. Pei Yilin was willing to ignore the family crests to this point for a woman. How many feelings are there?

She couldn't help but compare: did he like her a little more at that time, or did he like her a little more at this time?

"You..." Song Qian was really unwilling. "You only had physical contact with her once! Do you have such deep feelings?"

Both of them have already experienced so many things.

Song Qian intuitively felt that in Pei Yilin's heart, the woman she loved the most was always the one in the past.

She didn't know what she was eating, even though both of them were her, she was quite dissatisfied!

"Are you jealous?" Pei Yilin laughed, "You are finally jealous!"

Song Qian heard the crow's cry, did Pei Yilin pretend to her just now, or was it serious?

"Pei Yilin!" Song Qian paused, "Which one are you true or false?"

"you guess."

"Guess your sister!"

"No swearing."

"My pleasure!"

"Then I also do what I like."

With that, Pei Yilin picked Song Qian up and went straight to the bedroom.

"Hey! don't mess around, we just...well..." All the words were blocked.

Song Qian is so depressed. She has studied for a long time how to avoid Pei Yilin's kiss, but every time she comes to actual combat, she is a loser.

And the question still entangled in her heart: She really didn't take Pei Yilin's family crest!

After a battle, Song Qian had no thoughts about the family crest. She just wanted to sleep.

Before going to bed, she threatened and said, "Pei Yilin! We are going to sign a prenuptial agreement! Different beds before marriage!"

"I have asked someone to get your Hukou and ID card. It will be after marriage." Pei Yilin gloated, "Otherwise, I will hack the Civil Affairs Bureau system and let you appear on my Hukou directly!"

Song Qian took a deep breath, "I curse that the ID card and hukou can't be handled all my life!"

Then, before Pei Yilin is about to get angry, it is wiser for her to fall asleep first.

Pei Yilin's laughter overflowed from her chest and heard Song Qian's even breathing. He straightened her hair and dropped a precious kiss on her forehead.

"Qianer..." He whispered her name softly, between his brows, there was a complicated sadness.

Song Qian didn't fall asleep, she narrowed her eyes to look at Pei Yilin, and saw his melancholy face, her heart also tightened.


Pei Yilin came to the kitchen again. This time, he hoped to cook Song Qian a good meal.

But for a man who has never cooked, even just doing a simple thing will become very difficult.

"Everyone in the villa will take a one-night vacation." Pei Yilin said to Aunt Wang, "Leave the villa, each person will tip 10,000 yuan."

"President Pei?" Aunt Wang didn't understand what Pei Yilin was doing.

"Within ten minutes, everything that should be left will leave, not one left." Pei Yilin ordered.

Aunt Wang laughed suddenly. Pei Peipei took Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian out to play this afternoon. It seems that Pei always wants to live with Song Qian in the two-person world, right?

"Yes! I'm going to make arrangements!" Aunt Wang answered happily.

After everyone withdrew, Pei Yilin stood in the kitchen, studying every condiment.

Song Qian told him that egg fried rice doesn't need too much condiments. When he can't cook, just try to put salt in it, so it won't be unpalatable and make you nauseous.

Thinking of Song Qian's serious expression when she was speaking, Pei Yilin really wanted to strangle her!

Pei Yilin took the mobile phone Baidu over the practice of egg fried rice, carefully and carefully watched all the steps, step by step, demonstrated it in his mind, and then started to do it.

This time, he must not lose face again!

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