Pei Yilin comes to a small room and gets close to him. He gradually hears the laughter of Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian.

"Daddy!" Qian Mengmeng pounces on Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin took Qian Mengmeng in his arms, gave her a kiss on the cheek and asked, "how about it? Do you have nosebleed today? Did you listen to Dr. hao

"It's said I'm healthy!" Qian Mengmeng nuzui, "I don't need to be treated here alone!"

A week ago, the day Pei Yilin and song Qian quarreled, Qian Mengmeng suddenly fell ill and fainted.

In order not to let song Qian worry too much, Pei Yilin secretly transferred Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian to doctor Hao's residence for treatment. Anyway, there are all the medical equipment needed here.

Pei Yilin touched Qian Mengmeng's forehead and then asked, "did you take medicine on time?" The tone is full of concern.

"Of course Qian Mengmeng said happily.

Pei Yilin nodded at ease, holding Qian Mengmeng on the swing outside.

"Daddy, you haven't made up with mommy yet?" Qian Mengmeng asks in a low voice.

Although Qian Mengmeng doesn't know the specific reason for the quarrel between her parents, Qian Mengmeng knows that there must be something wrong with their feelings when she sees her father's expression on her face every time she comes.

"Children don't care about adults." Pei Yilin has a cold voice.

Qian Mengmeng wrinkled her little nose and muttered, "I'm the one who knows mummy best in the world. Daddy, you can ask me any questions about mummy that you can't think of."

Pei Yilin frowned, but Qian Mengmeng said it was right!

Qian Mengmeng continued: "what's more, daddy, what's your reason for telling mummy that I'm missing? Does Mommy believe it? Is that acceptable? "

"Meng Meng, what do you think of daddy?" Pei Yilin asked.

"No words to describe it." Qian Mengmeng said.

Pei Yilin is very shy.

Qian Mengmeng grinned and continued: "because Daddy is the best, the best and the best man in my heart."

Pei Yilin laughed, and then asked, "compared with weichi, what about that guy? Is daddy better than him in a woman's eyes

"Absolutely good!" Qian Mengmeng is very supportive.

"But your mother just doesn't know what to buy!" Pei Yilin was angry.

"How could it be!" Qian Mengmeng didn't believe it at all. "I can be 100% sure that mommy has only daddy in her heart, not uncle weichi."

Pei Yilin is dissatisfied. If he is compared with Wei Chi Haolan, he certainly has confidence that he can compare with him. However, he is now comparing with Qian Duoduo!

Qian Mengmeng asked, "Daddy, are you eating uncle weichi's vinegar?"

Pei Yilin shook his head, then nodded again. Finally, he could only sigh for a long time.

"When your mother was a child, she liked a man named brother duo, Wei Chi." Pei Yilin is very unwilling to say this sentence.

Pei Yilin hopes that in Song Qian's heart, there is only him except Qian Mengmeng.

"Ha ha ha --" Qian Mengmeng laughed more happily, "Daddy, I know what you are tangled with

Pei Yilin looks at Qian Mengmeng suspiciously. If she really knows, can she still smile so happily?

Seeing Qian Mengmeng's pale face, Pei Yilin couldn't get angry.

"Daddy, you are wondering if Mommy will leave you and be with Uncle weichi, right?" Qian Mengmeng was right.

Pei Yilin once again thinks highly of Qian Mengmeng. The child's emotional intelligence is so high, coupled with his beautiful appearance that he can't find fault with, will he not become a fan of thousands of people when he grows up?

The more Pei Yilin looked at it, the more he thought Qian Mengmeng looked like him, just like his own child.

"Daddy, you're so stupid about your feelings!" Qian Mengmeng sighed and shook her head, "how many things have happened between mummy and you? How many things have mommy and uncle weichi experienced


"What's more, uncle Wei Chi has been mummy's first love affair many years ago. You are mummy's husband and my father. You don't need to worry at all!"

"But your mother likes money." Pei Yilin gnaws his teeth. Thinking that Qian Mengmeng still follows Qian, he would like to strip song Qian's skin.

"But mommy loves you." Qian Mengmeng blinked seriously, "Daddy, mommy loves you very much, really! You promised me that she would be happy. Do you want to be angry with her and quarrel with her all the time

"Love me?" Pei Yilin's uncertain tone.

"I've been with mommy for so many years. When have I seen her blush and daze, she has the temperament of these little women in front of Daddy. What's more, apart from being a glass heart in the face of my affairs, mummy loves crying and making noises, and only in front of daddy will she cry." Qian Mengmeng said.

Seeing that Pei Yilin is still hesitating, Qian Mengmeng can only continue to persuade: "Daddy, mummy is a killer. Her psychological quality is very strong, and she cares deeply about people who can hurt her. One is me, the other is you. ""Don't you find that it's because she loves us that she can forgive us regardless of our mistakes? And there's no bottom line for forgiveness. " Qian Mengmeng said, "because she loves us deeply."

"What a lovely daughter Pei Yilin fiercely kisses Qian Mengmeng, "when I go back, I'll go to find your mommy!"

"Daddy, Mommy's weakness is to eat soft rather than hard. If you treat her with cute and charming, she will be all right." Qian Mengmeng ordered.

Pei Yilin nodded heavily. Thinking of song Qian's love for him, he was immediately elated.

Qian Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief. Her physical condition was so bad that she didn't even know whether she could live for the next second. If the two lovers, daddy and mummy, were not together, she would die with her eyes closed!

After having dinner with Qian Mengmeng, Pei Yilin went back to the villa alone. He once again told doctor Hao to send Qian Mengmeng to hell if his illness did not recover.

Pei Yilin is determined to go to the villa to meet song Qian. Who can't be coquettish or cute? As long as she loves him and doesn't leave him, he can do all kinds of things.

What Pei Yilin didn't expect was that he would receive a text message on his way home.

The content of the message is: it has been found out that Qian Mengmeng and song Qian, as well as Cheng Xian, stole into the dungeon that day.

Pei Yilin suddenly stepped on the brake.

Qian Mengmeng.

Why did Qian Mengmeng steal into the dungeon?

Pei Yilin has always suspected that Qian Mengmeng's cleverness is too much, and sometimes Cheng Xian's talent is shocking. The two children, together with song Qian and the three of them, are not simple at all!

Is it difficult to


Pei Yilin clenched his fist and cut off his thoughts.

The car changed direction, Pei Yilin didn't go back to the villa, but drove to the company.

Pei Yilin's office compartment is a bedroom. There are a lot of wine in it. All of them were bought by song Qian last time. However, she was ungrateful and chose only one bottle of high-grade wine.

Pei Yilin sat inside, drinking a bottle after another.

At this time, song is sneaking to Pei Yilin's company. She wants to check the monitoring of Pei Yilin's office, and maybe find some clues about Qian Mengmeng.

Close to the office closer and closer, song Qian's first reaction is: good strong wine flavor!

Song Qian takes a look inside. He doesn't find anything. He just walks in and opens Pei Yilin's office computer.

Password required!

"Grass!" Song Qian couldn't help being rude.

However, song Qian is also a half hacker at least. She laughs at the corners of her lips and prepares to steal Pei Yilin's computer system.

"EH -" Song Qian was careful, "why is it so complicated?"

Facing such a powerful program in the computer, song shallow's head hurts.

But for Qian Mengmeng, song Qian has to do all the headache!

Song Qian tried several methods, but none of them could crack Pei Yilin's computer password. Instead, he almost stepped into a safe minefield.

Song Qian clenched his lips and turned his eyes sensitively. He took Pei Yilin's birthday password.

The password is incorrect.

Song Qian thought about it and tried the password with Pei Yilin's phone number, but it was not right.

Song shallow anxious to scratch people, she was angry, very casual to put their own birthday input.

Computer unlocked successfully!

Song Qian is completely stunned. After staying for half a day, he sees Pei Yilin's computer desktop as a picture of her, Qian Mengmeng and him.

At that time, the three were still laughing so brightly.

"This man..." Song Qian's heart is warm.

Although she knew that Pei Yilin would not treat Qian Mengmeng badly, she just wanted her baby daughter very much.

Song Qian picks up the corner of his lips and smiles gently. He can't help touching Qian Mengmeng's face on the computer screen, and then touches Pei Yilin's face.

A family of three, song Qian has been expecting that they will live happily.

But Now

Song Qian's heart filled with wild jealousy: Pei Yilin must be in Qin Xirong's bed. They are very busy!

"Cheap man!" Song Qian clenched his fist. "Can't you live without a woman?"

"Who?" Pei Yilin's voice suddenly rang out.

Song shallow a Leng, her first reaction is to escape, there is a shadow to her, heavily fell on her body.

"It's heavy!" Song Qian reluctantly propped up his body, smelling the smell, he knew it was Pei Yilin.

"Why do you drink so much wine?" Song Qian discovered that Pei Yilin had just come out from behind a wall.

"Shallow son?" Pei Yilin was puzzled, his tongue was still rolling, "shallow son, is it you?"

“……” Song Qian didn't reply. She broke into the office at night and moved Pei Yilin's computer. He must have suspected that she was an undercover!

It's depressing. How can she do anything to get involved with an undercover?Pei Yilin hugged song Qian, "shallow son!"

"EH - HM --"

Pei Yilin could not help but kiss song Qian's lips, put his big palm on her face and pressed her against the wall.

"Don't..." Song Qian refused, but did not expect Pei Yilin to be more powerful after he was drunk.

"No! Pei Yilin! Don't touch me! I think you are dirty Song Qian was furious.

Pei Yilin blinked wrongly and said, "I'm not dirty. I don't vomit."

After listening, song Qian's lips awkwardly hook, see Pei Yilin's confused eyes, should have been drunk even East, West, North and South can't tell!

"Shallow son, I miss you, miss you so much!" Pei Yilin said, kissing song Qian's mouth again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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