Qian Mengmeng looks at Song Qian and thinks that if Mommy can have a little bit of heart for daddy, it's OK!

Song qian can't face the fact that he kisses Pei Yilin voluntarily. He can only change the topic and ask, "what's the matter with Liu Xuan?"

"There is something wrong with the pastry she brought in. Of course, she will be punished." Qian Mengmeng said easily, "however, the elder brother knew that she was being used by others, so he let her go back and said that he would never see her again."

Something's wrong!

As a killer, song Qian knows that the reason is not as simple as Qian Mengmeng said.

In any case, Liu Xuan is a person with poison. Pei Yilin can't let her go so easily.

Is it Pei Yilin's intention to let Liu Xuan go back to be a bait, trying to find out the person who poisoned him behind the scenes?

At this time, doctor Hao and charllan came in.

Xia'erlang carries the food that song Qian thinks about day and night, while doctor Hao takes a set of medical equipment.

Song Qian had dinner while Dr. Hao examined her.

After more than ten minutes, Dr. Hao said, "it's no big problem. It's just that you have to make more supplements recently. Otherwise, you'll be weak and easy to get sick."

"Thank you." Song shallow voice, she firmly believes that there must be a disaster after death, which so many unfortunate things are caught up with her?

However, song Qian found that it seemed that after meeting Pei Yilin, she began to have bad luck. She even ate the poison she had prepared for Pei Yilin!

Think, song shallow behind the chill straight out, next, she will become how bad?

In the room to stay bored, song shallow simply get up to find Pei Yilin.

Kang Road in the study door guard, song shallow light voice asked: "Pei always in the inside?"

Kanglu nodded.

Song Qian knocks on the door three times and then goes in.

Pei Yilin had long heard song Qian's voice and put on airs and pretended to be dealing with official documents.

"Mr. Pei." Song Qian whispered.

Pei Yilin did not answer.

"That Thank you for saving me. " Song Qian's voice is very small, but she has always been clear about her gratitude and resentment. If Pei Yilin had just let her die or die, she would have harassed the king of hell and given her a few decades of life!

Pei Yilin just raised his head, and song Qian could see the piece of his lip that was bitten.

Seeing song Qian's face suddenly red, Pei Yilin decided that she must have thought of something ugly in her mind!

He felt his swollen lips subconsciously, and his black eyes were shining.

"By your logic, aren't you my savior?" Pei Yilin's voice is still cold.

I don't know why, every time I meet song Qian, Pei Yilin maliciously wants to quarrel with her.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Song Qian embarrassed smile, "nothing, I'll go to work first."

"Bodyguard song." Pei Yilin stopped song Qian.


Pei Yilin's shallow lips moved and his voice floated out: "the medical expenses are 120000 yuan in total."

Looking at Song Qian's sudden fire, even the door slammed. Pei Yilin's eyebrows tightened tightly and then loosened, revealing a gentle and doting smile, showing his arrogant and domineering spirit.


A week later, song Qian tried every means to persuade Qian Mengmeng to leave. The soft, hard and even tied up ended in failure.

The relationship between Song Qian and Pei Yilin became particularly strange. Most of the time, Pei Yilin had the upper hand. Then song Qian seized the opportunity and had to retaliate.

Once and twice, song Qian is used to becoming a man who tugs out his teeth. There are many bodyguards and maids in the villa who play well with her, often secretly talking about her "particularity" in Pei Yilin's eyes.

This day, clouds floating in the blue sky, very comfortable to change a variety of postures.

"Brother Yilin, the sun is shining on your buttocks. Haven't you woken up yet?" A man's voice sounded under the villa.

Song Qian wakes up early. Anfen stands at the door of his bedroom as a bodyguard. When he hears the sound of the stairs ticking, the whole villa is very lively.

It was Fang Zi maniac, the second leader of the dark night empire. His name was later changed by himself. As soon as he heard it, he knew that he was arrogant and domineering. If he could be a second leader, he naturally deserved his reputation.

Song Qian said in his heart: seeing that Fang Zi can run rampantly in Pei Yilin's house, Pei Yilin must have a lot to do with the big boss of the dark night Empire, right?

Pei Yilin, the man himself, is too cold to be provoked. Combined with the dark night Empire, does he want to be the God of death in the world?

Fang Zi looked at Song Qian wildly, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a beautiful light. He asked, "are you the new favorite of brother Yilin?"

Fangzi maniac's appearance is absolutely seductive, white skin, two strong eyebrows with soft ripples, exquisite Danfeng eyes raised, as if always smiling, pink thin lips like peach petals, excess peach blossom from there.

Seeing that song Qian didn't reply, Fang Zi maniac continued to wonder, "what's the difference between you?"

The voice just fell, Fang Zi crazily took song Qian into his arms.Holding this man is like holding a clever and submissive woman. Fang zicrazy's heart somehow quickened the beat, and then tightened his strength. He found that song Qian's body was so soft!

It's amazing. The more the man hugs, the better!

Song Qian clenched his fist and was just about to let Fang Zi lie on the bed with disability for a few days. When the door of the bedroom opened, a cold breath came.

Song Qian is already very familiar with it. This breath belongs to Pei Yilin.

Fang Zi maniac this just loosen song shallow, when the temperature peels off, he actually some reluctantly.

Looking at Pei Yilin, he looks cold and fierce. His eyes are sharp like a knife. He is sharpening his knife and preparing to cut song Qian.

Song Qian couldn't help shivering. Today, she and Pei Yilin met each other for the first time. He was purely aimed at her anger, which made her feel innocent.

Fang Zi opened his lips in surprise, looked at Song Qian, and then looked at Pei Yilin. He asked, "are you jealous?"

Pei Yilin stares at Fang Zi maniac, but for a moment, there is no emotion in his black eyes.

"You are called to do business." Pei Yilin's voice is cold.

Fang Zi crazy close to song shallow, color squint at her, then return a way: "when did I delay business?"

Song Qian looks for an opportunity to retreat behind Pei Yilin, just to avoid Fangzi maniac's salty pig's hand.

Fang Zi laughed bitterly and said to Pei Yilin, "those killers are just little Cass! Don't worry about it. I'll tell them who's behind the scenes! "

The voice falls, Fang Zi crazy again blunt song shallow squeeze an eye, just walk to the dungeon.

"Would you like to see it?" Pei Yilin asked song Qian.

"Good." Song Qian readily agreed.

Anyway, if Pei Yilin is suspicious of her, the best way for her to clear the suspicion is to follow.

Song Qian and Kang Lu followed Pei Yilin. Song Qian asked in a low voice, "why does this Fangzi maniac call general manager Pei 'brother Yilin'? It sounds strange. "

"This is Mr. Fang's deliberate imitation of general Pei's niece." Kang Lu explained in a low voice.

Pei Yilin walked ahead, deliberately slowing down his pace. Listening to the fragmentary words of song Qian and Kang Lu, his dark eyes were as cold as midnight.

The dungeon was cold and damp, and the lights were dark to match the weird atmosphere.

The killers captured by song Qian in Haoting didn't appear until this moment. Song Qian had to admire Pei Yilin's means.

In recent days, Pei Yilin did not interrogate these killers. He just left them here. Instead, he only fed them water and hung their last breath.

It's a time when killers are weak in consciousness, and it's much easier to ask questions.

"Come on, who's behind the scenes?" Fang Zi madly asked, working up his face is still hanging cynical smile.

The killers don't say a word.

"Hard to answer?" Fang Zi maniac's eyes flashed with light, and the moment he drew out the knife, the cold light shone on the killers' eyes.

"It's been a long time since I killed anyone." Fang Zi chuckles wildly, the voice just falls, cut off a piece of flesh of arm of one of killers.

The killer held back and fainted in pain.

Song Qian's eyebrows slightly twisted on, Fang Zi mania is like a devil with a human skin smile. The more unrestrained the smile on his face, the more ruthless his heart is.

The people in the dark night empire are really not easy to provoke!

Pei Yilin's eyes fluttered on Song Qian, and a cruel smile came out of his lips.

"Scared?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian relaxed his brows.


The thought that was deeply rooted in her mind was: you don't kill him today, he will kill you tomorrow.

She just felt that the Fangzi's way was too bloody.

"There can be a simpler way." Song shallow tone.

"Oh?" Pei Yilin raised his voice, "son crazy, you step down, let song bodyguard try."

Fang Zi maniac also looked at Song Qian and said, "little man, I really began to be interested in you."

Han didi --

Song Qian could only be joking with Fang Zi maniac and said, "please ask Miss Xia Erlan to make some dishes quickly."

Kanglu did it immediately.

At this time, a famous killer called out: "Pei Yilin, don't dream that some of us will speak! You are slandering our killer spirit

Pei Yilin laughs coldly, and his arrogance makes people feel afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Song Qian is not in a hurry, but she is worried about her identity as a woman.

"Son crazy." Pei Yilin's tone was calm, but he was serious. "You don't care about women, do you treat men like that?"

Fang Zi crazy long fingers pick up song shallow's jaw, "where does this guy look like a man?"

Song Qian clearly smelled the smoke between Fang Zi's crazy fingers. She tightened her eyebrows, opened his hand and said in a low voice, "Mr. Fang, please respect yourself.""Oh, Ho, Ho!" Fang Zi maniac obviously got more interest, "how like a girl! It's said that you have a fierce fight. It's better to... "

The words have not finished, Fang Zi crazy to song shallow out a fist.

Song shallow quick response, lip a hook, although she disguised as a pig eat tiger, but her gold medal killer's identity can not be stigmatized!

After a few moves, Fang Zi maniac didn't get the upper hand.

Fang Zi maniac is a person who makes more and more efforts. An idea comes out of his mind: touch his chest to play!

Fang Zi crazy left hand, soon changed into the right hand, false and real people can not defend.

Song Qian didn't expect that the other side would take such a move. It happened that the place where she stayed was actually a dead corner. It was easy to retreat safely, but she would be touched by Fang Zi.

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