Song Qian presses Lina, the owner of the bicycle, to the dungeon. Lina looks at her in horror and says, "Song Qian, I'm really not an undercover of the villa. You believe me, I'm innocent!"

"You're the only one who has the key to the bicycle, and why are there traces of bicycle wheels in the back garden of the villa?" Song asked.

"Back garden?" Lina shook her head in disbelief! I've never been there by bike

Song Qian took several photos as evidence to show Lina, "this is what I took."

Lina looked at the photos and quickly explained, "someone must have stolen my bike, song Qian. I really don't have one!"

"After a few days of observation, you behaved strangely and didn't take things seriously. In particular, you found a remote control in your bed." Song Qian's voice was very low and cold, "how do you explain that?"

Pei Yilin looks at Song Qian. She is cold, fearless, unfeeling and cruel, but she is perfect and adorable.

"Far away Remote control? " Lina shivered all over her body. "That, that is..."

"That's the remote control you use to control the killer, isn't it?" Song Qian shook the remote control in his hand and guessed: "as long as you press one of the keys, the poison hidden in the killer's body will be released automatically."

"I'm really not an undercover!" Lina's face turned white. "This remote control, it's It is... "

"What is it?" Song Qian asked, "I don't want to torture you, but if you don't tell the truth." Song Qian's lips pull out a cold smile.

"It..." Lina looks at Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin is very interested in looking at Song Qian, in his eyes, flashing a bad smile.

"No?" Song Qian was playing with the remote control. "Then I'll just press a button. If a killer dies for no reason, someone will come to you, right?"

Lina panicked and yelled, "don't press it!"

Song Qian looked at the remote control and simply pressed the start button.

"Ah --" just listen to Lina call, pale pretty face dyed with a layer of flush.

Song Qian looked at the remote control and then at Lina and asked, "don't you say that?"

"Don't Don't press it again. " Rena gasped.

Song Qian Pian and Lina against the dry, and choose another key to press.

"Ah - no! Press pause! Don't -- don't -- yah -- "cried Lina, because her hands and feet were tied, and there was nothing she could do.

Song Qian is puzzled. How can Lina's voice feel strange? It seems that a man and a woman can only make a sound like that.

Pei Yilin finally couldn't help laughing and ordered song Qian's delicate little nose, "you! If you do this again, she will be killed. "

Song Qian was completely confused, "what's wrong with me?"

"You should press this." Pei Yilin whispered and then pressed down on the remote control.

Lina screamed vaguely. Finally, she shivered all over her body. Then she fainted and kept shaking.

Song qiangen didn't know what to ask. Looking at Lina's appearance, it was as if she had just been possessed by a man.

Pei Yilin vaguely looked at Song Qian, and his voice was also flirting: "you are really a bad man."

Song Qian still didn't understand.

"Vibrator." When Pei Yilin spoke, his mouth touched song's sensitive ear, "have you heard of it?"

Song blinked his eyes, and his face suddenly turned red, and the fire was too hot.

"You You judge it yourself. " Song Qian panicked and ran into Pei Yilin's chest.

Pei Yilin sighed with a deep sigh. If song Qian was not inconvenient now, he would have done her on the spot!

Who can tell him how to control his strong desire for her?

After escaping to the outdoor without Pei Yilin, song Xiancai was greatly relieved.

What's up with the plane?

She's seriously looking into the truth, OK?

How did that happen?

Song Qian looks back, but he doesn't know if Pei Yilin can find evidence from Lina.

After Pei Yilin finished his trial, song Qian almost recovered his peace.

She approached and asked, "how are you doing? Is there any result? "

Pei Yilin's face was very ugly, "she's dead."

Song Qian's eyes widened What? "

"Same way to die as those killers before." Pei Yilin said.

"Well, isn't she an insider?" Song asked.

"At least it has something to do with the ghost." Pei Yilin whispered, "otherwise, how could she have that kind of poison capsule in her body?"

Song Qian is in trouble. She thought she had sorted out the thoughts of the ghost in the villa, but now it seems that she has not found the center yet!

What to do next?The clue seems to have broken.

Pei Yilin suddenly asked, "do you want to buy one for you?"

"What to buy?" After Song's subconsciousness, he closed his mouth and asked.

Of course she knows what Pei Yilin is doing!

Song Qian's face turned red again, and said, "I'll continue to look for clues."

Pei Yilin holds song Qian in his arms, regardless of whether this is the villa hall or not.

"You can't be too tired these days." Pei Yilin said softly, "I'm still waiting for you."

"Daddy, Mommy." Qian Mengmeng is very happy to come out at this time to join the fun, "I also want to hug!"

Pei Yilin did not have a good breath: "and Chengxian embrace."

"No!" Song Qian yelled and pushed Pei Yilin far away. "Qian Mengmeng, although I am very satisfied with the constitution, you are not allowed to fall in love too early, you know?"

"Mommy." Qian Mengmeng turned her eyes speechless. "My future husband should only love me, touch me alone, pet me only, and want to be the top ten handsome in the world, at least ten years older than me, and no more promiscuity. What do you think Chengxian has achieved

After listening to Cheng Xian on one side, his face became ugly. At a young age, his eyes flashed through a deep complexity.

Song Qian is eager to find a hole in the ground. What kind of daughter did she teach?

Qian Mengmeng is only five and a half years old. Where did all the theories about finding a boyfriend come from?

"It's necessary for mommy to have a good heart to heart talk with you!" Song Qian takes Qian Mengmeng back to the bedroom.

Pei Yilin touched Cheng Xian's head and said, "it looks like you still need to work hard."

Cheng Xian opens Pei Yilin's hand and closes himself into the room.


Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng look at each other and sit down.

"My dear daughter, can you study and play the piano now? Speaking of playing the piano, mummy has found you a very good piano teacher. She is not only super handsome, but also very gentle. Would you like to have a try Song Qian obviously wants to sell Qian Mengmeng to weichi Haolan.

"No Qian Mengmeng doesn't like learning piano at all. "I'm not old enough to go to school."


"Kindergartens are suitable for naive people. I'm not naive."

"How old are you?"

"But your precious daughter is very good."

"Don't you have to read, no matter how talented you are? "Hurt Zhongyong" mummy has recited it to you more than 100 times! "

"Mommy!" Qian Mengmeng coquettishly went to song Qian's arms and asked again, "are you and daddy together? I've seen you come out of daddy's room these morning

"Meng Meng." Song Qian also felt that it was necessary to talk to Qian Mengmeng about this matter, "if Mommy is with your fake father, what do you feel like?"

"It's so good!" Qian Mengmeng was excited to jump.

The black line on Song Qian's forehead has also exploded. Can't Qian Mengmeng forget that Pei Yilin was her favorite at the beginning, so that she would have a big business in the back?

"Well..." Song Qian always felt that the progress seemed to be too fast, and Qian Mengmeng's reaction was a little strange, "didn't you always want to find your father's land?"

"If only mummy likes it!" Qian Mengmeng steals music. Isn't she sending her mother to her father's side?

"As long as mommy is happy," Qian added

"My daughter is so good." Song Qian hugs Qian Mengmeng for a kiss. "Mommy just asks you what you think. It's not so easy to be with your fake dad. "

Qian Mengmeng asked anxiously, "is there any difficulty for mummy not to continue with daddy?"

"That's not true." Song Qian shook his head, "when is your mother afraid of difficulties?"

Song Qian sighed, "but your fake father is not an ordinary person. He has an idea today and a decision tomorrow. Who can guess him through?"

"Who doesn't like me? I'm young, beautiful and lovely. Sometimes I'm a little confused!" Qian Mengmeng said happily, "Daddy must love mommy so much!"

Song Qian chuckles. She was worried that Qian Mengmeng would not agree with her and Pei Yilin!

At this time, song Qian's mobile phone rang.

The caller turned out to be Wei Chi Haolan.

"Are you free? Why don't you come out for dinner tonight Wei Chi Haolan asked.

"Good." Song Qian agreed without any hesitation, "do you mind if I bring two children by the way?"

"It doesn't matter." Weichi Haolan's voice is still gentle.

After hanging up the phone, song Qian whispered to Qian Mengmeng, "we're going out for dinner, and then we'll introduce you to your new piano teacher."

Qian Mengmeng's head is big. Why does Mommy always ignore that her intelligent mind is better than Sherlock Holmes, and then she has to fantasize that she is a charming little princess?

"Mommy, I'm actually..." Qian Mengmeng almost wanted to show song Qian her true intelligence and work.She thought for a second that it was better for mummy to fall in love with her father!

As soon as I heard that song Qian was going out with two children, Pei Yilin locked his eyebrows habitually.

"To where?" Pei Yilin's voice is cold.

"It's just a simple way to go out and have dinner with a friend." Song Qian didn't mention that the other party was Wei Chi Haolan.

Seeing Pei Yilin's eyes, Song said in a low voice: "the two children are around. Do you still doubt that I will go out to do any bad things?"

Aunt Wang can't help laughing. These days, she can see how Pei Yilin dotes on Song Qian.

After serving Pei Yilin for so many years, it was the first time that Aunt Wang saw Pei Yilin jealous, cautious and even blushing!

Pei Yilin can't face it, as if he cared much about song Qian.

"It doesn't matter to me whether I come back or not." Pei Yilin gave an awkward voice and then went to the study.

Song Qian deliberately said, "then I won't come back!"

Pei Yilin immediately turned around and said, "I haven't been in the house for more than two hours

Qian Mengmeng and song Qian smile happily. Only Cheng Xian is quiet and clever, much more silent than before.

Coming to the restaurant, song Qian saw Wei Chi Haolan at a glance.

"Is it an uncle?" Qian Mengmeng is alert to Wei Chi Haolan's instinct.

But I have to say, this uncle is really beautiful!

He is like a prince coming out of the cartoon. There is a bit of melancholy in his eyebrows. He is a girl killer!

Qian Mengmeng looks at Song Qian suspiciously. When did mummy know this handsome man? How could she not know?

Qian Mengmeng suddenly became happy: does daddy know that mommy is so popular? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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