When night was just about to fall, song Qian received a phone call and doctor Hao appeared at Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Without saying a word, song Qian immediately went to arrest people.

"Song Qian." When she got to the door, charllan called out to her, "yesterday's movie was very good, thank you." The smile on the corner of the mouth is enchanting and charming.

"You're welcome." Song Qian left the villa quickly with a cold voice.

In the car, song qian can't help but think of charllan's satisfied smile.

It seems that charllan and Pei Yilin got along very well yesterday!

How many times have they been in love?


It's true that all comers are welcome!

At the gate of Crowne Plaza Hotel, song Qian's eyes are gray.

It was here that she had sex with Pei Yilin six years ago.

Hate it?

In fact, she doesn't hate now.

Qian Mengmeng is a gift given to her by God, and without Pei Yilin, she would not have money Mengmeng.

Song Qian's clenched fist slightly loosened and went to the dining area on the second floor.

The dining area, which used to be full and even had to be located in advance, didn't have a customer at the moment.

Looking around, the huge dining room is beautifully decorated, with beautiful lights, surrounded by many roses. Only a table is set in the middle of the hall.

What about Dr. hao?

Song was looking for it.

At this time, Pei Yilin deliberately looked in the mirror, adjusted his tie, and then walked out of the side door.

Seeing Pei Yilin, song Qianzhi was stunned for a second, then turned around and left.

"Stop!" Pei Yilin can't help but use the cold tone.

Song Qian stopped, turned around, looked at Pei Yilin and asked, "what does Pei always have to tell you?"

"I have wine." Pei Yilin is very abrupt, "you have a look first." The tone is full of proud expectation.

Immediately, a waiter came out with a cart of wine, all of them top-notch.

Song shallow eyes a bright, want to rush up.

I can't help it. Who makes her a crazy alcoholic?

"There are first-class chefs from 80 countries in the kitchen. What would you like to have? Choose it yourself. " Pei Yilin's voice was faint, and then he opened a chair and stool for song Qian.

Song shallow looks at Pei Yilin suspiciously, the subconscious response is that he wants to poison her?

It's like killing her doesn't have to be such a big fight.

"Sit down." Pei Yilin whispered.

Song Qian was not polite and said, "I want to eat seafood."

Pei Yilin's face changed. He was allergic to seafood. Moreover, he didn't want to see them!

As if he had made up his mind, Pei Yilin said, "Shanghai is fresh."

Song Qian's attention is focused on the expensive wine.

She thought: which bottle to open tonight?

"I know you don't like waste, and you don't like the simplicity of what you get. Tonight, you choose one bottle, and the rest still belongs to me. " Pei Yilin took his liking.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin and said, "I don't want to drink it."

"Why not

"It's easy to drink. I drove here."

"I have a driver."

"Mr. Pei's car is so advanced that I can't afford it."

"Just two drinks?"

"Isn't that waste?"

Pei Yilin's cold face was bleak, but somehow song Qian said so many words to him in one minute. He was still very happy to leave aside those self-esteem!

The seafood soon came up. Song Qian poured two glasses of lemonade and handed one to Pei Yilin.

"No matter what the reason is, thank you for believing in Meng Meng and Cheng Xian and not treating them as undercover." Song shallow tone.

Pei Yilin raised the corners of his lips. Although today's song Qian dressed casually, his eyes were bright, his skin was naturally greasy white, and his lips were pink. People couldn't help but get close to him.

He quickly drank water and pressed the bath fire from his body.

Low eyes of the moment, song shallow eyes are cunning smile.

There is only seafood on the table. She wants to see what Pei Yilin is eating tonight!

Pei Yilin looked around the table. There was nothing he could eat.

It is obvious that all of this was intentional by song Qian.

However, it seems that his mood is not bad!

"Does Pei never eat?" Song Qian asked, "do you dislike sitting with me, so you can't eat?"

Pei Yilin chuckles and simply picks up an oyster. Then he picks up the meat and prepares for the entrance. Song Qian suddenly stops his fork.

Song Qian tightened her eyebrows. She never thought Pei Yilin would eat it.

What about his apathy?

What about his tyranny?

What about his arrogance and arrogance?

According to her guess, he should have overturned the table and killed everyone here.

And why did he suddenly do this in front of her tender?If he wants to apologize, can't he say "I'm sorry"?

But think about it.

The leader of the dark night Empire and the president of the Muhua group, didn't he say sorry when he was so big?

Song Qian knew that he was not so important, so he didn't make love by himself.

She looks at Pei Yilin, his face is a few silk hard to hide tired, but still so handsome, let people see more than two eyes can not help but heart rate.

Song Qian didn't open his eyes and whispered to the waiter around him: "give him jadeite cabbage, black chicken mushroom soup, shredded potato with egg yolk and silver needle beef."

Pei Yilin's mood is more relaxed. After all, song Qian still cares about him, and what she calls is all his favorite food.

"Would you like a bottle of wine?" Pei Yilin proposed again.

"No need." Song Qian is still indifferent, "I just don't want Pei to be allergic for a while. I have to explain to Mengmeng when I go back."

Pei Yilin's mouth moved awkwardly, and his good mood disappeared in an instant.

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin said, "I'm..."

"Mr. Pei." Song Qian interrupted Pei Yilin, "I'll go to the toilet."

"Go ahead." Pei Yilin's tone is coarse.

Song Qian didn't go back forever, which was beyond Pei Yilin's expectation.

When the waiter came in a hurry and looked at Pei Yilin with a handful of "grandfather Mao", Pei Yilin knew that something had happened.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin asked in a cold voice.

"Miss Song has to pay for the meal. I can't stop it." The waiter is worried that Pei Yilin will be angry with her.

Pei Yilin puts down his chopsticks and looks at Song Qian coldly, waiting for her to explain to him.

Song Qian looked up, slowly wiped his mouth, then got up and lifted his backpack.

"This meal was originally my invitation to Mr. Pei. Thank you for your large amount. If you don't care about the two children, of course I have to pay for it." Song Qian, word by word, said very clearly, but also appears to be heartless.

"Whether it's a senior chef or a rare dish, should I pay 100000 yuan for it?" Song asked.

She clenched her teeth. The 100000 yuan was advanced from Xiao Honglian just now!

"Please also see clearly, I am not a whore who is willing to be with anyone who has money!" With that, song Qian steps away.

Pei Yilin clenched his fists with hatred and then chased out.

A moment before the elevator door closed, Pei Yilin just stopped.

Song's eyes were trembling and confused. Looking at Pei Yilin, the expressions on his face seemed anxious, lost, flustered, and confused.

The kiss is fierce and eager. Song Qian tries to push and hide. Pei Yilin simply presses her on the elevator wall to restrict her action and capture her kiss.

Pei Yilin felt like he was going crazy. He did so much for a woman for the first time, but he was not forgiven.

All the feelings of blocking were turned into fierce kisses. He even bit her lower lip heavily and pulled, forcing her to open her small mouth.

Just had a little gap, he would forcefully feed his tongue into her, rub her sweet, his hands are not regular stir around, causing her to shiver.

Song Qian was about to be unable to breathe, "Wuwu" protested in his mouth.

There was no way to retreat. His whole body was forced to stick to his strong body. If something was against her, intuition would be uncomfortable.

She was angry and fighting, but Pei Yilin didn't let go. On the contrary, Pei Yilin had more power to attack. She was forced to gasp and her body was filled with inexplicable dryness and heat.

Pei Yilin wants to laugh freely when he can block song Qian here.

Worried that she was in danger of suffocation, he loosened his mouth a little and said, "you're wonderful!" Voice has a bit of hoarse, simply continue to kiss up.

The elevator door was opened in this moment. Several waiters stood outside, staring at the scene in the elevator.

Forward? They're not that bold.

Back up? They didn't react for a moment.

All the waiters clubbed at the door like stakes. Seeing Pei Yilin's aggressive kissing skills, they all swallowed their mouths.

Pei Yilin just let song Qian loose. She beat her very hard, but the taste of kissing her was irresistible.

He suddenly realized the charm of "death under the peony".

Song Qian runs out of the elevator in a hurry. Pei Yilin smiles and gets angry.

"What are you looking at? Bad for me Pei Yilin's tone is fierce.

"Sorry Mr. Pei. We I didn't see anything... " The waiters said, trembling.

"Well?" Pei Yilin's brow immediately wrung, "did not see?"

Everyone was surprised. Looking at Mr. Pei's meaning, did they hope they saw it?

How different from ordinary people's thinking!

Pei Yilin is too lazy to talk nonsense with this group of people. Song Qian ran away, of course, he has to chase him!Chasing Chery QQ with Lamborghini is a matter of minutes.

But song shallow fierce, Chery QQ also opened the momentum of Rolls Royce.

Pei Yilin pulled down the window and called to song Qian in the opposite car: "slow down. What should I do if something goes wrong?"

Song Qian doesn't listen. Her mind is very confused. What emerges is the scene that Pei Yilin kisses just now.

I have to say, shame on you

The shame was not to be seen, but to have a moment's consciousness that she wanted to comply.

Song Qian, are you a fool?

When to become a good scar, forget the pain?

He is the man who insulted you six years ago. He is your "number one enemy". Now, because of his status, you have to take your daughter and choose to run away, even if you dare to be attracted to him?

He is not only a gold medal president, he is also the leader of the largest underworld organization!

Think, song shallow step on the gas pedal, speed to the highest.

Pei Yilin didn't dare to chase him any more. Song Qian's rhythm was totally meaningless!

Isn't it just a kiss?

It's not that I haven't received

Pei Yilin felt melancholy and touched his lips. It seemed that there was still song Qian's taste in his mouth.

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