After Pei Yilin came back from the night shift, song was hiding in his bedroom with Qian Mengmeng in his arms.

Today, all the people saw her face is ambiguous smile, see her back chilly.

Pei Pei Pei even laughed, hoping to record the scene of last night and show it to song Qian again.

Wuwu --

after that, she never did this again

How can you meet people!

"Meng Meng, why don't you go back to your room to sleep?" Pei Yilin asked.

"Mommy said," let me sleep here tonight. " Qian Mengmeng doesn't mind confessing that song Qian is the chief envoy.

Song Qian uses Qian Mengmeng's body to block Pei Yilin's gaze.

Good conscience.

She dare not look at him!

"Go to the children's room." Pei Yilin whispered, "you are so old that you can't sleep with your parents any more, you know?"

"Why not?" Song Qian was in a hurry, "my daughter, I said I could do it!"

"And now my daughter." Pei Yilin is indifferent, "moreover, I am the head of the family, listen to me."

With that, Pei Yilin picked up Qian Mengmeng and went to the children's room.

Outside the bedroom, Pei Yilin kisses Qian Mengmeng on the cheek.

He said: "Daddy is already trying to cure you. Don't worry. Daddy and mummy will not leave you."

Qian Mengmeng nodded and gave Pei Yilin a kiss. "Daddy, you should take good care of my mother. Don't bully her. I'll give her to you."

It's like when you get married, your father-in-law entrusts his son-in-law.

Pei Yilin, smiling, gently pushed Qian Mengmeng's little nose with his nose wing, "good!"

Qian Mengmeng happily returns to the children's room and plays with Cheng Xian.

"The organization urged us to ask why the operation was so slow. No news was sent back." The voice of constitution is very small.

In case he and Qian Mengmeng are Interpol, it will be troublesome!

"Soon!" Qian Mengmeng laughs, "when daddy and Mommy feel a little deeper, I'll show them my cards."

Cheng Xian could only nod his head.

At present, he doesn't want to be in charge of any work or not. How to cure Qian Mengmeng's illness is the top priority!

Pei Yilin comes to the study and calls doctor Hao first.

He asked, "have you found a cure for the disease?"

Doctor Hao sighed, "how can it be so fast?"

"It has to be fast!" Pei Yilin said coldly, "otherwise, you will accompany my daughter to see the king of hell and ask him to send her back!"

With that, Pei Yilin hung up the phone.

He looked out of the window, his black eyes reflected the night lights spreading like a long dragon, and shrunk.

Song Qian walks around the bedroom nervously and stupidly. Pei Yilin's intention to send Qian Mengmeng back to the children's room to sleep is so obvious that she can't even pretend to be stupid.

But she really didn't want to go over with him again tonight. She just went to bed and pretended to be asleep.

After a while, Pei Yiqian is annoyed to see him in his bedroom again.

"Ah So tired! Should you give me a rub? " Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian did not answer.

"Are you asleep?" Pei Yilin asked in a low voice.

If song Qian squints at Pei Yilin at this time, he will see a bad smile on his face.

After waiting for a while, Pei Yilin continued: "it was too exciting last night, but it was too quiet tonight. Maybe those listeners will not adapt to it."

Song Qian clenched his teeth and felt that Pei Yilin was really a big devil!

Wouldn't he be shy?

It's a good idea to bring it up!

See song shallow still do not speak, Pei Yilin's voice is colder and lower: "really can't get up?"

Song Qian's corpse is in progress --

Pei Yilin suddenly opens song Qian's bedding. She trembles all over, pretends to be forced to close her eyes, but does not move.

Pei Yilin didn't tear it apart. He looked at Song Qian. Her legs were bent and her hands were folded. Her long hair was scattered on all sides. The cotton pajamas completely blocked her good figure.

Her pajamas seem to be this lovely style, the only sexy one he tore up last night.

Pei Yilin frowned and began to regret his rudeness last night.

However, in front of the pajamas, tear up again not good!

She looks the most beautiful without it!

Thinking about it, Pei Yilin pressed song Qian, but song Qian could not hold on any longer, so he took advantage of the situation to avoid him.

At this moment, a big hand has caught her.

"Cheating is punishable." Pei Yilin's hoarse voice is full of temptations.

Song Qian seems to be familiar with Pei Yilin.

"Don't Don't come. " She gave up, "I'm so tired, I'm in pain, and I've got bruises all over my body, like I've been beaten."Pei Yilin's laughter overflowed from his chest, "are you praising me for my strength?"

Song shallow is dumb, who dares to say he is not powerful?

"Did you miss me?" Pei Yilin asked.



Song Qian blushed and nodded.

Pei Yilin smile more satisfied, "I like you so honest."

He was close to her, "last night physically honest, tonight, mouth honest."

Song Qian felt angry, but did not notice that this was Pei Yilin's first disguised confession to her.

Later, one day, song Qian remembered that he was really sorry that he had neglected such an important word as "like".

"You go and take a bath!" Song Qian refused, "the whole body a smell of air conditioning."

"I'm not lazy." He bit her little earlobe and said, "I'll eat you when you're clean."

Song shallow's lip corner awkwardly moved, "really can't do."

Pei Yilin, with one hand to support her head, and his black eagle eyes softened down. He looked at Song Qian and held her in his arms.

He said in a low voice, "just do it. In bed, there is no woman who is not conquered by me."

Song Qian was angry, "how many women do you have?"

"What do you care about me before?" Pei Yilin said with a funny smile, "after that, you are the only one. After touching you, I have no interest in other women. "

Song Qian's anger is stronger. He lied a little too false!

Six years ago, he touched her hard and made her pregnant with Qian Mengmeng. But in the past six years, there were no less women around him!

It was her who really felt a little bit of a loss. She was forced by him to become pregnant and fell in love with him.

"Don't touch me!" Song Qian thought it was too uneconomical, "I have You've already hurt them. "

"Well?" Pei Yilin did not understand what song Qian meant.

Song Qian bit his teeth and said, "it's bleeding."

Pei Yilin doubts that song Qian's "great aunt" has just left!

He suddenly took off her trousers, and she was caught before she could cover it up.

"Let me see." Pei Yilin said, very carefully, like a doctor to check.

Song Qian felt that he was going crazy. How could a man look at him seriously?

"Don't look at it." She was embarrassed, "it's a good thing you did, and you pretended to care."

Pei Yilin tightened his eyebrows. Last night, he was a bit too presumptuous, and set a new record for the highest number of times in a night.

But he didn't expect to hurt her.

Pei Yilin was heartbroken when he saw the swelling of the soft place and the bloodstains on his trousers.

Song Qian continued to cover up. Pei Yilin opened the mattress impolitely. After a while, he looked up and said, "I'll call the doctor."

"It's OK." Song Qian quickly grabbed Pei Yilin's hand. "It's better to have a few days off."

"No way." Pei Yilin didn't comply, "what if something happened?"

Seeing Pei Yilin so concerned, song qianzhen doubts whether his purpose is to worry that she can no longer satisfy him in the future.

"I called a doctor." Song Qian whispered, "she said it doesn't matter."

"Asked?" Pei Yilin climbed to song Qian's lips, "male doctor or female doctor?"

"Er..." Song shallow sweat face, "female."


"Can I ask a male doctor for such a thing?" Song shallow had no reason to be more angry, "if you care so much, last night my voice can be heard in the whole villa, why don't you say relax?"

Pei Yilin was stunned for a moment and then burst into laughter.

He pointed to her. "How can you be so cute when you're angry?"

Song Qian was defeated completely.

Pei Yilin makes enough trouble. She kisses song Qian's lips gently, but she doesn't hide. She cooperates with her acceptance.

He knew that she was exhausted last night, so he didn't take her to work today. He really couldn't adapt to the life without her in the office.

"Don't say to leave again, also do not allow to see that Wei Chi Hao blue again, he, is my bottom line." Pei Yilin is serious and serious.

"I can't do it."

Pei Yilin's whole body immediately ran out of anger, "what?"

"This is my promise to a friend many years ago that she will find a teacher who is most suitable for Mengmeng to teach her feelings. I think Mr. weichi is very good." Song Qian explained that he didn't want to make things too complicated.

"But he likes you." Pei Yilin was very jealous.

Song Qian picked up a smile from the corner of his lips. It was rare that Pei Yilin didn't lose his temper. Instead, he restrained his anger.

Is it because of her frankness?

"I can't stop anyone from liking me, just as you can't stop anyone from liking you." Song shallow voice, "what's more, Mr. Wei Chi and I are just friends.""A lot of piano teachers." Is he not happy

Pei Yilin has reason to believe that song Qian has concealed something from him.

Song shallowly moved Pei Yilin's suspicions and said, "I don't want to say it before the matter is clear."

Pei Yilin's finger belly rubbed the face of mosongqian, "even I can't say?"

Song Qian immediately returned to the past: "you are not without reservation to me!"

Pei Yilin's black eyes are dark. This little girl is brave enough to be afraid of him at all!

"Call me." Pei Yilin suddenly became interested.


Pei Yilin urged: "call me quickly."

"Mr. Pei."

"Not good."

Song Qian changed a soft and soft tone, "Mr. Pei."

"Piss me off?"

"Pei Yilin?"

"No way!"

Song Qian hesitated for a moment, "Yi Lin?"

Pei Yilin still shakes his head.

Song Qian asked, "what should it be called?"

"You want one that will satisfy me, or I will deal with you as usual." With that, Pei Yilin got up from Song Qian.

Song Qian murmured a "wonderful flower" in a low voice. When Pei Yilin's eyes swept over, she shrank her neck and hid quickly.

Pei Yilin secretly smile, suddenly think of something, take out a box of contraceptives from his pocket. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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