"Of course Qian Mengmeng clapped with joy, "Daddy! Do you really want to marry Mommy? Don't cheat! You want mommy to become Pei Yilin's woman

"Of course Pei Yilin said definitely, "besides, your mother has been determined by me for the rest of her life. Do you want to be my daughter forever?"

"Good!" Qian Mengmeng promised, "but, daddy, in the next life, you must always be with me, and you can't jump in the queue to be my father!"

"It's a deal!"

With that, Pei Yilin and Qian Mengmeng clapped three times.

Qian Mengmeng was in a high mood, "Daddy, I think it's a grand wedding for you and Mommy! We're not afraid to spend money. Anyway, daddy, you have plenty of money

"Then we'll hold a wedding that will stir the whole world!" Pei Yilin is very local magnate's tone, "everything must use the best! Can be customized, all customized! Unique! "

"I want to be a flower boy, I want to wear beautiful make-up and hold beautiful flowers. I want to be a little angel of Mommy!" Qian Mengmeng looks forward to it.

"All for you!"

Qian Mengmeng is very excited and gets together with Pei Yilin. They have already begun to discuss how to plan the wedding.

Hello, you two lie on the other side

No one paid attention to her.

"I said You two... "

Father and daughter are still addicted to their own world, completely forgetting that song Qian is the protagonist of this wedding.

Song Qian raised his voice and asked, "I didn't seem to promise you, did I?"

Qian Mengmeng and Pei Yilin were stunned at the same time, and then asked with one voice, "why don't you agree to such a good thing?"

Then, father and daughter both smile at the same time, that smile seems to say: you are so stupid! To miss such a good thing!

Song Qian sighed helplessly and reminded him, "Meng Meng, do you forget what Mommy said to you before she came here?"

She can get along with Pei Yilin normally, but it doesn't mean that she has no pimples in her heart, let alone that she is willing to marry him.

Qian Mengmeng's eyes are dim. Mummy has emphasized that she will forgive her father for the time being.

See daughter suddenly unhappy face, song shallow also can't help.


You're kidding!

Even if there was no such thing as Pei Yilin and Xia Erlan, song Qian was not ready to marry Pei Yilin. What's more, now, they still

"Shallow son..." Pei Yilin said, "how can you ignore your daughter's wishes?"

Song Qian looks at Pei Yilin with displeasure. He is the initiator of this matter!

"When a baby daughter has a wish, she will also consider her mother's mood." Song Qian whispers, then kisses Qian Mengmeng's face.

"Well." Qian Mengmeng can only answer.

It's not a good thing to force mummy to marry before she fully accepts her father.

"Meng Meng, mummy is sleepy and wants to sleep." Song Qian said, close his eyes, no longer care about the father and daughter.

Qian Mengmeng turns to Pei Yilin and asks angrily, "Daddy, what have you done to Mommy?"

"I..." Pei Yilin wants to win his daughter's united front, but he can't answer.

Moreover, taking advantage of this opportunity, he can also well explain to song Qian.

"Your mother is carrying daddy to find Wei Chi Haolan, so Daddy is jealous." Pei Yilin said.

"And then?" Qian Mengmeng is annoyed. Every time her father is jealous, she does something very unreasonable.

"And then..." Pei Yilin breathed and puffed.

"Say it Qian Mengmeng has great momentum.

"Your mother is injured. When she comes back, she sees me and your aunt Xia cuddle together." Pei Yilin is very frank.

Qian Mengmeng was ashamed and murmured in her heart: Pei Yilin is worthy of being Pei Yilin. She has done something wrong and is still so righteous!

"So, what happened to you?" Qian Mengmeng asked, "are you going to give me a half brother and sister or something?"

"No!" Pei Yilin was very angry. "Your mother has raised my appetite. I don't want to touch other women."

Qian Mengmeng nodded and agreed, "my mother's figure is really good enough!"

"That's pretty good!"

"So, daddy, are you reluctant to let go of my mommy?"

"I wish I could hold her all my life!"

"All right! I forgive you! In the future, don't do such nonsense again! Mummy is going to see Uncle weichi. It must be something! "

"That's not true!"

"Did my mother forbid you to see other women?" Qian Mengmeng asked, "don't be so jealous!"

"But Uncle weichi likes your mommy."

"It shows that mommy is charming." Qian Mengmeng added, "look, Mommy is attracted to you even daddy. Of course, she has the temperament that men can't resist!""Yes..."

"Ha ha ha ha - I want to be like Mommy when I grow up!"

Song qian can't listen any more. Can the father and daughter talk a little more normally and children?

"Mr. Pei, aren't you going to cook?" Song asked.

He must not teach her beloved daughter badly!

"The meal is not ready yet." Pei Yilin said faintly, "aren't you sleepy and want to sleep? Why eavesdrop on our father and daughter

"If your conversation were healthy, would I not be able to sleep?" Song Qian asked, "what's more, I'm a big living person lying here. You don't have to be afraid to speak. Can I call it eavesdropping mother?"

"Why isn't our conversation healthy?"

"My daughter is only five years old! You're talking to her about your body and your mess

"It's just sex enlightenment. What are you worried about?"

"That's not true!"

"Your daughter is so talented that you think you can't, and she doesn't know?" Pei Yilin insisted on himself, "you have never let her know, that's what hurt her!"

"How did I harm my daughter when I raised her to such an age alone?" Song Qian raised his voice, "don't be arrogant in front of me

Qian Mengmeng has no choice but to feel that she is better than her father and mother.

I'd like to talk to Daddy, but I'd like to see her!


Mommy has Daddy in her heart!

Qian Mengmeng chuckles, then leaves the bedroom to find Cheng Xian to play with.

Found that the daughter is missing, song shallow eyebrows a twist, complained: "all depends on you, my daughter is bored, gone!"

"Don't be your daughter all day long. She's my daughter too!" Pei Yilin was dissatisfied.

Song Qian rolled her eyes. She always wondered why Pei Yilin, a vinegar jar, could spoil Qian Mengmeng so much even though he thought Qian Mengmeng was not his own daughter. Moreover, she was totally regarded as his own daughter?

I don't think so. Did he know the truth?

Song Qian shakes his head and denies his conjecture. If Pei Yilin knew the truth, he would have been quarrelling for a long time. He couldn't be so calm.

"What's more, my daughter knows to make room for us to be alone." Pei Yilin whispered.

Song Qian wants to turn over, but is held in his arms by Pei Yilin.

"Now tell me, why do you want to go out to see Wei Chi Hao LAN?" Pei Yilin asked.

He's still brooding over the problem.

Song Qian was angry in his heart, "what qualifications do you have to ask me?"

"I am your fiance."


"I will marry you!" Pei Yilin gnashed his teeth.

Song Qian closed his eyes lazily, "I have the right to decide."

"You'll do it!" Pei Yilin is very confident.

Song Qian opened his eyes and looked at Pei Yilin and asked seriously, "Why are you so sure?"

His tone must have made her wonder if she really wanted to marry him.

Pei Yilin kisses song Qian's eyes. His voice is deep and full: "because you are destined to be my man." There is a deep meaning in the discourse that song qian can't understand at present.

Song Qian's eyes flashed through some complicated and profound, fist tight, no answer.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin raised a warm smile on his lips? Want to promise me? "

"No Song Qian refused again.

"You Pei Yilin was angry. He proposed twice and was rejected twice.

Think about it. He's not happy.

If there is a fire, it will fall!

"Song Qian, listen to me. If you dare to go to other men's side, I will make you a human body specimen and put it in my room as an ornamental." Pei Yilin said angrily.

Song Qian looks down on Pei Yilin. He is not afraid of thunder and lightning!

Pei Yilin's dark eyes darkened and asked, "do you really want to go to other people's side?"

I don't know why, song Qian would like to laugh. Seeing Pei Yilin's face like this, she was thinking: should I call him "ice cube" or "dragon of fire"?

Pei Yilin greedily looked at Song Qian's mouth that faint smile arc, he thought that she would never smile at him again in this life, but she was so soft hearted.

He really felt sorry for her.

"Shallow son." He murmured, "shallow son."

If the affectionate cry is not enough, kiss it!

Pei Yilin puts his lips together. He is familiar with the fragrance and warmth of obsession. He wants to possess her crazily and make her a woman who is exclusive to him. He can enjoy all her love, hate, anger and infatuation alone. All her joys, sorrows and sorrows are in his palm and controlled by him.

He deepened the strength of kissing, pulling song Qian's soft lips, reluctant to let go, and his inner flame suddenly burned.Song Qian suddenly opens her eyes, and she looks at Pei Yilin. He is addicted to her kiss. With such an affectionate appearance, she also falls into it.

Her hands were clenched into fists and pressed against his and her chest to prevent him from getting too close. However, the heat of her whole body gradually increased and gradually became uncomfortable, which attracted the light chant in her throat.


Pei Yilin's tight brow slowly loosened, and his hands became more and more irregular. He took song Qian's blocked fist and put it behind his back.

Song Qian compromises, closes his eyes, hugs Pei Yilin, and cooperates with his kiss.

The touching of his lips and teeth made a very small sound. Pei Yilin's hands seemed to be electrified wherever he went, which aroused the shaking of song Qian's body.

She took his hand and said, "don't..."

Go on, she'll be eaten by him.

Pei Yilin kisses song Qian again heavily, then releases her, the voice is hoarse: "I want you."


"Well, I want you!"

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