Fang Zi laughed awkwardly twice, "Oh, what's going on at home!"

Peipei Pei looked at Fang Zi mania. After he came in, he did not look at her side. She was really angry.

"Say it Pang Bing Shuang ordered tone, "I also want to know how you deal with it."

"What's more, we should tell the situation at that time. If there is any concealment, we will end up..." Pei Yilin did not finish his words.

Fang Zi is crazy and repentant. The three people in Pei family are hard to serve.

If you offend Pepe, he will never be quiet in his life.

If he offends Pang Bingshuang, he will not have to appear in public in his life.

If he offends Pei Yilin, he can die directly in his life.

The three of them are more powerful than the other. There is a straw in Fangzi's heart: Song Qian!

Song Qian was the one who held down the three of them, because he suppressed Pei Yilin.

Thinking about it, Fang Zi maniac has some confidence in his heart. At least, he is going to avenge song Qian this time.

"I didn't kill anyone at home." Fangzi maniac first made his point.

Pang Bing Shuang relaxed, but Pei Yilin was angry.

"But somehow, I hurt my little baby. I have to pay a price, so..."

"How about it?" Cheng Xian asked with great interest.

"Those killers sent out have already been killed. As for Xiang Yuqing, I played a game with them."

"Long dead?" Pei Yilin wrung his brow, "how did you die?"

"Didn't you send someone to kill it?" Fang Zi asked crazily, and then he shut his mouth.

Fang Zi maniac and Pei Yilin's faces became ugly at the same time. They were all thinking about a question: who sent the killers to their homes?

Song shallow also doubts, this matter, she has not participated so far!

Pei Yilin looked at Pang Bingshuang. Pang Bingshuang replied: "didn't you send someone to kill him? None of them came back, and they died miserably

Qian Mengmeng and song Qian look at each other, and their big eyes are full of confusion.

"I'll talk about that later." Pei Yilin said, "Fangzi maniac, you continue to say, how do you deal with those who give orders to the family?"

"I asked the three of them to be targets in the training range, and then they would shoot at random and shoot everywhere they went!" Fang Zi was very relaxed.

"They were not scared, especially Xiang Yuqing. They even cried on the spot. I thought Xiangchi was so arrogant that he was scared..."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Peipei Pei coughed heavily and interrupted Fangzi maniac's words.

She complained in her heart: This Fangzi maniac is really not afraid of death. She said more and more, and she was more and more excited. She completely ignored Pang Bing Shuang's hate look on his face!

Peipei Pei's prescription is over, at least Pang Bingshuang is really standing at home.

Fang Zi hesitated for a moment and did not go on.

Pei Yilin's mouth raised a smile and asked Fangzi maniac, "is the process exciting?"

Fang Zi nods wildly.

"Are they seriously injured?"

Fang Zi crazy still nods.

"More serious than shallow son?"

"Absolutely serious!" Fang Zi maniac said definitely.

What's more, song Qian is only one person injured. Three people are injured at home. How can this account be recovered.

What's more, the scene at that time was recorded by Fangzi maniac. This humiliation must be worse than killing Xiangchi!

Fang Zi glared at Pei Yilin and secretly surrendered: I'm from your side!

Pei Yilin nodded with satisfaction.

Pang Bing clapped his hands on the table, "nonsense! You're making a fool of yourself! The harmonious relationship between my two families, which I have worked so hard for so long, has been destroyed by all of you

Pei Pei Pei felt advised: "Auntie, don't be angry, things still have a turning point."

"What else can be changed?" Pang Bing asked in a cold voice, "those who are in charge of the family have been insulted by you!"

"It shows that they are advising." Said Pepe in a low voice.

"What do you say?" Pang Bing was very angry.

Peipeipei quickly showed a flattering smile and kneaded Pang Bing Shuang and his shoulder.

"Shallow son, Meng Meng, stop talking, let's go back to the room." Pei Yilin has a cold voice.

He doesn't want to listen to Pang Bingshuang's nonsense!

Peipeipei quickly called out: "Uncle Yilin, I have something to tell you!"

Fang Zi was shocked. Just now peipeipei sent him N kinds of dissatisfaction in his eyes. He ignored them and ignored them.

She should not be Mao. She is going to have a showdown with Pei Yilin!

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin asked.

"I Me and... "

Fang Zi maniac suddenly jumped up, "Oh, brother Yilin, I forget there is one thing I didn't say!"Pei Yilin's discontented eyes sweep at Fang Zi crazy.

Fangzi maniac quickly said: "there is a video, I'll send it to you in a moment, to ensure that you'll like it super much!"

Then, Fang Zi grinned at Pei Pei Pei crazily, and the smile was full of begging for mercy.

Peipeipei refused to comply, and continued: "Uncle Yilin! In fact, you and I have not finished

"My little ancestor!" Fang Zi crazily covered peipeipei's mouth, "I'll take you as a shield. You have to complain. I'm sorry. I invite you to eat!"

Then, Fang Zi madly pulled peipeipei away.

Song shallow full of black lines, Fangzi crazy reaction so big, everyone can see that he and peipeipei have something to do.

How could such a clever prescription maniac do such a stupid thing?

Pei Yilin's face was too dark to see.

Back in the room, song Qian jokes about Pei Yilin: "what do you care about other people's affairs? Just mind your own business

"Pepe is my niece!" Pei Yilin gave a low voice.

Although Pei Yilin knew that Fang Zi maniac would not hit Pei Pei with the idea of flowery heart, what if the problem was Pei Pei Pei?

Thinking about it, Pei Yilin felt more and more wrong.

"Isn't Bao my friend, too?" Song Qian asked, "just now she was crying back to Z city. I didn't even say a few words of comfort. How could she be worthy of others?"

Pei Yilin's face was even more ugly, and he felt that Fang Zi mania was really a disaster!

"Mummy, I'll gossip. If sister Pei and aunt Bao like Uncle Fang, who are you standing on?" Qian Mengmeng asked.

“……” Song Qian didn't think about it at all.

"I'll just assume that it's a bit difficult to stand on the sidelines." Qian Mengmeng said contradictorily.

Song Qian's face gradually turned white, "what side do you want you to stand for in the emotional problems between adults?"

"You can't choose a prescription maniac!" The tone of Pei Yilin's direct command.

Qian Mengmeng's eyes moved and said, "Daddy, you can't control people's hearts!"

Song Qian quickly covers Qian Mengmeng's mouth. This little guy usually has good eyesight. How can he not open a pot now?

Song qianmeng makes a silent look at Qian Mengmeng. Qian Mengmeng sighs. She is just curious all of a sudden!

Pei Yilin pulled out of peipeipei's mind. He looked at Song Qian and asked, "do you know who avenged you?"

Song Qian shrugged, "I can exclude Xiao Lao or Honglian from killing people in the team. They haven't arrived yet. That day, I didn't send a signal to them."

Pei Yilin clenched his hand, "why not send it?"

"Because I can handle it myself!" Song Qian replied casually.

She never asks for help when she can handle problems.

"But you're hurt!" Pei Yilin has a cold voice.

Song Qian nuzui remembers the child who killed her that day, and then looks at Qian Mengmeng. His heart is full of guilt.

Qian Mengmeng suffered a lot because she was not ready to be a mother and had no experience.

After learning that Qian Mengmeng is an international criminal police officer, song Qian felt a burst of pride. Her daughter did not enjoy the childhood that a normal child should have.

Pei Yilin looks at Song Qian. In her eyes, she has a kind of sad mood. Moreover, she is directly aimed at Qian Mengmeng.

His heart is tight. Does song Qian know about Qian Mengmeng's illness?

It should not be possible!

She didn't have time to take Qian Mengmeng to the hospital recently. For a while, she couldn't find out.

Pei Yilin's eyebrows are tightly twisted. Qian Mengmeng's illness is always in his mind. However, this matter can't come quickly and can only wait.

Just then, Pei Yilin's mobile phone rang.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yilin answers the phone in front of song Qian and Qian Mengmeng.

This trust is enough to make song Qian and Qian Mengmeng happy.

"The bodyguard who sent Miss Song's account book has disappeared." Said the man on the other end of the line.


"The person continued:" look for the entire Z city are not seen, Hukou, ID card, are also missing. "

"Find it for me!" After the roar, Pei Yilin hung up the phone angrily.

Song Qian doesn't understand what happened. She looks at Pei Yilin and waits for him to tell her.

"Now go back to Z city." Pei Yilin said, "go and apply for your account book and ID card."

"Make up?" Song Qianhao wondered, "did you drop it?"

Seeing Pei Yilin's expression, song Qian knew he was right.

At that time, song Qian's expression changed dramatically. First, he was secretly happy, then he was confused, then he was a little confused, and finally, he returned to Xixi.

Song Qian exclaimed, "Hello! I give you the account book and ID card to keep, and you are so irresponsible? "She really thinks it's too early to get married now. She, as an unmarried mother, needs to have a good relationship and accept a romantic confession.

But Pei Yilin wants to marry her without giving her anything. It's too cheap!

However, song Qian is also worried: who will steal her account book and ID card?

"Do you have a suspect?" Pei Yilin asked.

"No Song Qian had no clue at all. "It's useless for that man to steal those things."

"Why not?" Pei Yilin roared, "didn't you succeed in preventing me from marrying you?"

Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng both hide behind. Pei Yilin at this time dare not provoke them!

"When I find out who it is, I'll tear him to pieces!" Pei Yilin clenched his fist, and the bone made a "clucking" sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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