Seeing the appearance of the mobile phone, Nioh's heart was not good, could it be that this guy was planning to -


! Liu, you are a dignified military advisor and a member of the four-pointed star, you

will not be so lacking in virtue! You will not really dare

! Unfortunately, Nioh knows about Liu, but not much, he is so lacking in virtue! He really dares!

Thinking about it, if everyone in Lihai was so obedient and obedient, and a good child in their bones, they would not have made a big rebellious thing!

Nioh just watched like this, Liu quickly took out his mobile phone, and then dotted his finger on the mobile phone, which looked like a very, decisive choice of a number...

This speed, so that he can't

even stop it! No, even if he doesn't have time to stop it, he must stop it, look at your expression, he already knows who Liu is going to call, and he must not let this matter reach the ears of the third person, especially the third person is still a black lily - can't

let this guy...

Nioh, who was very frightened, was not good.

Nioh's expression changed in seconds, which made Liu's heart very happy, hum ╯^╰, let this guy be a monkey in front of him

! I saw that he was a great military teacher!

However, looking at Yukimura's phone number on the mobile phone screen, Liu didn't press the dial button directly, although Liu did have the intention of exposing this secret to Yukimura...


reason stopped him directly!He

remembered the information of the secret channels in Nioh's possession. For Ryu Renji, a veteran player in data tennis, Nioh is not lost, it is just an interesting conversation after dinner, and what he wants to know and care about the most is data!

In the same way, he didn't plan to let Nioh go so easily, he worked hard, thinking that Nioh was really lost, and he ran here with all his might...

[Although he only walked for three minutes

!] But he didn't expect to be greeted with cynicism -

[Although he was the one who sneered first and laughed at Nioh!]

This breath made him unable to swallow it, so he tossed and tossed Nioh well, and he was not surnamed Liu today.

And the best way to get him to [swallow] is to get what he wants most, the information in Nioh's hands.

Alas, wait, what's wrong?

Forget it, it's not important, the most important thing is the information

!"Nioh, how about we make a deal?"

Willow finger clicked on the green call button, as soon as he let go, the call would go out—and the opposite Yukimura would also receive the call!

Nioh looked at the finger tremblingly, his heart wavered, he didn't blame him for instigating Yukimura, just ask who in the entire Lihai University Tennis Club didn't instigate Yukimura.

That's why when he gets lost, the first thing he does is go to Yanagi, not Yukimura or Sanada.

Don't look for Yukimura, hehe, why do you want to find Yukimura, let him get lost in Kanagawa become the fun of

Yukimura's black lotus? The most important thing is that there is an inexplicable handle in Yukimura's hand, and that feeling is like an arrow hanging on the head beam, no different

! He also knows that Yukimura can't really hurt his body, but, in addition to his body, Yukimura's lethality - hehe, don't mention it! It's all tears!

And Sanada... Although Sanada himself is indeed an upright person, it is estimated that he will not talk about his affairs to the outside world, but he is too upright! If one day, Yukimura accidentally talks to him, the result is no different from him calling Yukimura directly today!

But not to mention that he is in danger all day long, thinking about things east and west, everyone in Likai has told Nioh about his experience, and it is better to pay attention to Yukimura and small things than anything else!

Since he chose Liu from the beginning, and things have developed to this kind of field, then he must also accept his deal.

Nioh swallowed his saliva, "Say, what do you want to trade!" Nioh

didn't directly agree, although he was now a fish on the board, but as a fish, he also had to see if this condition was in line with his outlook on life and values

! After all, in this world, there is a thing called price difference

! Even if it is the same fish, the price of tuna and carp is different! To make fish, he wants to make the most expensive bluefin tuna— The price must be raised

! That's it!

Liu looked at Nioh speechlessly, who seemed to be suddenly enthusiastic, and the two of us simply talked about a condition, so what are you suddenly passionate about?

When it comes to trading, or is trading the most important, Liu shook his head, and all the selfish thoughts in his heart were abandoned, "I want the supply channel in your hand——"

Nioh: ...


Although he described himself as a bluefin tuna, did Ryu really plan to sell him as a fish?

Could it be that there is really a man who eats human meat buns and buys bluefin tuna and opens a black shop behind

Liu? He, the little demon, unfortunately bumped into Liu's idea today?

Nioh looked bitter and felt that he wanted pills.

Looking at Nioh, whose expression changed back and forth, Liu Fu forehead: ....

It's all his fault

! He shouldn't have used an inappropriate word to experience the mystery!

Look at this fox in his head again...

And if you analyze this expression, this thing is definitely making up some strange things in your head

! Interrupt! Must be interrupted!

With Yanagi's understanding of Nioh, if he doesn't interrupt again, this brain hole may fly beyond the galaxy.

"Stop, stop!" Stretching out his other free hand, "I just want some information from others! I want to know where you got this information? That's it, there are no supply channels..."

Don't think too much, don't think too much!"

At first hearing, Nioh's expression froze, "Ah?

However, after thinking about it, he wisely interrupted and continued, "Forget it, I don't want to hear that [or else]... Just tell me if you can do it!" Ryu

was afraid that Nioh's answer was something he didn't want. So, forget it!

If this is the kind of request, Nioh felt that he could still accept it, and breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Okay..."

Ryu hurriedly went to pick up Nioh, and then, unnoticed, inadvertently, let go of his fingers—


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