"Secret technique - tightrope walking!" The

calculated power, as well as the strength and angle that Marui himself told him, allowed Nioh to finally hit the ball perfectly...

And, with Nioh's unexpected shout, in the disbelief of Sanada and all the people in the tennis club, it slowly fell on the net in the middle of the tennis court, and it was exactly the same as what Marui had just hit, and the ball magically walked along the net in the middle for a while, and then, quietly, unexpectedly

, fell - there was silence, and everyone's eyes fell on Nioh.

It's not

because I'm shocked by how powerful this ball is and how good the effect is, but because the owner of this ball is Fumita Marui!

Liu: ...

Yukimura: ....

And Marui of the founder of the tightrope walker: ....

Marui clawed at his hair, unable to believe what he saw

, "Nioh, when did you learn it?" He grabbed the green net of the tennis court and looked at Nioh viciously, "I only showed it to you once, how could you possibly learn it?"

Marui's words dispelled the doubts in Yukimura and Yanagi's hearts, originally they also thought that Nioh must have learned a long time ago, although the current result is a little slapped in the face, but more shocked, shocked by Nioh's strong learning ability.

No one has ever been able to use someone else's move perfectly just once!

The shock in Sanada's eyes couldn't be hidden, "You..."

Only Nioh breathed a sigh of relief, poof, fortunately he succeeded, and the moment the ball flew off the racket, he felt that his strength seemed to be a little bigger, and he was afraid that the ball would not fall steadily on the net...

As a result, I didn't expect that today was his lucky day, and it was done in one go

! And, no one could see it, it was really good!

As for Marui's screaming, it's not important, it's not important!

With tightrope walking skills, Nioh won another game from Sanada to a 4:4 draw.

"Nioh is so powerful,"

Kuwabara exclaimed.

Marui was particularly depressed on the side, obviously it was his skill, but it was used by Nioh, and he also received praise from his little friend Jackal Kuwabara, alas, it was too congested.

"Nioh, you wait for me, when you finish this game, I will..."

This is a question that Nioh himself knows.

Sanada looked at the score of 4:4, he was in a bad mood, come, his plan was to kill Nioh 6:3. The accident appeared, and what surprised him the most was that he was originally confident that he would be able to win Nioh, but now Nioh, after watching it once, used Nioh to walk the tightrope technique, Sanada actually felt a little frightened from the bottom of his heart...

But –

fear corresponds to stress, and stress forms motivation.

Maybe that's a good thing for him, too.

Sanada held the racket with both hands and swung the ball at Nioh viciously, "If you think that you can beat me if you master other people's skills, then Nioh you are too naïve..."

In the tennis club, as long as the opponent is not Yukimura, no one can beat him, and it is not easy for him to master anyone's skills!

Nioh jumped to catch the ball, and complained in her heart, did this guy eat gunpowder? How do you feel that it has already started the ninth game, and you are not tired at all?

Looking at his physical strength, which had bottomed out, Nioh felt that today's game was simply ill-fated. God really closed all his doors...

Alas, since all the interesting tricks have been used, and it just so happens that the score has reached this level, there is no shame in losing.

Why not be more interesting?

Think about what kind of skills he's been working on in the simulation space...

How? Think

about Sanada's old enemy in the information materials, Nioh hooked his lips, do you want to try him?

He said that he had to thank the trace department for this, and he didn't have any information about a certain old enemy named Tezuka Kunimitsu, after all, he had not met until the Kanto Tournament was held this year. However, one of his teammates and one of the people he knew, his old enemy—

isn't this a coincidence? The combination of the two actually allowed him to unlock Tezuka Kunimitsu's information!

Alas, do you use it

? If so, what about the face of the guy on the other side?

Nioh's eyes darkened slightly, wondering about the feasibility of this plan.

After thinking about it, I think it's perfect, Tezuka Kunimitsu, one of the most powerful skills is the Tezuka field.

In addition to the requirements for mental strength and skill in the Tezuka realm, he basically needs to stand in place to return the ball, which greatly reduces the pressure on his physical strength.

Tezuka Domain -

silently mobilizes the spiritual power around him, adding mental power to every ball that Sanada has a counterattack, you say that according to the requirements of the field in your hand, it should be to add spin to the ball, but considering that Sanada has a strong demand to weaken the spin, it is necessary to increase the mental power first and wrap the ball with a layer of protection.

In this way, the desired result can be achieved

The more Sanada picked it up, the more wrong it became, why did he basically use 'Lin' every two balls, but the spin added to the tennis ball did not decrease in the slightest?

Then Sanada noticed the strangest scene, how long had the guy on the other side stood in place and hadn't moved!

Outside the court, the corners of Yukimura's mouth, who had noticed the clue first, couldn't hook up.

Yanagi's note-taking hand also stopped.

The two of them looked at the scene in the center of the court in amazement, if it wasn't clear if Nioh had any talent for it, now...

"That's—" Ryu said hesitantly.

Yukimura nodded affirmatively, "That's right, it's the

Tezuka Domain!" Sanada's biggest rival in this life, the skill he casts, the Tezuka Domain of Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Nioh, where did you learn it?

Sanada also found out that he had a feeling in his heart from the beginning, but he was not very sure, but as the other party stayed in the same place for a long time, how could he not find out?"

Is this guy insulting his old enemy

?Facing Sanada's anger, Nioh chuckled leisurely, "Sanada, what are you angry about?What's wrong with this skill I used, isn't it?"

Sanada: ...

This guy, is he pretending not to know or really not knowing where to pretend to be stupid?

If you get cheap and sell well, that's how you are described! Bad Nioh Masaharu!

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