I'll go, who is this, murder! The

sudden arm strangled Nioh out of breath and almost took him away at once.

Finally freeing himself from suffocation, Nioh turned around to see who the person who was tossing him was, but he didn't expect to see a red hair when he turned around...

Nioh: ... Puff~

The anger in my heart was like touching a basin of cold water, and it was poured cold.


Marui! Nioh finally remembered what he seemed to have forgotten, whether he had used Marui's tightrope when he was competing with Sanada on the field just now.

Do you remember how Marui yelled angrily outside the arena just now?

[Nioh, you come down, I'll strangle you!]

or something!

Nioh touched his neck with palpitations, is this really going to strangle him?

poof~ It's terrible!

"That, Marui, you listen to my explanation!"

Nioh felt that if this matter was not handled well, his life would be ruined.

Marui sneered with anger in his eyes, "Okay, Nioh-kun, I'd like to hear it... What do you want to explain

!" He was angry not because this guy used his skills, but because he used it, why didn't he say it? He still used his words before the game started? Did this guy treat him as a friend? It's so hateful!

" "That, I was absolutely on the playing field out of the blue, and suddenly it occurred to me, not on purpose!"

Nioh explained sincerely.

However, he was passed by Marui's words.

Marui laughed angrily, "Hehe, huh, yes?" It suddenly occurred to you, then why did you suddenly think of asking me [before the game], how much force does it take to walk a tightrope?"

"Your family is not human, you all have special abilities, can you predict the future?"

Marui wanted to see what Nioh would do next.

At first, Marui thought that Nioh was dumbfounded by him, but when he looked closely, Nioh's expression was wrong! This is not like being speechless, but it is more like he doesn't know what to say.

Nioh: ....

If it was before, he could still say confidently -- no! Their family is all human and have no special functions, but now it's really hard to say

! Nioh looked at Marui with a very complicated look, and said that small animal-type tennis players are intuitive, and intuition is often the most accurate, he didn't believe it before, but now he believes it

! Marui Bunta is a genius who has been ignored by them for a long time!

Nioh suddenly has a special mentality towards Marui.

Marui, who felt that Nioh's eyes were instantly numb when he looked

at him: "..."Is this guy sick today? What's wrong?Why do you look at him so strangely

?"Are you okay?"

Nioh shook his head, serious, "I'm fine!"

Marui: "... Forget it, I won't pursue this matter!In the future, you can use it if you want, just don't use it too much

!" "Marui really felt that Nioh's state was getting more and more wrong, although Nioh looked normal now, but the more normal he was, the more wrong it became!"

"You just need to let others know that this is Marui Bunta's skill-" For the sake of a year's classmates, he was wrong, and now Nioh, who seems to be very abnormal, has made too many demands.

Marui sadly left.

Nioh was left behind with a blank face: ...

What is the situation? Originally, he had already begun to wait for the ultimate 'murder' from Marui, why did it end without paying any price?

He looked at Yanagi, who had been watching the play on the side, "Liu, do you know what happened

?" Liu smiled, "I don't know!"

Nioh was speechless, "What is the answer to this?"

"Yanagi spreads his hands,

this is... I

know that these two people, the communication just now is definitely not on the same channel.

And what I don't know is - I don't know what kind of channel these two are on my own brain, so, I just don't know!

"It's a tightrope walk, this matter is in the past, congratulations!" Willow patted Nioh on the shoulder, and said earnestly.

Nioh: ....

I always feel like you know something but you didn't tell me...

Nioh found that after this match, his treatment in the tennis club seemed to have changed, and the four of them still got along in the same way as always, but the seniors in the second and third grades...

It seemed that there was a sudden awe of him.

"Maori seniors, why are those seniors looking at me wrong today!"

Maori scratched his head and was puzzled, "I don't know, didn't I run away from the club yesterday?" Maori

is an afterthought type, and because he is a transfer student, he has not integrated into the class until now, and has completely integrated into the tennis club. So as soon as he escaped, he didn't know what was going on in the tennis club.

"Okay. "It seems that I can't get useful information from my Māori predecessors.


thought indifferently that the seniors in the second and third grades who needed to be retained the most were Mori, and with their current strength, even if all the seniors in the third year quit, it would not affect their pace of winning the championship in the national competition.

If so, what about what other people think

? It doesn't matter, does it?

The world can only hear the voices of the strong, it was so in the past, it is now, and it will be the same in the future

"Yukimura, are you looking for me?" After Nioh finished looking for Maori seniors, he received a text message from Yukimura. Ask him to meet separately in the club's office.

Yukimura sat down on a stool and invited Nioh to sit down, "I want to ask you about something you think?"

Thinking that the national competition was about to start, Nioh knew in his heart that he wanted to ask about the way and mode of the national competition?

If this is the case, it is indeed necessary to ask about it separately. Talk alone, every candidate must have.

It's a pity that if Yukimura wants to ask, it has nothing to do with what Nioh thinks.

Yukimura's eyes were serious, not at all as gentle as usual, (although he was not really gentle), "Nioh, I am very satisfied with the overall result of your match with Sanada yesterday, have you made great progress recently!

"Minister, it's just the two of us here, can we just say anything

?" There is no need to beat around the bush!

Yukimura asked bluntly, "Okay, Nioh, you answer me seriously, do you plan to follow the path of imitating other people's tennis in the future?"

Nioh: "...?poof~huh?".

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