Nioh looked at Natsume helplessly, "Aren't you jealous?" Both of them are in a similar situation, one is willing to be under the command of the gods, and the other can only -

not to say how miserable Natsume's life is now, it's just... Nioh sighed a little!

Natsume chuckled, "My current days... It's already the happiest thing for me!" Natsume didn't feel that it was the gods' fault that he wasn't favored by the gods, on the contrary, he thought-"

Maybe all this is the best arrangement!" Although

he met a lot of youkai, he also met a lot of friends from the human world in Hachihara.

What's more, now there is a person like him, who walked in front of him, willing to travel thousands of miles to make friends with someone he didn't know...


Nioh's distressed gaze, Natsume stroked Nioh's face and said with a smile, "I'm already very happy to know that you feel so sorry for me!"

Nioh will never know how much hope Natsume himself has for life when he arrives.

Although he has gathered a lot of friends around him now, there are times when he can't tell them a lot of things, and he can't tell them about some special confusion.

The appearance of Nioh... It's like a place for his soul to rest!"

"If you really feel very sad, can we exchange contact information?" Nioh's existence was so special that Natsume couldn't help but want to stretch a tentacle out of his warm shell. I want to take the initiative to get in touch with the outside world, the people outside.

Nioh's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that he hadn't made this request yet, Natsume said it first.


Teacher Cat sighed as he watched these two people make friends in front of him, but he didn't say anything.

Natsume's world is only as big as Hachihara, and the human world only has some of Hachihara's friends. Whether it's good to make this kid a friend, Ba Wei's family is much better than those unknown people outside!

The two happily exchanged contact information, and agreed that a month later, when the summer vacation was over, Natsume would go to Tokyo to watch Nioh's game.



Nioh, who had just gotten off the bus, received a series of calls from Ba Wei for the tenth time today, "Ba Wei, hello~"

Nioh said happily.

Ba Wei's roaring voice came from the phone, "Okay, I'm not good at all, you made a phone call in the morning, you arrived in Yahara, and you came back in the evening? You decided your day's itinerary with two phone calls a day, who gave you the courage to let you run to Yachihara! Do you know that there are many monsters there..."

Nioh complained, "In the morning, I called you, but in the evening, you called me!"

Is this the point

of what I just said?"Hey, I don't know what he did in his last life, why did he let him meet the little fox of Nioh Masaharu? This little fox was born to come and restrain him, right?

Obviously, he could have left it alone, but he was careless, and after he took care of it, he couldn't get rid of it.

You must know that he Ba Wei, whether it is when he is a big demon or when he is a divine envoy, he is a famous existence, and when did he become an old mother-like existence!

"But you also said that Hachihara is a place where people and demons live in peace under certain circumstances!" But he also knew that it was a bit risky for him to rush to Hachihara to find Natsume. However, I can't help it, I know, when there is such a person as Takashi Natsume, I can't help but not care, I can't help but not look for it!

Especially after meeting, Nioh doesn't regret today's recklessness.

"Natsume, he... He is a person who deserves to be protected and cherished by everyone!"

How can such a good person get all the warmth in this world. Instead of living your life alone in a remote town without a friend you can really make friends with!

" So, you're going to be his friend?"

Nioh said to Ba Wei on the phone, "Yes, caring for others, start with me!"

Nioh lowered his head and kicked the stones on the side of the road with his foot, "I just want to tell him that there are people like him in this world... "

Don't live so lonely

! That kind of ending is too unfair for such a warm person!

Ba Wei sighed, Nioh, the little fox, sometimes jumps away and can infuriate people, and sometimes he can always say things that make people's hearts shocked.

Forget it

, what does he care about with a child, for a 13-year-old, having a warm heart for others is more important than anything else.

"It's okay for you to be friends with him, but be sure to report for your next trip!" Ba Wei said bitterly, "The outside world is dangerous!"

Nioh's fox ears, which don't exist now, are furrowed, "Okay." "

The voice sounds very well-behaved.

The world is very dangerous, so next time he will dare!

Nioh, who did not know that Nioh on the other end of the phone, was disobeying him, and after getting a satisfactory answer, he hung up the phone satisfied.

Turning his head to take Hu Che's tea, "Hu Che, I didn't expect such a naughty fox to be so well-behaved and obedient by me." I didn't realize that I had such a talent for educating children!" Ba

Wei felt that he had illuminated some inexplicable talent.

Hu Che nodded, "Yes, just from the voice of Lord Masa, Hu Che can hear Lord Masaji's understanding!"

Ba Wei took a sip of tea.

Ah, what a good tea today!

Nioh: ... It's great that you two can think like that!!

It's another Monday.

It can be said that from this week on, Nioh will be busy.

Because, the national competition is about to start...

The preparation activities of the tennis club are also in full swing, because after winning the Kanto tournament again, Lihai Da was directly listed as a seeded player.

Although the seeded players of the national tournament cannot have a bye in the first round, it is also a good result not to participate in the draw, just look at who the opponent is.

At the main selection meeting of the tennis club, Yukimura looked at the tennis club, which was full of talents, and said in his heart that he was determined to win the championship of this year's

national competition! I believe that under the leadership of their four-pointed star, the tennis club will definitely win the championship of the national competition.

Yukimura is in a good mood, and Nioh is in a normal mood.


"Yukimura, do you mean to let me choose between singles and doubles?"

Yukimura nodded, "In the national competition, there must be a lot of great opponents, although we are very confident in ourselves, but we can't relax. "

For the sake of the dream of the tennis club to dominate three times in a row, Yukimura does not dare to take it lightly, especially in the first year, he must make sure that nothing goes wrong.


"I want you to form a doubles with Willow or Mori and stop our doubles fight..."

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