The two people on the other side, who are only in the first grade, are already in tune with their partners, and if they wait until the second or third grade, will they still have it?"

"Then what are we going to do in today's game..."A hint of excitement flashed in Nioh's eyes. This year's national competition is very magical, it seems that all the strong schools have been divided into the lower half of the district this year, the Ice Emperor encountered in the Kanto Tournament, the hometown of the Maori predecessors, Shitenhoji Temple, and last year's champion Makinoto, etc., are all there.

In the upper half of the area where they are located, there are basically no fun opponents, so...

Nioh hasn't been excited at all until now.

Not only him, but Ryu felt the same way.

Their goal is to win the nation, and although the other party is very powerful, he and Nioh...


Both sides are engaged in pre-match etiquette.

Nioh looked at Tachibana curiously, dominating Kyushu as a first-year official, making Tachibana and Chitose full of the majesty of a strong man. Nioh said

in his heart, this look, a bit like Sanada! Nioh smiled evilly in his heart, if it was really a person like Sanada, it would be much easier!

Nioh's expression did not mean to hide at all, so he was clearly seen by the orange on the other side, and he reminded, "Kanto, you listen well, we Kansai have always been violent tennis, my explosive ball is dancing, if you can't catch it, don't take it hard, otherwise it will be bad to hurt yourself!" Nioh

raised his eyebrows, the meaning is unknown," Why, does this mean to look down on us?"

They are now upright opponents, do you think that they have come to this point in Lihaida, is it really all due to good luck? Can you use the skills of this guy on the other side to blow himself up and remind him kindly

? This is a proper meaning of mockery and insult to strength?

Tachibana frowned, "..." He didn't mean it, but he couldn't help it, Nioh's thin arms and legs and Yanagi's slender figure, plus the concept that Kansai tennis has always been better than Kanto tennis.

"In short, we will not show mercy during the game, you can do it yourself, you can hide, don't really hurt yourself!" is his greatest kindness as a first-grader to the first-grader next door.

After saying that, Tachibana left in style.

Only ....

Nioh squinted his eyes and was expressionless: "Poof~ Liu, you need a few rounds to figure out their basic information!" Hehe, this is the biggest 'kindness' he has ever received since he played tennis, this is kindness but obvious contempt.

Why are they less Kanto than Kansai people? Violent tennis is very powerful, isn't it? Dominate Kyushu is very powerful, isn't it? What's the matter? Didn't they come out of the Kanto tournament champion? What kind of superiority do they show in front of them? Show off their muscles? Do you only have muscles to play tennis?

Willow eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and his face was also expressionless: "Three games!" Liu really hates the other party's eyes, and feels that his previous information is all wrong, thanks to his information and writing, Tachibana in Kyushu is a calm and mature guy.

Nioh: "Very well... That's three rounds!" To

be honest, Nioh is very calm at other times except for being a little angry just now, and he is the most taboo on the battlefield to underestimate his opponent, and this kind of opening is the most beneficial to them... So, why get angry with the loser?

The serve in the first round was orange.

Dynamic vision captures the route of the ball, and at the moment when the racket swings the net, Nioh has already felt the sense of power coming from the ball, which is very worthy of his muscles! Nioh

calmly returned the ball, and after looking at Chitose's position, he carefully avoided Chitose's ears and eyes, and quietly released his mental power. Moreover, he always keeps his mission in mind, and the first three games are when he creates information for Yoo.

Also, let him study hard, so expose yourself as much as possible! Tachibana -

Tachibana's powerful explosiveness was vividly demonstrated in the first game, and Nioh, who was less than two in five dimensions, could only save the ball through his flexibility and skill.

Nioh's embarrassment was clearly seen by Chitose, and he and Tachibana glanced at each other, and the two sides nodded tacitly, and the two jointly decided to consume his power first, and then block Nioh's actions.

Chitose jumped, smashed the ball from top to bottom, and after inducing Nioh to come forward to catch it, he continued to serve from the orange below to the open space where Nioh was, and the three balls alternated, and Nioh had already run four or five times in his own half.


have to say that the tacit understanding between Chitose and Tachibana is enviable, as long as the two people make a plan at the beginning, and during the planning process, they can perfectly control each other's state without making eye contact.

Just now he let Nioh run around, and now, he is staring at Nioh's right side serve, and one is more biased than the other, and the ball happens to be in Nioh's direction, so he catches every ball, which causes Nioh to keep approaching the right, and successfully traps him near the baseline on the right.

Nioh looked at the ball that flew to the left, and the ball that landed in response to the sound, and poofed, although he knew what was going on, but the behavior of the two of them made him look like a fool who had been played

! But now it is being planned, and he has to wait for Liu to finish collecting information, and he must conform to his character of thin arms and legs, so he endures!

However, you already know the level of tacit understanding, and the next step is to look at the attack.

Nioh stared at Tachibana who scored, and smiled evilly, "Tachibana, just before the game, someone was still there and said unashamedly that we should worry about your violent tennis, this kind of tennis that can't even be smashed into a hole when it falls to the ground, do you call it violence? At this level, we can't get into the main election in Lihai Dalian, is there no violent tennis in your Kansai..."

Nioh hooked his lips and smiled brightly, "Yes, yes, I regret it, I regret that I was afraid that you couldn't smash a ball like this pit at the beginning!" Nioh

gave Tachibana a disdainful look and turned his head and walked back to his bottom line.

Tangerine:...... This guy doesn't listen to persuasion, let's find his own death, right,

fulfill him!

"Chitose!" "Chitose!" summons his companions to fight together.

Chitose nodded, anyway, before going on the field, the minister told them, just play boldly and worry, these two people on the opposite side are not fixed partners at all, and they can't win their beasts in tune. As long as there are beasts in tune, no matter what, they will be the ultimate winners!

So, be bold!

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