Ryu really wanted to shake Nioh's neck and ask him, "You guy, have you been going to a special training place for the past two weeks without telling me?"

Let's not talk about whether Tachibana's power is 4, let's talk less about 3.5, that's at least twice as much as Nioh, how did Nioh do it?

If he said that he didn't have special training, Ryu himself didn't believe it!

Don't say any reason for coincidence or not, as one of Tachibana's fame skills, the explosion ball flurry can be transmitted to Kanto, and he wrote it in the information, which shows that Tachibana has a very high control over this move, not to mention what is a fame skill, it takes all his strength! As a result, he was beaten back by Nioh who saw this move once?

He really desperately wanted to know how much Nioh's current strength was, the kind that scratched his heart and lungs...


, now, in the middle of the game, the scorching eyes of Ryu stared at Nioh and tried to sober himself up: "Patience! Nioh: "

Look at what I'm doing! Big brother, I'm in the game now!" Let's just say, can you take your thoughts seriously and don't go astray!

Ryu can't spit out a mouthful of old blood in his heart, and he can't swallow it, "..."He really wanted to roar, is this to blame me? If it weren't for some guy hiding the data, could he be so exciting, playing data tennis?


The explosion ball flurry was hit back by Nioh at the beginning, and it was completely beyond Chitose and Tachibana's thoughts, but....

Chitose calmly analyzed, "Don't worry, that Nioh is probably only this time, the explosive ball flurry is your specialty, don't have superfluous thoughts."

Tachibana frowned and nodded, "I understand!" Tachibana wasn't scared because Nioh returned the ball once, but in the dark, he would definitely become the biggest stumbling block in his way, not just the explosion ball, maybe something else...

He didn't know where his instinct came from, and the first time he and Nioh met, it was just a return ball. How could it be that he had such a thought for some reason?

Tachibana secretly sighed that his intuition was unreliable, and he tightened his mind and prepared for the next ball.


The score of the game kept going up, and at 2-2, the two sides exchanged venues.

Nioh wiped his sweat and said, "How's it going, how is the collection?" It seems that from the beginning, he seems to have awakened an inexplicable attribute, and he feels that it is really unpleasant to play like this. He wanted to explode, he wanted to face the blow of his hand!

Nioh couldn't wait for Ryu's answer, if he could...

Ryu saw Nioh's anxiety, "Their information has been collected, and only the last one remains, the same tone you said..."

Harmony is such a thing, although the opponent may use the same tone is not complete, but the harmony is an absolute skill in doubles. If the other party deliberately conceals it, he will indeed not get any tangible information!

Nioh licked his lips and smiled like a beast, "Harmony is it? Okay!" When did you want to use the same tone, naturally I was forced by my opponent to endure it. It's time for a dead end.


This score is really not pretty, let's make it 4:2!

Chitose clearly felt that Nioh's attack speed accelerated, and the speed of hitting the ball was faster and faster, and he could feel the vigorous power and speed brought by the ball every time.

"This guy's performance now is completely different from what he did in the first game..."With

such hands and feet, I can't see even a trace of muscle, how did I

hit such a ball? Chitose felt a wave of trepidation in his heart, and the fear was that if Nioh hit Tachibana's ball, it was not an accident, Nioh really had such strong strength and speed, then they might be really dangerous in this game!

Ryu thinks something is wrong, is his teammate really okay now?

At first, Ryu simply thought that Nioh was hiding his recent progress, but now he already thinks that Nioh may have some problems.

Like what...... In the process of returning the ball, his breathing became more and more rapid, his chest was excessively heaving, and the wolf-like eyes that looked at him when he just wiped his sweat, at that time, Liu Du felt that if he didn't say the words 'the information is collected', I am afraid that Nioh would be able to pounce on him and bite his neck in the next second!

The most important thing is that although athletes will sweat and even breathe rapidly when they run at high speeds, Yanagi miraculously found that every breath of Nioh is more like absorbing strength from the outside world.

Originally, to be honest, Nioh's current state can be called a little good, but after discovering this, Ryu subconsciously made an analysis.

It's like Nioh himself is not strong enough, but if he absorbs power from the outside world

, he can make the most powerful attack! But is this something that a human being can do

? And absorb power? The greatest power in the atmosphere is air, and he doesn't know that absorbing air can make people stronger!

Yanagi wonders if he is a fantasy science fiction novel, so he can use the conclusions of science fiction novels to evaluate Nioh's current state?

So, is it their world that is abnormal, or is Nioh abnormal?

Ryu looked at Chitose who was standing across from them, his eyes had become terrified in Nioh's more powerful and accelerated response.

He felt that the person opposite should be able to understand his mood at this moment

! The same is the end of the world, why should we have met

before-Tachibana gritted his teeth and desperately hit Nioh's serve again and again, this game, Nioh's serve has no skill at all, as if it was suddenly lit up with power and speed, what makes Tachibana uncomfortable is that if it is power, he still has room to fight back, but speed -

hard injury!

That's why he gritted his teeth, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with the ball, how could he fight back

?"Why is this guy so fast? Isn't he tired?" Failed to hit the ball again, looking at the ball that landed heavily, Tachibana said angrily. I've never seen a first-grader so fast.


By now, Nioh had let Tachibana lose three balls in this game, and neither he nor Chitose could match up with Nioh's rhythm when he played a match with Chitose or he pursued alone.

The footsteps, the speed, the rhythm, one is faster than the other, it is simply the nemesis of those who can't do it! Orange

got up from the ground in embarrassment, knowing that this would not work, but

--Liu looked at the other party with pity, as an opponent, he was a little distressed, and the orange who had just fallen so badly: ... Tsk!

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