Nioh's eyes instantly turned horrified: "Wait a minute, senior, why are you talking to my parents on the phone?" And why talk about it? "How can it be so good that you have to follow your predecessors for a week?

What about the process, what about the content? What about the specifics.

Are the processes all eaten? How many plots did he miss!

Nioh felt that his whole person was not good, and he thought about what he had done today, and he had died again and again!

This kind of premise is that he has already died, and he gets along with the seniors of the Equality House for a week, so he can't hang up directly?

His father and his mother felt that there were two sons at home, so it was redundant, did they think that the eldest son's white hair was useless, so they simply abandoned it!

Byodoin Phoenix is in a surprisingly good mood now, and is very happy to answer Nioh's various questions, "It's nothing, I just mentioned it to your parents, your picky eater now and the problem that your health is not very good on the playing field..."


Byodoin Phoenix continued, "Then we'll discuss it together, and you'll go to Kyoto's Byodoin house to practice kendo in the next week!" Although he persuaded Xiao Baimao's parents under the pretext of practicing kendo to strengthen his body, he didn't need Xiao Baimao to know this!

Nioh asked, holding on to the last shred of luck, "Then, my kendo teacher is the abbot grandfather... Is it?

He remembered that there was still a kind elder in the Byodoin family, and although he was a little older, if he had taught him this kendo, Nioh felt that he should still have a glimmer of hope to survive!

Live long enough to see the sun next week....

It's a pity -

"How is that possible?" Of course...... It's not—"

The Phoenix of the Equal House showed a mouthful of big white teeth, and his eyes and tone all showed madness and pleasure!


Nioh's Dead Fisheye: ... There is little hope for the future!

As if he couldn't see Nioh's despair, Byodoin held Nioh, who had no 'desire to survive' at all, and said as he walked, "Little white hair, I believe we will have a very pleasant week!" "

As for who is happy...

That—he doesn't guarantee it!

Nioh: ... Tianliang Wang Po, in this world, he has no hope!



Kyoto is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and as one of the oldest cities in neon, Nioh will be happy to jump on if you come to Kyoto for regular tourists.

But now...

Not to mention jumping, he didn't even have the strength to get up -

it was his first day at Byodoin's house, only one day, why did he feel like he had been here for three years?

"Senior..."Nioh barely stood up with the support of the wooden sword, his legs and stomach were still trembling, his arms were swaying, and he looked so pitiful, "Are the two of us still practicing?" "

He's been practicing with the Phoenix of the Equality House for an hour this afternoon.

The most important thing is now 3:30 p.m., and I'm just talking about the afternoon training volume. Wake up at 5 a.m., run 10km in the mountains, and run in an hour.

Then, chop trees and chop firewood for 50 catties. That's right, it's the mountain I just ran, and then I ran up to chop 50 catties of firewood... 50 pounds! Not five pounds!

The Phoenix of the Equality Institute is famous, it's okay, you can't carry so much at a time, so you can run a few more times!

Numbers win!

Nioh Blackface: ... God wins by numbers! Who is this going to exhaust to death?

I don't understand, it's the 21st century now, why do the families of the Equality House still burn firewood for cooking?

Isn't an induction cooker a good thing to use?

If not, he did see a disciple cooking there, and Nioh really felt that the Byodoin seniors were deliberate.

The morning homework was Zamabu, and the first day was only half an hour because of chopping wood.

And then

- push-ups, planks, round-trip runs....

Hehe, I think too much, I can't see any of these things and training methods related to modern motor skills...

After Zama step, stand on the plum blossom pile, the first day, is a direct five-meter plum blossom pile!

Damn, plum blossom pile, what is plum blossom pile, but the ancient mastery of the flower family next door! Is that something that the average person can learn alive?

He just learned a kendo, as for such advanced equipment?

God knows that this morning, after half an hour of Zama walking, the 5m high platform made him stand there, and his legs and stomach were shaking.

Coming down from the plum blossom pile, it is the basic practice of kendo, and the content is to stand, raise the knife and stand, which is completely different from the wooden knife just practiced, and it is a real sword.

However, a friendly reminder - 20 pounds!

20 pounds, it's easy to pick up, but what if you don't put it for an hour?

The training volume in the morning was finally over, and Nioh, who was tired like a fox out of the water, had a difficult lunch, yes, it was over!

Nioh now understands how true a sentence in the previous book is, why do people be picky eaters? It's all because life is so good!

As long as you are hungry, you are hungry, you are hungry, your eyes are yellow, and you will eat anything!

Lunch consisted of two rice balls, and even Nioh, who had always been a picky eater, was now hungry and decided to eat one.

After eating, although the whole body still had no strength, the other Nioh really didn't want to eat. First, I can't eat it, and second, it's already the limit to be able to pinch my nose and eat one!

And so....

The phoenix of Byodoin raised his eyebrows expressionlessly, "Why don't you eat the remaining one?" Don't waste food?

"I really can't eat it!" Nioh said pitifully.

Byodoin Phoenix: "Eat—

" Nioh shook his head firmly: "..."Training

is okay, but eating is not good, this is picky eating." This is the only bottom line in his life!

Byodoin has a cold face, he has always known that the little white hair is a picky eater, but he doesn't know that he is so picky?

Don't think he didn't see it, the two rice balls, the one Nioh ate only had sour apricots in it, and the other one was also in consideration of the nutritional problems of Xiao Baimao, and went to the kitchen to ask for it, and put meat floss and meat.

As a result, what do you eat and nothing more?

It's not okay, it has to be eaten!

The phoenix of the Equality Temple, whose face was black, said coldly, "You have to eat... I'm going to train in the afternoon! Hurry up!

Nioh looked at him and refused, "I can add one more set of training in the afternoon..."

Byodoin: "Very good, this is your choice, you forced me!"

Nioh's heart jumped, ...

Wait, what am I forcing you?

Then, Nioh saw that the Phoenix of Byodoin, who was kneeling in his seat, suddenly half got up, and slowly put on plastic gloves with one hand, and picked up the rice ball he didn't want to eat!

Senior, what are you trying to do?

Is this going to help him get rid of this food himself? Is the senior such a good person?

Nioh's eyes lit up, he smiled, and the words of thanks just raised his lips, and before he could say anything, he felt... Forehead hair flying, windy?

Alas ~ what's the situation?

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