A week passed quickly.

Because of Nioh, the little fox also took this opportunity to stay in Hachihara for a week, and spent a long time with his favorite Natsume-sama, and was very satisfied.

Back at his home in Kanagawa, Nioh looked at the empty house, very calm, yes, his parents, said that the three of them dragged oil bottles, and happily went out to travel in the future.

- The return date is uncertain!

And his sister is in high school and is attending a summer camp for learning.

The younger brother went to a tourist summer camp.

To sum up, Nioh is home alone!

Nioh smiled, "Okay, if you make some noise at home alone, no one will find out!" "

Little mud, come out to work..."I haven't practiced tennis for two weeks, and I'm going to start well.

Ni-chan: What are the host's requirements?

Nioh took out his notebook and said, "Review the national tournament and the game I played with my predecessors in Byodoin

...", "Then, find out what I feel in Hachihara, that feeling..."

Can mental power still be used like this?

Can he blend in with others, learn from others, and become someone else?

Nioh had a hunch that if he mastered this skill, it would definitely be an upgraded version of the state he had when he had learned to walk the tightrope in Marui.

If he could develop this skill, his tennis style and strength would change dramatically.

[Ni-chan]: Rogered, let's start the review game now!

For five days, Nioh trapped himself in his room and couldn't take a step, devoting himself to the simulation arena, honing his skills!

Day 6....

"It's finally done—"

Nioh was ecstatic as he looked at the other face in the mirror, the details were exactly the same, and the tricks could be revealed. Thanks to the seniors of the Byodoin Institute for giving him seven days of assault training, which increased his muscles and strength a lot, otherwise, this move would not have been completed so smoothly!

Nioh has changed people.

The 'Sanada' in the mirror clenched his fists and frowned, "Poof~ If it's Sanada, my strength is still not enough..."

However, there is still good news, the success of this trick, Nioh's mental power is ready to move again.


When this move is fully formed, it is unknown that the five-dimensional value of spiritual power may be able to break through 6.

His long narrow eyes flashed, and Nioh was so excited that he finally succeeded before the summer training began—

then, what's the name?

The trick must have a name, especially such a cool trick, it can't be like the previous trick without a name.

Able to imitate others perfectly and become someone else - 'phantom'!

- Nioh Phantom!

Life passed quickly during the summer training camp, and under Nioh's deliberate way of hiding, no one except Yukimura noticed something unusual about him, and no one found out that he had practiced new moves.

The training camp was very pleasant, and the only unpleasant thing to say was that there was... It's -

"What kind of broken name is this?" Is that the naming level of Tennis Weekly? Looking at the big black characters on the book, Nioh complained with a black face.

Marui was curious, "Fraudster? Fraudsters on the pitch? One didn't hold back and laughed, "It's also a fraudster, you're a 'gas bomb' master, right?" The kind that blows up your opponent?

Marui wondered if the Tennis Weekly people had mistyped the name.

Nioh: ... Get lost!

"Obviously, other people's titles are very good... Tut! Nioh opened his mouth unhappily, can you call him Fox-kun? At least the attributes match!

What is this?

It's too late to know, and the overall situation has been decided!

"Forget it, the fraudster is the fraudster, there is still my trait in the end!" Cunning fox!

In order not to waste such a thoughtful name as Tennis Weekly, Nioh decided to deceive Tennis Weekly and the entire middle school tennis community in the second national game, using his phantom.

Boys, let's feel the blow from yourself!

Time flies quickly, and in the middle of the teenagers' efforts to improve their tennis strength, in the blink of an eye, it is April of another year - the

cherry blossoms are in full bloom...

Nioh looked at his class on the bulletin board at the school gate, tired.

What kind of mental state did you find out on the first day of school that you were in the same class as Sanada?

Poof~ There is an impulse to go to the teacher to transfer classes in the next second.

Although after the fight between Kunichi and Sanada, the relationship between him and Sanada has eased somewhat, after all, Sanada recognizes people who work hard, but, how to say it?

It can only be said that the relationship between the two has improved from 7 points to 9 points, with a full score of 100!

So, for the matter of being assigned to a class with Sanada, Nioh's mentality~


Nioh hooked his lips and smiled, more distressed than he Sanada.

Before he finished laughing, an arrogant voice came from the school gate, "Hahaha, is this Lihai University?" From today onwards, I will Uncle Kirihara..."The

words did not fall.

Kirihara, who was still holding his waist, felt that his trouser leg was being pulled, and looked down, hey, the white-haired man?

"Hey, what are you doing? Why interrupt Uncle Ben's excellent speech? "


"Don't drag it, if you drag it again, my pants will be pulled off by you!" The hand that crossed the waist hurriedly put it on the waistband of the trousers, lest the black-haired man underneath, alas? How did you become black-haired?

Tightly tugging at the waistband of his trousers, Kirihara widened his eyes and wondered, "Didn't you have white hair just now?"

"Sanada' looked fierce, "First-year student, even if you violate school discipline on the first day of school, is you still color blind?"

Sanada shouted coldly, "Give me down!" After saying that, with a big hand, he pulled off Kirihara's pants with the people.

Che didn't dare to let go of the whirlwind, lest he go away: ... Lihai's seniors are really terrible, why are they pulling on to his pants?

And, senior, are you white-haired or black-haired?

When Kirihara patted his head and recovered from his dizzy state, he found that the surroundings were empty, and there was no one...

Kirihara: ... What about people?

The doorman couldn't stand it, "Classmate, what are you looking for?" Hurry up and go to the classroom after reading your class.

Kirihara scratched his head, "Uncle, senior senior, do you know a particularly fierce or black-haired person?" The

doorman thought, "Oh, you said Sanada-kun

of the tennis club..."Uncle Balala said a lot, and Kirihara remembered the first sentence of the previous sentence, Sanada of the tennis club.

Kirihara glared and said viciously, "Tennis club? Sanada? Very well, welcome Uncle Ben's wrath! "


After the bulletin board, the white-haired boy heard Kirihara's words, hooked his lips, and left happily.

Ah, the Phantom is so good!

It's not in vain that he spent more than half a year learning to run in, poof~

Sanada: ... Should you give me an explanation?

Nioh winked: ... What are you saying I don't understand?

Sanada: ... Hum!

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