"It's still a while before I leave school, and I need time to think about it..."

Yanagi didn't explicitly refuse, making Nioh breathe a sigh of relief, "How long will it take?"

"I'll tell you the first day of school!"



The memories end.

The first day of school, that is, today.

Yanagi didn't pay attention to him in the morning, so Nioh could only come to him after the club ended.

Yanagi was still in the classroom when he saw Nioh walking with his hands in his pockets and taking a lazy step.

"I've figured it out..."

, "How's it going?"

The two of them spoke at the same time.

"And what about your answer?" There was a moment of silence, and Nioh took the lead. "Want to be my partner?"

"Actually, considering your own personality, I refuse!" The two of them really don't match each other, "But, I want to try something new... So, from today onwards, happy cooperation, Nioh-kun!

"Didn't you choose me because you were tired of being in the golf club?" Nioh asked, playfully.

"Didn't Nioh-kun choose me because of the same tone?" Yanagi didn't show weakness when he pushed his glasses against Rushi, "From this point of view, the two of us are each other!" "

Poof~" Nioh muttered to himself, "I finally know why Nishi said that the two of us would be the best match!" "

Yanagi is a Sven scum who looks at a gentleman, and he is a fox fraudster~

Just like he said to Yanagi Billus at the beginning, he chose to be a partner with Yanagi Billus in order to be in tune, and Yanagi was willing to agree to him, but also to get rid of the past and open up a new path!

Two people have each other's needs....

It's good that way, he doesn't have any extra guilt!

The two of them will also be open to each other and reach a tone.

The first step towards cohomology – completion.


"By the way, what did you just say?" Yanagi didn't hear Nioh's words clearly.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, why did you choose to promise me today?" Is today a special day?

Liu Sheng paused for a moment and said, "Do a good deed every day!" "

“...... Well? "What is the reason for this? Nioh's fox eyes were stunned.

It's you, the answer is strange!


The next day.

As a sign of solemnity, Nioh personally took Yagyu to the tennis club and submitted an application for employment.

Ryu was surprised, "Are you sure you weren't joking when you said yesterday?" "

This fox, who said yesterday that it didn't work out, brought people here today? Liu secretly shook his head, Nioh's words really couldn't be believed...

"Who makes me efficient!" Nioh patted the table, "Yanagi, pass it, I'm going to take this guy in and try it out." Liu

silently signed the application for employment in Yagyu Hiroshi and agreed.

Generally speaking, the process can't go that fast, but who lets someone go through the back door! Nioh's hand-selected partner, the strength is estimated to be expected.

Looking at the figures of the two people leaving, Ryu fell into thought, "Do you want to tell Yukimura..."

and then -

10 minutes.

Nioh Masaharu, a member of the four-pointed star, found a new partner and decided to play doubles, and the news spread throughout the tennis club.

"Nioh, you don't play singles with a good job, why do you want to play doubles, do you want to compete with me for a job?" Marui was the first to come over to join in the fun, and by the way, he also brought his partner Jackal, "Kuwabara, you also come to see this guy... He's gone too far! "

Before Nioh could return to Marui, he saw a blue-purple patch around the corner and someone wearing a hat... Is everyone so gossipy?

“...... Poof~"Nioh held his forehead, alas, I forgot to tell Liu, don't make a noise yet."

Nioh turned around and beckoned Yanagi to come over and introduce himself, and as soon as Yanagi finished speaking, Nioh saw... Eh, I just saw a dark green hair...

"Kirihara?" Nioh asked Yukimura, "Did he join the tennis club?" Will this kelp be so obedient and join the tennis club directly?

Yukimura smiled, Nioh's perception in Kirihara was too accurate, "He came here today

to deliver the challenge book—"The tennis club came to deliver the challenge book on the first day of orientation?" Nioh really admires Kirihara's brains and the timing of his choices.

This is going to - slap in the face while there are many people?

"Who did he send the challenge?" Nioh was curious to see how far Kirihara could die.

"Everyone~" Yukimura smiled happily.

"Puff~" Excellent!

After Yanagiya arrived, in front of Yukimura, Nioh and Yanagi simply had a meeting.

"Yanagi-kun's congenital conditions are good, but he shouldn't have played tennis before!" Seeing this problem easily, Yukimura looked at the two people in the stadium and bit his ear with Yanagi, "Do you know why Nioh chose him?" "

It's not that Yanagi is bad, it's just that there are so many people who can play tennis? There are also many people with good congenital conditions.

"He didn't tell me, but since Nioh has chosen..."Remembering Nioh's temperament, Ryu twisted his face and carefully considered his words, "Although Nioh is sometimes very unreliable, he should have his own considerations in this kind of matter!" "

So your point of view

...""You can see the follow-up development..."Marui

listened to the discussion between Yanagi and Yukimura, and without saying a word, he sneaked a look at Sanada.

The four-pointed star, all three of them are here to discuss Nioh, so they directly ignore Sanada's opinion?

What amazed Marui the most was that Sanada wasn't angry at all. Blowing bubble gum, Marui sighed, the way these people get along is amazing!


"Don't you care what they're discussing?" At the end of the game, Yagyu asked Nioh.

"Don't worry, I can guess." Nioh didn't care to say the answer, "It must be talking about you!" Discuss your strengths!

Speaking of this, Nioh winked at Yanagi, "Congratulations, your strength and talent have been initially recognized!"

Yanagi wondered.

"I didn't come in to stop it, I just recognized you as my partner." Nioh looked at Yagyu narrowly, "How is it?" Do you feel like meat on a board being looked at?

"..."Liu Sheng was surprised, how apt this metaphor could be!

However, it is understandable.

As last year's national champion, it is important to examine the strength of his teammates in order to defend his title this year, and Nioh is the backbone of the tennis club as last year's four-pointed star. The success or loss of his matches is directly related to the overall level of the tennis club.

So, understandable!

It's just....

"I'll catch up with you as soon as I can, Nioh-kun!" Understanding is understanding, but no one likes to be treated like meat on a cutting board!

A week later.

The black-bellied minister, the black-faced deputy minister, the Miyan military division, and the fox fraud division, forget it!

Why, is there still a skipping predecessor (Maori) bubblegum genius (Marui), an honest and honest man (Kuwabara) exists?

There is also the sea leader outside who is waiting to be fed, and wants to come over to challenge...

Tennis Club - National Champion, is the original style of painting like this?

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