The match between Kirihara and Hiyoshi was suspended after 6-6. The practice match did not grab 7, so this game was considered a tie between the two of them.

Singles two Maori seniors' match,The opponent is the little sheep who died last time and said that Yukimura was a girl.。 Although, Little Sheep's style of play is also very sharp and novel, but unfortunately he met his Maori predecessors and lost quickly.

The second singles was won by Lihaida.

Two wins, one defeat and one draw, with no substitutions.


"If Yukimura wins, we win, and if Yukimura loses this game, it's a draw!" Liu concluded, although he felt that Yukimura would not lose either. After all, that terrible 6-0....

Sure enough, the final outcome of the game ended with Yukimura's absolute victory.


On the way back.

"Where are you going?" Yukimura stared at Nioh, who was planning to ask him for leave. "I'm still going to train tomorrow afternoon, so you're going to take a leave of absence

?" "I want to visit a senior - I'll take the earliest ride back tomorrow morning!" Nioh asked, "I promise I won't delay training, the minister agrees!"

Yukimura sighed, Nioh always sensed his temper, "Then where are you staying tonight?" He didn't remember that Nioh had relatives in Tokyo.

"The mountain people have their own tricks - I really have relatives in Tokyo! I'll take you with me next time!" Inari Shrine anywhere will open the door to him anytime and anywhere. The gods are privileged!"


Looking at the magnificent dojo gate in front of him, Nioh pinched the address in his hand and was a little overwhelmed, although he knew by looking at Hiyoshiruo that the ancient martial arts he had learned were definitely not simple. However, this place really made him...

- Surprised!

How did you get the address? Thanks to the good-looking, lively, but nosy Shinobu gentleman.

"You're not going to Hiyoshi's house to seek revenge, are you?"


Then, Ok, the address is for you!"

Then, Nioh got the information about Hiyoshi's house so easily. I have to say that the emotions between the Ice Emperor and the main election are really a little incomprehensible.


"I heard that you came to visit?" Ryunosuke Hiyoshi, the abbot of Hiyoshi Dojo, looked at Nioh and subconsciously examined the young man.

The breath is calm and introverted, he is definitely a practitioner, what is the so-called thing when such a young man comes to visit?

"I..." Nioh said, he can't say that he is simply curious, he has to think of an excuse! Fortunately, in the past two years, Nioh's brain has turned quickly, "I have been teaching myself archery for two years, and I have encountered a bottleneck - I want to seek another direction to help me improve!".

This is not true, it has been almost a year since he went to the string sound world to learn archery, and March 10,000 is still insisting, but the bottleneck is also true.

"Then you should concentrate on finding a kyudo master—" Ryunosuke Hiyoshi was furious, believing that Nioh's actions were showing contempt for the kyudo he had learned. "This will make your kyudo progress, instead of coming here to seek ancient martial arts..."

Nioh bowed his head and said respectfully, "but... Everything works

!" "My former archery teacher is very good..."MASA Sang and Yata-no-mori Bow Dojo is a dream that he can no longer reach, "He's not here now, and I don't want to go to another place

to study..."So, I can only find another way!

"Please take me in and let me study!" "

Hiyoshi Ryunosuke, I can see that Nioh's words are very sincere, and the sadness and nostalgia in his eyes when he mentions the kyudo master will not deceive.

All laws are common - ancient martial arts and kyudo and kendo are all things that have been handed down, and it is indeed a saying that all laws are universal.

However, it is really difficult to integrate different things!"You have to think about it, I will only teach you ancient martial arts... I won't teach the rest!" He won't either!"

Thank you, Hiyoshi-samashi!" When

Nioh came out, he was stunned. Until he arrived at Inari Shrine, his mind was still unclear.

The shrine maiden came to deliver dinner, and when she saw Nioh Masaharu's appearance, she asked with concern, "Are you feeling unwell

?" Nioh held his forehead, "Do you know the Hiyoshi Dojo?" Nioh rubbed his forehead, feeling that he was particularly strange today, obviously he had planned to visit from the beginning to see if the people who practiced ancient martial arts were like Hiyoshi, and there were strange powers in their bodies.

As a result, he said that he had become an apprentice and learned

the arts? and said with a sincere face that all laws are clear?

The witch said, "Oh~ Is your lord talking about the ancient martial arts dojo blessed by Lord Bishamonten

?" Nioh looked up, "Which of the Seven Lucky Gods?" "This is a great name! Bishamentian is a famous martial god, and there is nothing wrong with the Hiyoshi family's belief in Bishamentian."

So~ involuntarily apprenticeship because-

"Anyone who really learns martial arts will be affected by that aura when they enter the Hiyoshi Dojo..."

Ok, the rest doesn't need to be explained

! Nioh felt that he had now figured out why Hiyoshi had the power to attract him, and the Hiyoshi family was actually involved with Lord Bishamon! Although, it was a bit incredible, but it was also a matter of course.

Seeing that Nioh was puzzled, the shrine maiden smiled and said, "Since Nioh-sama has no problem, have you figured out how to talk back to Inari-sama?"

Hmm?"What did you say?The

shrine maiden still smiled, "The family of Lord Inari God went to the dojo of the family blessed by Lord Bishamon to learn ancient martial arts-"

Nioh froze: ... It seems that this kind of behavior is a bit of a slap in the face of his own gods!

poof~ Why has he been stepping on the Shura field so much lately

?"Have you finished visiting? I'll explain!" Nioh walked outside with a stiff face.

How to explain it?

"Lord Inari, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to!" As a family member who was highly anticipated and even made Inari God feel a little guilty, Nioh could listen directly to the sky.

"Hehe..." Inari God doesn't want to speak, the Sky Fox has always been extremely smart and cunning, why is this fox cub like

he hasn't grown up? Although he is not stupid, he always feels like he can't react! Alas, wait, cough cough, well, Nioh is only 13 years old, he just hasn't grown up

! Then, this is not to blame other people's children, this is a cub, and cubs are worthy of forgiveness for making mistakes!


"I've heard it said over there, since you went to learn ancient martial arts to increase your strength

!" Nioh: - No, Lord Inari, you wait, the devil knows why he said this reason at that time? It's not true, don't believe it!"

"Then- you and that system haven't gone out on a mission for half a year, and the second-level dangerous world can also be opened in due time!"

Nioh's heart instantly pulled out the cold, and finally he was lazy for half a year, so he came to Tokyo to stay for one night, and then directly started the second-level dangerous world

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