Throughout the morning, Nioh was connecting and mobilizing Yagyu's spiritual power. Neither of them was sweating, but they were very tired, but this morning was also a harvest.

- Their psychic powers can now be connected for a short time, which means that their idea of harmony is initially successful.

And as the main mobilizer of spiritual power, Nioh is now exhausted and paralyzed.

The good news is that Yanagi is a novice and his psychic power development is not yet perfect, allowing Nioh to dominate this connection, which fits perfectly with his original idea.

The bad news is, can such a mental connection be called in the same tone?

With this question in mind, Nioh and Yanagi went to school together, and they hadn't forgotten the afternoon training.


"It's really rare, can you two still be together?" Marui pointed out the problem. "You two won't sneak around and train together in the morning, will you?" asked Marui, his eyes wide, wary.

Nioh's heart said, terrifying intuition.

This silent state made Marui collapse, "Ah~ I'm really stupid, why didn't I think of going to special training with Kuwabara in

the morning?" "I just went to training with Yanagi for a morning, are you under so much pressure?" Nioh didn't understand Marui's mentality at all.

Marui: ... I didn't want to talk to this person who didn't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings!


"I'm telling you, the two of us won't admit defeat!" As soon as he said that, Marui rushed towards Kuwabara. "Kuwabara, let's train together!"

Yagyu and Nioh looked at each other.

Nioh: So, do you understand what he's thinking?

Yagyu: ... I don't understand!

" Do I still have to train together in the afternoon?" Nioh wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Yanagi, "Today's events have given me a lot of inspiration, so I want to study my own tricks!" I just had an idea before, and now I can implement this idea, and if it goes well, I can use it in next week's competition.

Nioh: ... Obviously, he was still practicing the same tone in the morning, but his partner abandoned him in the afternoon! With such a calm partner, I don't know if it is good or bad?

Then he is alone... Just right, think about it, this year's competition....

Since he is called the fraudster on the court, let's give the middle school tennis world a little fog, or I'm sorry for the name Tennis Weekly gave him!

All along, his tricks have not been called the name of the shot, Sanada's wind forest volcano, Yukimura's extinguishing five senses, and Marui's tightrope walking.


Volley?poof, he's the one who has a trick up his sleeve from today onwards-Meteor Volley.


The prefectural tournament in Kanagawa began in full swing, and in a blink of an eye, it was the competition of Tachikai University.

Lihai University's opponent in this case is Midorikawa Middle School.

Saturday was a sunny day, Nioh was too lazy to move, he loved and hated the sun now, as a human he wanted to avoid the sun, and as an animal, he felt comfortable with the warm sun.

So, Nioh decided, "Nioh-senpai, are you basking in the sun, or are you hiding from the sun?" The lower half of his body was exposed to the sun, and it was obvious that Nioh's

expression of enjoyment was definitely basking in the sun.

Kirihara thinks that if Nioh's predecessor has a tail, the tail feels very happy to shake.

And the head

, the loose tennis jersey, was pulled high on the forehead by Nioh, and successfully covered the entire head. That's how much you can't avoid the sun.

"Nioh-senpai, don't you think your own behavior is particularly contradictory?" lest Nioh not hear it, Kirihara ran to Nioh's side.

""Kelp, no one will treat you as a dumb person if you don't speak!" "Give me peace of mind to play!" Nioh slapped Kirihara on the back.

"Senior, you are the second doubles player today..."


the Green River Middle School held a meeting the day before, Liu had already said that the most powerful thing was their minister, that is, the single one. The rest is nothing special, in Yanagi's words, that is, there is no need to pay attention!

"Today's game, the score must be beautiful!" Yukimura said beautifully, but it was not as simple as winning.


"Nioh Yanagi, you two are doubles and doubles at the beginning of a beautiful game!" Nioh

hooked his lips, "Poof~"

Yanagi nodded silently, this is the first official tournament he has joined the Lihai University Tennis Club, so naturally he must have a beautiful beginning.

"So, partner, our goal?" Nioh asked with a chuckle as he held the ball.

"6-1!" Yanagi thinks that he shouldn't be so ambitious. "We have to give each other a little room to react!"

"Puff~" is worthy of Liu Sheng, look at how literate this is.

The player on the opposite side of Midorikawa doubles two, listening to Liu Sheng's arrogant words, said angrily, "Even if you are the national champion, you shouldn't underestimate our team

!" "Ah Chuan, don't talk so much nonsense with them, just give them some color!" The player behind him said.

"Good. "

At the beginning of the game, in order to be able to use the name of the new move that he had worked so hard to come up with last week, Nioh sent a very 'hard' effort, and the effort visible to the naked eye all over his body, every swing of the racket was like trying his best, the movements were very large, and the interest was extreme, and he shouted hoarsely, "Meteor Volley—"

The ball is as its name suggests, like a meteor-like ball, with a shining light, flying towards Agawa...


Lihai won the day.

The score was 4-1.

Ah Chuan's hands trembled so much that he almost couldn't hold the racket, "Meteor volley—it's so powerful!" "Lihai's big tennis club is so scary!

This—that's his idea."

And then the eggs -

Lihai is here.

Yukimura didn't speak.

Sanada frowned.

Liu silently picked up the pen and put it down.

Maori is dozing off.

Kirihara and Sanada have the same expression.

Marui stabbed Kuwabara, "What do you think

of Nioh's meteor volley?" Kuwabara said innocently, "The momentum is huge, it's very powerful!" The opponent's bewildered expression knew that he was completely frightened by Nioh.

The eyes of the people of Lihai looked at Kuwabara...

Kuwabara was taken aback, "Am I not right?"

Kirihara exclaimed, "Kuwabara-sen, the main problem is that Nioh-senpai didn't hit a volley!"

Kuwabara: "Ahh

Yukimura, "Nioh may have his own ideas!" Ryu

sighed, feeling as if this year's Nioh was plotting something. Liu thought about it and decided to write down this trick first, Meteor Strike, what if it was a very important name?

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