Nioh whistled, although he didn't worry about Sanada at first, but it was a bit unexpected to be so crisp and neat.

Originally, because of the small pride of being opened by the gods, in the strength shown by Sanada

, it was gone! After the national competition, he still wanted to find Sanada to fight again, last year it was 7:5, and this year's goal for Nioh is 5:7.

When he was improving, Sanada didn't stop improving

! It seems that he has to work harder!

Nioh said in his heart, Xiao Ni, that one-month training package was directly changed to two months for me...

He is already ahead of everyone in terms of resources, and it would be a shame to lose again.

Only by working harder than others, working harder, and squeezing yourself more can we achieve the ultimate victory, catch up with a certain person, catch up with him, and walk side by side with him!!


Lihai won the day.

The singles three-match ended up 6-3 as everyone expected.

And the match with Yamabuki ended smoothly.

There were no accidents in the game, and everyone was very happy, except for Kirihara -

"Hey, didn't you play with me today?" Kirihara realized later, "Vice Minister Sanada, you are too cunning, I thought that you changed me to singles two, it was a recognition of my strength, and the result was that you wanted to play the game!" Kirihara was

aggrieved, originally thinking that he had been recognized, but he didn't expect to fall into the routine of his predecessors.

"Next time, I won't trust you anymore when I say anything-Sanada-senpai!"

Unexpectedly, among the seniors of Lihai University, the first person to lose the trust of Xiao Kombu turned out to be Sanada-Liu

silently took out his pen, well, this matter seems to be quite important to note first.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Nioh ran back to his room, entered the simulation training ground, and began training.

Starting with basic running, round-trip running, frog jumping...

to tiresome swing racket training, serve training....

This was Nioh's own request, and it was also the most suitable course that Koni had set for him.

Nioh will always remember what MASA

Sang said, the importance of the foundation - in the 'unstable period' when strength is rising, basic training is the best choice!

After six hours, the brain brought about by excessive exhaustion is clear, and Sang Nioh can't sleep, and he feels that he is okay, Nioh suddenly said, "Xiao Ni, can you still use the ball machine that simulates space?"

[Ni-chan]: Yes.

Nioh: "After a week, plus an hour of tee training... Three balls as the base, add them up!"

[Ni-chan]: Rogered.

After saying that, Nioh was going to sleep, and his brain was so excited that he couldn't sleep, but he still had to have the necessary sleep.

That's when ...

The phone rang! Nioh wondered, it was two o'clock in the middle of the night, who would call him

? Open the phone and take a look--Byodoin Phoenix!

Byodoin seniors? Hurriedly answered the phone, "Moses Moses, Byodoin senior?" Why did you remember to call me? It's so late

, do you have something to do?

I thought about countless words in my heart, but when it came to my mouth, Nioh was left with only one sentence, "Hello..."

Nioh and both were speechless: ... Why is his mouth so stupid at this time? Has his brain been kicked by a donkey?

The Phoenix of the Byodoin over there was stunned, "..."Why hasn't this little white hair slept at this time?" He subconsciously remembered that it was already 2 o'clock in the middle of the night in Japan after he finished making a phone call. And the speed of answering the phone of this little white hair...

I definitely didn't sleep, and I didn't plan to sleep now!

"Why don't you sleep so late!"

Nioh's neck shrunk, "We played a game today, we won, and we were a little excited, so..."

Intuition will be beaten to death

if you say this! Phoenix of the Equality Yuan squinted his eyes when he heard this tone that was obviously empty-hearted, this little white hair, I haven't seen him for a while, my skin is itchy, right?

I dare to tell a lie in front

of him! Very good, I'll clean him up when he returns to China

!" "I'm in Europe now, I ordered something for you, and I've already sent an international express, and you don't sleep in the middle of the night, I'll settle accounts with you after I return home!" With a serious face and a crackling voice, the Phoenix of the Equality House hung up the phone neatly and didn't say a word.

No way, if I talk a little more, the little white hair will sleep later!

Nioh: ....

Should he panic that his predecessor will return to China to settle accounts with him? Or should he be happy first, because his predecessor will remember to buy him something from far away in Europe

? Senior, you are hanging up the phone a little fast, and I haven't reacted yet

? Or should I call back again?

Nioh is about to move, but he doesn't dare!

If he calls back, he will definitely be scolded to death.

But what could it be that the Byodoin seniors sent back? In

Europe? Could it be that they mailed him some souvenirs? What did the seniors do in Europe? Did they play games?

With this in mind, Nioh fell asleep.


A few days later, one day Nioh received a European souvenir from the Byodoin Phoenix.

"It's really heavy, it should weigh dozens of kilograms, did your family mail it to you?" asked the courier.

Nioh was a little stunned when he said, "Dozens of kilograms?" What can be used for dozens of kilograms? But on the other hand, it means that the seniors of Byodoin sent him dozens of kilograms of things.

Nioh's little face flushed, his predecessors were so worried about him, and they brought him so many things when they went abroad.

After signing for the courier, Nioh didn't even open the package, so he couldn't wait to call Byodoin Phoenix.

"Moses Moses, senior—

" the voice on the other end of the phone was hoarse and dark, "Hmm, little white hair, why are you calling me so early?"

It's still early in the morning! Nioh was stunned, "..."What the hell is little white hair? Are you calling him?

The claws in his hand are a little ready to move, trying to scratch someone?

However, Nioh looked down at the huge package, for the sake of the package...

However, this voice, is the Byodoin seniors sleeping?"Obviously, it's only 10 o'clock in the morning, and it's this time, and the seniors are still sleeping?" Nioh's words made the Byodoin

Phoenix speechless for a moment, "..."Is this little white hair intentional or intentional.

"I'm now, in Germany... Didn't geography class teach you how to calculate

jet lag?" Nioh realized, "Poof, forget, jet lag! Germany, it should be early in the morning over there in Europe!


!" "Senior, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, I just want to call to thank you for remembering to mail me so many souvenirs after a long journey!" Nioh sincerely expressed his gratitude, "Then - don't disturb your senior, you sleep, it's late... Good night!"

After hanging up the phone, Nioh breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly remembered that this was a good night?

The other end of the phone.

Byodoin Phoenix: Do you know what's in the package?

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