Nioh's eyes are full of that racket now, and then, it suddenly occurred to him, did there be a box of packages two days ago... That package seems to have been sent by his predecessors, and when he thought that the first package was joyfully opened, it turned out to be a racket, so he hadn't opened this package yet...


Nioh slapped himself on the head, he was really stupid, he didn't believe in the taste of the seniors of Byodoin, the package of the predecessors of Byodoin must be extraordinary, how could he not open it

? Although he was very tired after a day of playing today, Nioh still unpacked the courier in a slippery way!


a box of snacks?

Snacks from Germany and England with European flavors

Oh, and it's still protein-rich and low-calorie.

It's so nutritious!

but... He wanted to ask.

What about his lucky items

? These are not what he was expecting? Did the seniors of Byodoin put the wrong things for him? Are you sure that these are not bought for himself to eat?

This one, the mobile phone of the Phoenix of the Equality House in Europe rang, and he took it out and took a look, yo

, the text message of the little white hair? Why did he suddenly remember to send him a text message at this time, the Phoenix of the Equality House frowned, the little white hair just doesn't sleep all day long, right

? When he was about to make a phone call to ask, the Phoenix of the Equality House suddenly remembered, oh, by the way, it's been almost half a month, is it because his international express delivery has arrived?

Therefore, this text message is very likely to be a thank you letter from Xiao Bai Mao'er to him

? The mood of the Phoenix of the Equality Institute has turned cloudy, since this little junior is so considerate of his predecessors, he doesn't care about the fact that he doesn't sleep at night!

The corners of the real Equality Institute in the world hooked slightly, clicked on the text message, and then, I saw -

[Seniors of the Equality Academy, are you mistaken?] Hmm?

What is the wrong installation?

Byodoin Phoenix: ... Hehe, he carefully picked for so long, sent back such a large box of snacks for thousands of miles, and spent so much time selecting, in exchange for a sentence, are you pretending

to be wrong? There is an urge to strangle this little white hair in an instant, what should I do

? The anger of the Byodoin has not yet dropped, and then he received a second message - [Senior, are you sure you don't have anything else to give me?] Byodoin

Phoenix darkened his face: This little white hair, why is it so difficult to serve?

No, this situation must not be used to it, and we must make a phone call to criticize it, otherwise this little white hair will go to heaven in the future!

Just as I was about to make a call, Nioh's third message came. The phoenix of the Equality Temple, who was in a thunderous mood, opened the text message, and saw a picture, adding text

!The racket for the tablet.ipg

[Senior, you don't know, how much of a role the racket you gave me, look at it now!₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑]

The old face of the Phoenix of the Equality Temple is black and red: How does this little white-haired brain grow to supply the racket?

but- I have to say that Nioh's behavior completely pleased Byodoin Phoenix.

Ahem... Although I don't understand, but for the sake of this little white hair who cherishes his gift so much-ahem

, children, they are all young, and it is nothing to be pampered occasionally, and they will not really go to heaven

! Since I didn't like the previous ones, then buy some more!

Ask the new guy tomorrow, what do the current middle school students like... Don't buy it wrong!

[Well, it may be a mistake, I'll mail it to you again - Byodoin Phoenix. Nioh

hooked his lips and chuckled, poof, and he said, "The seniors of Byodoin must have made a mistake."

However, isn't it a bit too unsightly to re-mail it...

I asked the abbot before, the birthday of the predecessor of Byodoin, in July, do you want to prepare a birthday gift?

Anyway, tomorrow weekend, the competition is over, and there is nothing to do!

He's so bad, but it's really smart!

Let's go and worship that racket again, it will help increase the luck value.

The next day.

In a meeting....

Nioh was a little surprised when he first came, he was expecting a small meeting between the four of them, but he didn't expect all the main candidates to come.

Is there something going on?

Liu first summed up the Kanto Tournament that ended yesterday.

"Although the upper half of the district is the Ice Emperor's outstanding encirclement, this year, other schools are not completely without the power to fight

..."Liu flipped through the notebook page by page, "Qingxue is an old and strong school, after Tezuka was promoted to the second grade, the overall strength has increased a lot, plus their two first-year freshmen this year, maybe there will be very big progress next year..."

Fudomine has been banned this year because of a fight!"

everyone looked at Sanada and Kirihara.

Kirihara muttered speechlessly, "Why do you all look at me

?" Nioh touched Kirihara's head amusedly, "Who made your usual style so wild?"

Yukimura emphasized, "The matter of Fudomine is a wake-up call to the middle school tennis world, don't fight, otherwise, we will definitely face a ban!"

Sanada nodded, he has always been responsible for the discipline of the tennis club, and he will control this aspect of things.

"Another reason why I talked about Fudo Peak is because of the addition of Tachibana..."Yanagi Dao, "One of the two heroes of Kyushu, Chitose went to Shitenhoji Temple, Tachibana came to Fudo Peak, next year, they may be dark horses!"

"Of course, next year's biggest opponent may still be the Ice Emperor..."

"It stands to reason that after the Kanto Tournament is over, we will start preparing for the national competition, and this year is different from previous years, and last night I received an invitation-

" This sentence attracted everyone's attention, "What invitation?

"—the Kanto region youth selection tournament!" "

This youth selection tournament was temporarily requested to be held this year, and all the regular selections in our school were invited..."

Nioh raised his hand, "Is it only

our school, or are there any other schools..."Yukimura said, "Because we are the champion of the Kanto Tournament, our school participates in all of them, and other schools have different places according to the strength of the players!" "

There are more places for the strong and fewer places for the weak..." "Why did you suddenly think of holding such a competition?" He also wanted to prepare for the national competition with peace of mind, this sudden boring competition, hum.

Yukimura said sharply, "Since we have been invited by the other side, we naturally have to participate, and the next step is to adjust our own affairs, no matter what the purpose of this youth selection tournament is?

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