Yukimura asked with a frown. “...... Tell me clearly, what's going on

?" Looking at this miserable and miserable cry, can't Kirihara say a word clearly?What happened

to him?"Nioh-senpai, I've been staring at Yanagi-senpai in the training ground of Group B for an afternoon!" "Kirihara cried and chirped, for the person next to Yanagi-senpai, he was simply tormented by this sight. "The more you stare at it, the more fierce it becomes, as if it's going to eat us!" "

Kirihara felt super pitiful!

Yukimura: ... I don't know what happened, but the truth is definitely not what Kirihara said.

Yukimura patted his earnest shoulder with difficulty, "Since you have this imagination, you must write your essay well tonight!" "

Can you use your overly divergent thinking to study?"

Kirihara, you still have a long way to go!"

I don't know yet - sitting is a tradition in Lihaida, don't come to complain, and don't come to find someone. Nioh, in particular, is likely to involve himself in strange things... I can't extricate myself, and I can't run out of this strange circle anymore -

"Eat a trench and grow a wisdom, remember not to come over casually next time..."I wish you don't be so ignorant like your predecessors, it's been two years, and I've been planted on the magical creature of Nioh Masaharu again and again!

Why did the seniors look so wrong? Is he too young?

Under Kirihara's voice, everyone in Group A heard the specific content and was very interested!

Eventually, when Yukimura took Sanada to the training ground of Group B, he was already followed by a group of people.

"Jibu, why didn't I know that you liked to watch the excitement so much?" Obviously, it was a matter of their Lihai University, so he just went with Sanada, why did this eldest young master follow.

A gorgeous voice sounded, and Uncle Kibe stroked his hair handsomely, "Anyway, today's training has been done, and Uncle Ben really wants to see what kind of ungorgeous thing that Nioh guy has done-"

Yukimura: ... Hehe.

The trace department said that he was going to go, and he followed directly.

Ice Emperor, forget it... Yukimura's eyes swept to Qingxue - not to say that he didn't know, but to say that he was startled.

"Tezuka-kun, are you also interested in our Likai Da's affairs?" Can you imagine that Tezuka, who has always been of the same nature as Sanada, is also a typical person who loves to watch lively?

Tezuka's face is cold, and he can't say what he is suffering, he is naturally not interested in this kind of thing, but there is one next

to him-"Tezuka, it seems to be very interesting, let's go and see it together!" Fuji is very interested.

Before Tezuka refused, Fuji said again, "Since there is such a big mess in Group B, I don't know how Oishi and Kikumaru are?

A word hit the nail on the head, okay, he's going!

And so there

is the current ending.

Yukimura had a headache on his forehead, he really wanted Lihai to be famous, but not in this way.

But it's useless now, so let's hurry up and see what the hell Nioh is up to~


Nioh, who didn't know it at the moment, was lazily lying there watching Yanagio... He also gained something this afternoon, Yagyu's swing power, serve angle, game rhythm, overall playing style, and better position, Nioh has a new understanding of this.

He used to know Yanagi, but he never stayed in the perspective of a bystander to understand him, so in the eyes of outsiders, Yanagi played like this

? So, in such a state, how should he cooperate with him and control him?

Nioh tested his spiritual power and tried to cover Yanagi with his spiritual power without Yanagi knowing...

His mental power is now more quiet than before, as long as he doesn't show his attack, his mental power feels like no threat... Perhaps, it can be smoothly merged into Yanagi's aura.

At this moment, I was called out by Yukimura's gentle voice. "What are you looking at?"

he cried out—using his mental strength to not delay his posture. Nioh was tired all afternoon, and his posture had changed from holding his chin to lazily holding it, and he looked so comfortable and comfortable!

When Nioh turned around, he almost didn't scare the fox to death—

12345678, plus 9 who went to complain. A group of people, nine of them, stared at him alone.

"So what are you doing here?" He didn't make any mistakes, but as for the people in Group A

, they all came? No, even if they made a mistake, the minister and Sanada would have come

, what were the others doing? Besides, forget about the traces you saw, Seigaku—what's going on

?" "Minister, when did our relationship with Seikaku become so good?" Nioh asked secretly.

"It's not because you're in Group B that you're making a big fuss..."Yukimura said bluntly, "Explain it to me, what are you doing, Kirihara came to complain, saying that you stared at Yanagi for an afternoon!"

Nioh first glared at Kirihara, and then said embarrassedly, "This is the unique training method that Coach Banda gave me..."

Ryu felt that she had seen a lot. "Are you fooling the hell?" Sorry, he didn't believe it.

Nioh: ... Is it really good to not believe me so bluntly? We are all from the same school, right?

Moreover, Nioh finally discovered a problem in hindsight, not to mention that Lihai is big, let's just say that the Ice Emperor and Qingxue, this group of people came over, just to come to see the excitement!

Hawkers, if the same tone is really practiced... Think of the final reversal, Nioh endured.

"I'm just staring at Yagyu alone, it's Kirihara who is making too much fuss!" Seeing Kirihara behind Yukimura, Nioh understood what was going on.

This little guy, the crisis awareness is quite strong!

"Yanagi is my partner, it's normal for me to look at him more and understand more!" "

There are other people here, and Nioh can't say it, I want to study the same tone." Moreover, the way of staring people is used to say that they want to study the same tone, and it is estimated that the people of Qingxue and the Ice Emperor do not believe it.

But, just in case, if one of them believes, the surprise will be greatly halved. This is not in line with his original intention of causing frightening to others -

Yanagi: ... Do you study cohomology just to intimidate others?

Nioh: ... yes, it's fun to see their surprised expressions!

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