When the roaring flames cross the net, it seems that Shinobi can feel the scorching heat brought by the tennis ball... The path of this ball is not ugly, and the landing point of the ball has already been seen clearly

, but-TMD, this kind of ball with sparks and lightning all the way, and the flames are all materialized, are you sure that you will not burn yourself?

Gritting your teeth, you want to scold your mother

! Nioh Masaharu, pay attention to your painting style? You are a fox, you are spiritual, can you not engage in this kind of violent gorilla ball style!

and- Damn, whoever says that Nioh can't do it, he'll smash the video of this ball in the other party's face, if it doesn't work, then who can-if

it weren't for the brains that pumped out to him to spread the news, he wouldn't be so passive now, he was beaten like a stunned person, he didn't know how to fight back!!

to say it, make trouble, this ball still has to be hard-headed, those rackets go up...

Holding the racket tightly in his right hand, half of his body turned to the right back, adjusted his center of gravity, and exhaled - "Ahhh

Gritted teeth and persistence....

It's a pity that in this world, not every kind of persistence has a result

! The patience that was holding on, on the verge of not being able to hold on, suddenly had empty palms, and before he could be surprised, he heard the sound of a tennis ball falling to the ground!

Everything that happened was like a dream, and I couldn't help but look at the ball on the ground in a daze, and then looked back at the racket in a trance, only to find that it turned out that the net was broken

!, and it was burned!


Nioh Masaharu wins.

Everyone present knew that Shinobu and Nioh both played doubles, and the two had gone through several matches, but there had never been a match where such a huge score fell at the beginning.


" The subject is still patient. This is too unbelievable, isn't it!

" "What happened to that move just now? Isn't it rumored that Nioh's five-dimensional strength is the lowest? But

, that move—"As long as everyone who is not blind can see it, it will pierce all the tennis rackets that endure the foot!"

"Well, do you think that trick is particularly similar—" The person who spoke pointed in the direction of Fudo Peak.

endured a trance for a moment, and regained his 'gentleman' demeanor, since the acting was seen through, there was no need to act again.

Hearing the last sentence, his eyes rolled and he asked as if he didn't have any, "What's the name of that move just now!"

Nioh said with a straight face, not looking like Nioh at all, "Meteor Strike-"

Shinobu Foot: ... Even if the style of the ball is different, the whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it has changed to this extent, and your trick is still called a

meteor volley! How much resentment and attachment is this to the meteor volley?

and--those young people can't see it, forget it...

"Are you sure you really want to call a meteor volley, Tachibana has already glared at you a few times!"

Nioh said in a casual tone, with wanton content, "Can the Ball Bomb Dance pierce your racket?"

"Shinobi: ... Although I haven't taken the explosive ball and danced, I know

that I can't think about it!"Whoever uses this kind of trick better, that's who's!" Nioh turned back to meet Tachibana's gaze, and said without dodging at all, "If you are not convinced, you can continue to improve, play a better ball than this one, and change the name back!" "If you don't have this

ability, you can hold all the words back into your stomach!"

Nioh's words sounded mean and bitter to the ears of the Fudomine duo who worshiped Tachibana.

"Even if you're a senior of Lihai University, you shouldn't say that!" Kamio said angrily. "That's a trick that Tachibana seniors have worked so hard to create!" Nioh

Li ignored the tail, his arrogant eyes swept over Tachibana, looking at Tachibana clenching his fists, it was difficult and unbearable, but he never said a word, and sneered, "Hehe, Tachibana himself didn't say anything, do you need a junior to intervene?" If you want to preach to me, you have the ability to challenge yourself! If you win me, you can only let me change this move to Meteor Volley!".

Kamio was so angry with Nioh, "You guy..." is too much!

Nioh's words sounded flat and harsh, but no one in the audience spoke for Kamio, not because they were not familiar with Fudomine, but because everyone knew that Nioh was telling the truth... In which field, the strong have the qualifications to decide the outcome!


"Nioh, what the hell is going on?" asked Marui as he crept into Kuwabara's ear.

The match between Nioh and Shinobu wasn't over yet, so after the Kamio fight, their game continued. At the beginning of the game at the beginning of Nioh's game, Marui at this end dared to say secretly.

There is no way, Nioh's aura just now is simply too powerful! No one on the field dares to say a word of gossip.

"It's not like the usual Nioh at all!" Although since the text message, Nioh has always been visible to the naked eye. At that time, it seemed that there was still reason, but now—it's not that there is no reason, but

it's like a completely different person!" It looks a little like Sanada, it's too scary!" That posture, that looking back, that intimidating aura!

Kuwabara shook his head, indicating that you asked the wrong person, Marui, you are so familiar with Nioh, you don't know, how can I know?

I didn't ask the answer, Marui was not disappointed, just sighed, and said, " Luckily, I don't share a dorm with him,...... Otherwise, today, and even every day in the future, we will have to face such a terrible Nioh, and it will be almost lifely!"

Marui's words made Kirihara stunned....

Liu Dun ...

Maori is even more of a meal....

Kirihara & Yanagi & Mori: ....

The three of them looked at each other and were speechless. They all silently remembered what happened to each other, Kirihara (can't beat Nioh.) Willow (can't beat Nioh.) Maori (who may have beaten Nioh, but was always surrounded by Nioh's various theories and pit many times...

I went and remembered that the three of them were all vulnerable groups when they faced Nioh! In

the face of normal Nioh, they were all disadvantaged groups, so now this Nioh Plus who is a combination of 'terrible' and 'irritable', that...

The sense of the picture is a little strong, and it smells like that!

"Senior Liu, can we change dormitories today?" Kirihara tugged at Liu's sleeve pitifully. He didn't want to stay in the same space with this terrible Nioh senior at all, he was tired enough to train and study every day, and he had to face the terrible Nioh senior, let him go!

The longing in his eyes is simply unobstructed...

Willow:...... Forget about Kirihara, Maori senior, do you remember that you were a senior?

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