Alas, yes, isn't this scene just a phone porridge!

"What, it turns out that Byodoin is making porridge on the phone!" Tanejima got the answer and exclaimed strangely.

The people around me have reminisced, oh, it's just a porridge on the phone...

Duke said clearly, "Oh, that's not a big deal, why don't you just make a phone porridge..."

Once the time is long, the kicked or detained thing is likely to face the end of being kicked or detained

!In short, this is a scene that is very suitable for the phone call of a modern young

couple! Yes, pay attention to the last few nouns, modern little couple!

"I won't be the only one who thinks so!" Duke said tremblingly, awakened by the last few words.

"I think it's a bit like that, too!" said Yue Zhi with a cold face.

Tanejima spoke, "Although I agree with it, do you think that the Phoenix of the Equality House deserves to have such a thing?"

Kimishima, you can't be mistaken, you can't be wrong, right!How could such a mysterious thing happen to the boss?"

Just when Kimishima also doubted his eyes, when everyone was about to give up.

Daqu Ryuji said in surprise, "I think this thing may be true-"

Everyone looked at Daqu Ryuji, waiting for the second half of his sentence.

Daqu lived up to expectations, "Some time ago, when we first arrived in Germany, I lived in a room with the boss, and then twice in the middle of the night in a daze, I heard the boss on the phone-"

"Later, he also asked me which snacks are more delicious, what specialties Germany has-scattered and sent two or three express delivery, international express delivery! It's not too expensive, one is a big box, at least 10kg starting from the kind!".

At that time, Daqu didn't think much about it, but now that I think about it, it turns out that many things have already been traced

! Daqu Ryuji's words caused a silence - Daqu Ryuji's credibility in everyone's hearts is still relatively high, but Daqu Ryuji's words, that means - it is true

? A bunch of people's gossip hearts have been ignited!

"I'll go, just the boss's character, can I still find a partner?"


Ordinary girls can stand his stubborn temper?

"Let's not talk about that temper, just that face, won't you be scared to death!" The eldest of their family has a little fierce appearance, and he is not angry and arrogant. Men are scared when they see it, let alone girls!"

And that look—" Duke couldn't help but complain. When I saw the Phoenix of Byodoin for the first time, I knew that it was a life-saving benefactor, but I was also frightened.

"Alas, do you say that girl can be the boss, is she not good-looking, or is she not good-looking, or is she a bad character? Or is the family rich, and she is black, so she likes this hanging?"

"Kimijima, what are you thinking?" Tanejima complained, this guess is too boundless!

" "I'm not the only one who thinks so, Yuezhi thinks so too!" Kimishima looked at Yuezhi who nodded, and decided to find an alliance partner, "Think about it yourself, the boss's momentum, if you don't marry him, can you still see your face?" "The boss's

face is very good-looking!" Duke retorted.

"That was before, and now he's become a rough man!" Kimishima complained, "Look at that beard, we haven't shaved it since we entered Europe, and when we go back to Japan, if he grows a beard again, it's not a rough man, it's a rough uncle!"

Everyone was silent~ I have to say, this is too much of that scene!

Seeing that everyone didn't refute, Kimishima said triumphantly, "I think I'm right, right?"

Tanejima looked at Kimijima with a complicated expression: ... Hehe, you're right, but do you feel that we're slowly retreating

? Kimishima sensed something was wrong from the silence, "What's wrong with you all of a sudden?" The enthusiasm that wasn't all the discussion just now was high, why didn't you suddenly stop talking now?

The kind Duke smiled awkwardly at Kimishima, stretched out a finger and pointed behind him, and then quickly lowered his head-Kimishima

was stunned: ... Behind

you?Speaking of the fact that it's a little cold behind you.,Why do you feel a little cold?Wait, it's cold

?Damn, you won't be so unlucky

!Kimishima turned around and looked back stiffly like a robot, raised his eyes tremblingly, and almost choked himself to death with a sigh of relief!

I'll go, Byodoin Phoenix-the

heavens are going to kill me!"

We're just in—" Kimishima was sweating profusely and burst into tears, "We..."

Byodoin Phoenix showed a very kind smile and said, "Kimishima, your game was very bad in the morning, let me guide you-

" "Tanejima, we're going to fly to France tomorrow, why are you here if you don't hurry up and pack your bags and leave early this afternoon?" Tanejima

: ... I withdrew

! Tanejima, who didn't have time to run quickly, ushered in the next sentence of the Phoenix of Byodoin, "Since Taneshima is not in a hurry to leave, then accompany Jundao to come and train, you too, everyone, one by one, one by one! If you don't lie down, you are not allowed to end up!" The Phoenix of Byodoin looked at Tanejima

again, "Considering Taneshima, you have to take a car today... Competition, you come first!"

Tanejima looked loveless: ...

But Kimishima's mistake, why did he let him suffer the destruction first?

Am I just very intimate to consider your actual situation

? Tanejima: X_X woo, this kind of intimacy, send you or not, go back to practice overcoming fear of heights, take a plane, you must learn to fly, otherwise this day will not be able to live!

How did your little couple fall in love with your dog character, are you blind?

Finally, on the last afternoon, Kimishima, as the first speaker, experienced an afternoon that he did not want to look back on in his life.

The others also spent an afternoon of parting happily...

So far, U17 about Byodoin Phoenix, whether there was a phone porridge that day has come to an end, as for whether Byodoin Phoenix has a girlfriend, this has also become one of the 10 unsolved mysteries of the U17 training camp! No one has been able to solve it so far! After Byodoin Phoenix

left, Kimishima was tired and paralyzed on the ground: ......

"So, is this thing true?"

"Shut up, don't care if it's true!" They swore that they would never want to explore the private affairs of the Phoenix of the Equality House again, and they couldn't afford it!

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