The game begins. The movements of the two seniors surprised Nioh, although it had already been seen that the two of them were very compatible, but, I didn't expect it to be in the same tone?

The moment when the light of the same tone flashed. Even Fuji, who has always had his eyes closed and squinted, opened his eyes...

Nioh almost burst into foul language, I'll go, play so big as soon as I come up?

He was really a little shocked, so shocked that he was speechless, these two seniors opposite! I don't remember me and Fuji, but it's just two middle school students, and they use the same tone when they go up, which means that they are a bit big and bully!

Also, I really want to ask, are you being stimulated by anything?

Suzuki also knew that they were a bit excessive, and the coach had already said that they came to the game to train this group of junior high school students, so that they could improve in the future, standing on the playing field, and the two had already discussed countermeasures before...

But...... I can't help it!

As long as I think of the two twins sitting there in the stands, I can't help but want to play the score more beautifully!

Any countermeasures that were discussed before were already bullshit, and they were forgotten.

Tsuruo Ichicha has the same idea as him, no matter who he is, he can be embarrassed, but he can't be embarrassed in front of the twins, as for the pair of junior high school students opposite, the shocking score and strong strength will hit them, but it will also make them improve, right?

Progress in setbacks is also progress! No problem!

Thinking like this, Suzuki's tennis racket attack was even more aggressive, reaping the score mercilessly...


Suzuki and Tsugeo, win.

Nioh, who likes to plan and move: ....

I also don't like to attack as soon as I come up....

The two seniors on the other side didn't come to play with the juniors, but they took gunpowder to play the game!

It's really a little angry, isn't it? Don't you take the feelings of the two middle school students in their eyes so much?

"Nioh-kun, the two seniors seem to be in a hurry..."Although it was said that they broke up with Nioh because of the topic of Tezuka the day before yesterday, Fuji still recognized the strength of the other party.

He can't win the doubles match on his own, the necessary cooperation is a must!

Nioh thinks so too, but... The light flashed under his eyes, and the boss was going to appear last, so now, let's concentrate on dealing with the seniors!

This attitude is simply too serious about the two of them!


Onijujiro looked at the arena with a frown, "What's going on?" Didn't you explain to the two of them before Suzuki? "They are here to guide, what is the point of crushing this group of students in the country one by one?

Irie glanced at the two people behind him and sighed, "It seems that I was stimulated by the Mutsu brothers... I just hope that the two talented children can withstand the attack and make this game finally realize his meaning! "

The race has already begun, and no one can stop it anymore!

Ghost Jujiro said with a straight face, it seems that these two guys will continue to be strictly trained after they go back! People who go out at the fifth venue can't be so rude to juniors!


The scene on the field is changing rapidly, and Nioh, who has decided to join forces with Fuji, has no intention of keeping his hands in response to the bombardment of the two seniors on the opposite side in the same tone...

After all, the opposite attack is so neat and ruthless, if you don't go all out now, the score is likely to be directly pulled away by a large margin, and then it will be difficult to chase after that!

Fuji and Nioh are similar types, and they are both semi-strategic players who are determined by the queen, so in order to cooperate with Fuji.

Nioh chose to go online.

"Meteor Volley—" After surfing the net, Nioh set his sights on the target, first hitting the opponent's field with a precise volley.


Suzuki glanced at Nioh in admiration, "Nioh-kun? Is that right? This volley is beautiful! "

The change of the small score will not affect the big score, and as long as I think that the plan of the two of them is to defeat this pair of junior high school students, Suzuki's heart is always a little embarrassed, so now I want to find a way to praise Nioh, but don't really beat these two people to love and give up tennis, that is the loss of the tennis world!

In the face of Suzuki's unhesitating compliment, Nioh's expression froze for a moment, then became natural, and said with a smile, "Thank you seniors for the compliment!" "

Poof, such a real compliment, I haven't seen it for a long time, I almost forgot, it's a high school student on the other side, and I haven't seen his meteor volley yet!

Tut! Doesn't that give him a lot of room for manipulation! Seniors, let the juniors teach you a good lesson!

Thinking of this, Nioh's smile became brighter and brighter... The atmosphere seemed quite harmonious for a while.

Looking at this harmonious senior and former couple, Likai Dai and the people who have played against Nioh have a toothache!

Hey, how does the IQ of this high school student look not very high, and he was simply deceived by this white-haired fox?

Kirihara shook his head speechlessly, and asked with his soul, "Senior Liu, why does this high school student not even seem to be smart?" Liu

: "Don't speak!" Now the other party doesn't know, that's Nioh's advantage!

As soon as the other party went up, they used the same tone, obviously wanting to simply press their middle school students' hearts, and the middle school students and high school students exchanged competitions, just to cultivate the level of the national high school and make them progress faster!

Liu didn't believe that the coach of the high school students didn't explain before he came, and they had to play the game step by step.

This is ruthless, although I don't know the reason, but Liu is very unhappy. Since the other party is ruthless, they also want to let their seniors look at their minions. If you don't scratch your paws, do every high school seniors feel free to treat them?

Mitsuya keenly noticed that the expression of the opposite Kuni Zhongsheng was not quite right, and he frowned and thought about Nioh's [Meteor Volley], it didn't look like anything special! Why is the expression on the other side, including Renji, wrong?

Did he miss something?

Fuji was in a calm mood, he had never been in contact with Nioh before, so he didn't understand the meaning of the meteor volley, but I have to say that the meteor volley that Nioh showed just now was indeed very beautiful, fast, and the angle was accurate, which made it impossible to guard against!

Nioh smiled calmly, not showing a flaw on his face, and continued to play.


The game continued, and it seemed quite normal at first, but as it went on, it seemed to be getting more and more abnormal.

First of all, the rhythm suddenly accelerated, and when he felt that Nioh on the opposite side was speeding up the pace of the game, Suzuki was stunned, and dared to fight fast with high school students? This kid is a bit ambitious!

The admiration in my heart didn't last for a second, and the next second, I was attracted by Nioh's shouting!

"Meteor Volley—" Huh

? Meteor volley? Suzuki and Tsuruo exchanged glances, they were defending properly now, and they didn't have the conditions to give the opposite side a volley at all, even if the meteor volley was amazing and fast. In the face of the current situation, it is just a matter of giving away points...

This guy's brain pumping?

Immediately afterward, Suzuki saw Nioh's footsteps stride forward violently, waving his hand... Meteor Volley, here!

Looking at the ball that landed in front of the net, Suzuki and Tsugeo were a little stunned and didn't react, "..."This

is a volley, isn't this a volley?"

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