In the face of Fuji's naked and undisguised sowing discord, he just listened-Yanagi lowered his head and stroked his glasses, chuckled, and said, "Fuji-kun, do you think that a doubles trick like this can be studied by Nioh alone?" "

I was stunned: ... Isn't it?

Yagyu: ... I can't go on this day!

Obviously looks so gentle, Bai grows into this mouth, right? Fuji-kun, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb person.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but I've been involved in every process of Nioh's harmony... You think I don't know anything? It's a pity I know everything!

Liu Shengming's swaying anti-taunt made Fuji frown, "You know, he tried it on you?" Are you willing to let him exercise coercive control over you? "Individuals are free, and Fuji doesn't understand why there are still tennis players in the world who are willing to be controlled by others!

This is not scientific!

"You think I care?" Liu Sheng sneered, "Hehe, do you Qingxue people think about things and are always so idealistic?" "

—Black and white!

Since Fuji came to sow discord, it proves that he was very dissatisfied with Nioh's forced homogeneity, believing that it was a violation of his dignity.

He himself was dissatisfied, and he thought that Yagyu, who was on the same page, was also dissatisfied with Nioh.

"If you really think so, you are too underestimating our Lihai Da, and too underestimating Yagyu Hirushi and Nioh Masaji..."

Yanagi sneered and thought to himself, Fuji who was forced to harmonize would not have thought that when Nioh first researched this forced alignment, the original intention was not to control another teammate at all - but because he was not strong enough as a partner!

In the doubles match, the mutual cooperation between the two teammates is not only in the actual passing and serving, but also in the game, the grasp of the timing, and whether they can seize the loopholes that are not easy to tear apart by the team's friendliness

There is a certain gap between the short time of tennis and Nioh itself, this gap not only refers to strength, but also the sense of competition, sometimes the opportunity to win is fleeting, when Nioh has created the conditions and needs Yagyu's trick to seize the loophole and counterattack. He himself is not necessarily aware of the problem... Forced harmony solves this problem very well, in this case, the two are almost one, Nioh is the most familiar with the timing he has created, when he needs to control him, control him, seize the moment, and fight back to win!

This is the original intention of forcing the same tone!

"The two of us really want to be the No. 1 doubles player in the country!" Yanagi said.

Fuji finally left without saying anything. He knew that his words were in vain, and at the same time, he also recognized the cohesion within Lihai University, as well as their heart for tennis!

As soon as Fuji left, Nioh couldn't hold back and burst out laughing, "Partner, it's been two months, and I've never seen you defend me like this?" "

What to do? There is also a feeling of being flattered!

Liu Sheng hehe, "The other party has sowed discord and provoked the door, how can you let him retreat?" "Do you think it's so easy to sow discord against Lihai?

Yanagi looked at Nioh, "By the way, my cruel words just now were released, don't be ashamed this year!"

Nioh was stunned, "Cruel words? What did you just say? "I don't remember what kind of insulting language Yanagi just used.

Yanagi gave Nioh a blank look, "I said, we aspire to be the No. 1 doubles player in the country."

Nioh remembered that there was such a sentence, "It's okay, as long as we win the championship this year, the two of us will not lose a single game, and the title of No. 1 doubles in the country will definitely be ours!" "

Don't panic, I still have this confidence.

Yukimura and Yanagi smiled at each other, and at first they thought that Fuji's words would have any effect, but as a result, they didn't expect the relationship between Nioh and Yanagi to be stronger and closer than they thought.

This is Lihaida, and there is no need for outsiders to meddle in their internal resolutions.

The footsteps of Lihai's three consecutive hegemons, no one can stop it!

But -

"What is forced cohomology?" I've heard of conformity, but haven't heard of forced conformity? Is this the name that Yanagi and Nioh themselves came up with?

"Minister, senior, Sanada-senpai's game is about to start!" Kirihara's cheerful voice came, breaking Yukimura's thoughts.

The people sent out by the middle school of the doubles country are Sanada and Jibu, and when he saw these two people, Nioh was a little sour, "I don't see where these two people are matched now?" "

Are the coaches sure they're not picking the wrong partner?

Nioh asks for a soul.

Liu pondered for a moment and said, "The coaches are more experienced than us, maybe they really see the right place?" "

Although he didn't see it either!

Compared with the lineup of doubles and middle school students from one country, the lineup of high school students is even more eye-catching.

Nioh discovers that the identical-looking twins have come to an end.

It turned out to be the twins?

Nioh began to analyze in his heart, Suzuki and Tsukuo seniors in doubles can use the same tone smoothly and skillfully, so the twin seniors who sit firmly in the doubles one, is it completely possible to use the same tone?

If that's really the case....

Nioh secretly wondered that this game was going to be cake!

In the same tone against the general doubles, there is rarely a probability of turning over, not to mention that it is now a duel between middle school students and high school students, the strength itself is not equal, and the information is even more unequal now -

this game is hanging!

I have to say that as a person who often deals with Mitsuya Yajiu and also transmits information to each other, Nioh's vision is still very accurate.

After the test score of 1:1, the Mutsu brothers started the same tone. Although the strength of Jibe and Sanada is not bad, the two also unexpectedly played a very perfect match... In front of the same tone, he still couldn't block the opponent's attack!

An hour and a half later, the game was over, 6-4.

The doubles match ended, and the high school students and junior high school students were tied 1:1.

Nioh sighed, and could only say that against the more powerful Tongtuo, this game was not unjust.

Nioh secretly wondered if he could win against the Michinoku brothers. One person is definitely not good, and it is not easy to say with Fuji's partner, after all, the two people are not in harmony, and partnering with Yanagi is the best choice, but now Yanagi's strength,

as well as his physical strength and strength, has increased significantly, and he is still dragging his feet.

"Yanagi, the two of us still have a long way to go!"

Yagyu: ... What's wrong with this guy? Suddenly sigh here?

Pushing his glasses, Yanagi felt that as a teammate, he should always let his companion be vigilant, so he said-

"Maybe what if we don't partner tomorrow?" There is no rule that everyone can't break up!

Nioh: ... Poof? What's going on, what plot did I miss?

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