"Nioh, are you alright?" Onijujiro looked at Nioh cautiously. "What happened to you just now? Why did you faint all of a sudden?

Nioh seemed to be a little confused, and he looked a little confused, so he turned left and right and looked for a long time before looking up at Onijujiro.

Oh~ By the way, I remember, he's competing with the ghost seniors.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I'm still a little dizzy, a little confused—" Nioh rubbed his head, it happened so suddenly, he still had a little unclear brain.

"Hmm. It's okay-" Seeing that Nioh could speak and his language function was basically perfect, the ghost was completely relieved, "It's okay if you're okay, today's game will end here!" "

I'm afraid that King Ren will be reckless and want to continue playing, the ghost said sternly, "No matter what you say this time, the game won't go on anymore!"

He said bitterly, "Although the outcome of the game or something is very important to you, but your body is the most important, and you must be responsible for your body at a young age-"

He is naturally not so verbose, and even a little cold, today he was really frightened by Nioh, how can he play a game, play a game, and suddenly fall there?

If something really happens, he will have to feel guilty for the rest of his life!

"Nioh, do you hear me?"

Nioh smiled weakly, "Oni-senpai, I'm sorry for worrying you!" Although this was not intentional by him, it did cause a huge psychological shadow to the ghost seniors.

And what happened at the moment when he fainted, now that his brain is clear, he feels a little unbelievable - the moment he fainted, he actually saw a silver-white but golden fox in his mind?

The fox looked at him for a long, long, long time, as if he had memorized his appearance completely.

Just as he was about to say something to the fox and ask what was going on, the fox suddenly disappeared...

The whole thing was weird and magical - and then he woke up!

He was unconscious for a moment, but for him there was an illusion that a long time had passed...

However, Nioh still feels a little regretful, looking at the current appearance of the ghost seniors, it is absolutely impossible for the game to continue. Coupled with the strength of the rush just now, that ball was completely supported there in one breath.

Suddenly I fainted, and all my strength was unloaded... As a result, he's really a bit empty now! His legs and feet are weak, his muscles are sore, and if he says something unpleasant, he probably can't stand up now!

"That ghost senpai, can you take a hand and let me sit next to me—" Nioh said embarrassedly.

Alas - a bit of a shame! It's a pity that he really has no strength!

Helping Nioh to a chair and sitting down, the ghost looked around, got up and went to the nearest vending machine to buy something to eat, and handed it to Nioh.

Nioh was a little surprised, the appearance of the ghost predecessor looked fierce, but the surprise was a person with a very delicate and gentle personality.

"Poof~" This time the favor is great.

But - the question of principle cannot change in any way!

"Thank you so much for taking care of me, but between the two of us... I'll challenge you again next time. "The gentleness of the ghost seniors to him is for him, but there is nothing wrong with the harm of the ghost seniors to the seniors of Byodoin.

The two can't be confused.,Although the ghost seniors are good.,But,The seniors of the Equality House are the best!

The ghost nodded speechlessly, this little guy doesn't know who stimulated him, he's just a game maniac, he just ate two bites, he hasn't even caught his breath, and he's thinking about the game!

"Don't you have my mobile phone number, I promise you a game, and when your strength improves again, we will compete again!"

The ghost is really afraid that if he doesn't agree, Nioh will come to the field today with his neck stalked.

"Well, thank you for the fulfillment of the ghost seniors!" Nioh's heartfelt words.

Ghost:...... How does this sentence sound weird, fulfillment? What is it that fulfills you?


On the other side, on the bus.

"Head, the luggage is all packed, aren't we going back to the training camp?" Duke asked curiously. This road doesn't look like a direct way back to training camp!

Is this where to go?

Byodoin Phoenix took his eyes off his phone, "I just heard that Kurobe has arranged a match between high school students and junior high school students.

He put down his phone, "The guy from Kurobe said, let's go to the training camp and get those guys back with us!" "

Jundao Yin and Yang is weird," the game with the middle school student? It is estimated that the ghost leads the team, and the people on the fifth court will play! Just the people and ghosts on Court 5 will make us go all the way to pick them up?

Kimishima is mentally unbalanced, "Boss, why did you listen to Coach Kurobe so much today?" "It's not like the style of the stinky fart character that no one cares about in the Phoenix of the Equality Academy.

"Hmph╯^╰." Phoenix said, "I can't win the game, I still have time to talk more here!" What about the face?

Kimishima was indignant and didn't dare to speak more, so shut up.

Byodoin's eyes flashed with a thousand clues, and when he heard Kurobe say that they were going to pick up ghosts, Byodoin also subconsciously refused.

However, when he heard him say that junior high school students and high school students were competing, his throat moved and he swallowed back the words of refusal.

"Okay, I got it!" The middle school student, that is to say, the little white hair has been training recently.

The phoenix eyes of the Equality House are unclear, the stinky boy is training, and he is competing, and he still dares to answer his call? It's not small, this guy's sense of competition, is it so weak?

It seems that we have to talk about him when we meet-hmph╯^╰.


I have to ask first, Xiao Baimao didn't have any signs if he wasn't in that training camp, and he would be embarrassed if he went there.


As he was writing indignantly in his notebook, telling about the crimes of the ghost and Nioh, Mitsuya Yakuto's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Santsu Gu's heart was on fire all of a sudden, who dared to send him a message at this time when he had a bad temper?

Angrily turned on the phone, and the angry eyes turned off the fire at the moment when they saw the name clearly-I'll

go, Byodoin Phoenix?

What's going on? How is this uncle?

Carefully clicking on the text message, Mitsuya saw such a sentence.

[Do you know that high school students go to that youth training camp to compete with junior high school students? Is he in this training camp?

Byodoin was going to say vaguely, but Mitsuya could see at once who he was referring to.

Nioh, a clever ghost, has had a relationship with Byodoin for so many years, and he unexpectedly got along very well?

[I'm here with the team led by the ghost, he's here! ]

Originally, Mitsuya wanted to call Nioh a little guy appropriately, but when he thought of the last time he had a mouthful in front of Byodoin and was slashed, he was completely honest.

Byodoin's inexplicable possessiveness is really speechless!

[Got it, I'll be here in half an hour!] After

reading the entire content of the text message, Mitsugu turned sad in seconds -

what kind of thunderbolt is this, and what does it mean to arrive in half an hour? Aren't you still in Europe? Why did you arrive half an hour later?

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