And - Sanjin Valley seniors, you are not far behind! Withstanding the attacks of the pirate ship again and again, that is-watching

Mitsuya Yajiu Dou vomit another mouthful of blood, Nioh was a little unbearable.

Within half an hour, the seniors of Mitsu Valley had already vomited blood three times against the pirate ship of the predecessors of the Equality Temple, and they had to save the ball countless times in the middle - all of them pounced!


"Ah~" A muffled snort burst out of Mitsuya's mouth, and Nioh was extremely complicated.

Nioh really wants to say Santsuya-senpai, is your stomach okay? The ribs weren't broken.

Nioh watched as the tennis ball of the Byodoin seniors smashed directly into his stomach.

Coupled with the injury suffered in the middle of the previous Mitsu Valley Yajiu Dou, it caused the body to be blue and purple. After accumulating together—

Nioh just wanted to say.

Belch...... This....

Are you sure it's playing tennis and not some kind of torture scene?

Do you want to call the police? Or find a shovel to strike while the iron is hot, knock a stuffy stick, and bury the Mitsuya Yajiu Dou?

Although I'm a little sorry for the seniors of Mitsu Valley, but, well~ I'm sorry, I do have the idea of losing it in my heart!

But senior, I promise I will feel guilty for the rest of my life! I'll definitely remember you.

Mitsuya: ... Hehe, I really thank you - this junior really wants his life!


"See? This is the real Phoenix of Byodoin! The ghost sneered.

"Ghost senior, why are you here?"

"I'm not at ease, so I came to take a look, I didn't expect you to be a referee for them here!" The ghost's eyes as he looked at Nioh were a little more complicated. He really didn't expect Nioh to have a relationship with the Phoenix of Byodoin.

He always thought that this guy was a junior of Mitsu Valley, but he didn't expect it to be from Byodoin-but


Glancing at Nioh with pity, this young man was definitely attracted by the strong strength of Byodoin, and then he didn't know anything about worshipping the Byodoin Phoenix.

Tut-tut... Poor boy, he has been deceived so much at such a young age!

"Now you can see it clearly, the true face of the Phoenix of Byodoin, he is a cruel, lawless, and unsympathetic person-"

Nioh was still a little stunned in the first half of the sentence, and after listening to the second half of the sentence, he was not good.

So, ghost senior, is this a strange brain hole?


"Ghost senior, since you guessed that I know the Byodoin seniors, then please stop using such unreasonable remarks to describe the Byodoin seniors!"

Nioh looked at Onijujiro angrily: ... What is this to the point that your remarks are piled up on the seniors.

Ghost Jujiro looked back speechlessly: ... This kid was kicked in the head by a donkey? Why is the brain so unclear? You've said it so clearly, and you're still stubborn?

"Hehe, what do you think the Byodoin has beaten Mitsu Valley into?" The ghost said, "Who in this world is playing tennis at people's stomachs?" What is it that is not intentional, not miserable?

Nioh said, "I agree with the words of the seniors, and the seniors of the Byodoin Temple are a little fierce!" But it's not the Byodoin seniors who do it alone, and the violent tennis style in Kansai is not always like this! "Don't just push a large area of the phenomenon on one person!

Such a charge is too much!

The ghost looked at Nioh and felt that this kid was simply terminally ill and hopeless.

"Hehe, you probably just worship him, you have never really come into contact with this person, as long as you get in touch with him, you will know that he is not what you imagined at all!"

"The way Mitsuya is now is your future!" The demon didn't want a rising tennis star like Nioh to be ruined in the hands of Byodoin.

Nioh: ....

Frowning, he realized one thing, that is, there was no need to quarrel with Onijujiro, there was no point.

The Phoenix of the Equality House in the ghost cognition and the Phoenix of the Equality House in his cognition are not the same person at all.

"This time I lost to my seniors, and I am willing to gamble and lose!" Nioh said, "I don't refute your words..."Only the strong have the right to speak in the end, no matter how he argues with the ghost, the words of the weak will not be put in his ears!


to win - only to win Onijujiro! This person will hear his thoughts openly! Seeing the Phoenix of the Equality House in his heart, which is different from everyone else...

"Next year, I will continue this year's unfinished game, and at that time—" Nioh's eyes cleared, "I will prove to my seniors that you are wrong!" "

You're wrong, all of you are wrong!

Nioh's voice was sonorous and powerful, and it was listened to by the two people who had just finished the game. The anger that was concealed in Byodoin's heart dissipated a lot because of this sentence.

And Mitsuya, who was knocked to the ground and couldn't get up, also smiled bitterly, yes, many people in this world will only look at someone with their own fixed eyes.

It's like having only eyes and no heart. Byodoin Phoenix is really a tyrannical person, how could he stand up for Nioh in order to hide it?

And, the reason why he is willing to play this game, although the fundamental reason is that he can't refuse the Byodoin, because - don't dare!

But there are two important factors.

One is that he also knows that it is his fault for letting Nioh and the devil fight. Nioh is a child, but he is an adult (a 16-year-old minor).

As the intermediary of this game, as a caretaker, he did not go to the battle, what if Nioh was really excited and the oni did not stop his hand, causing him to be seriously injured? That's a mistake on top of a mistake!

Second, as he began to say to Nioh, only those who have played against Byodoin know that although they have suffered a lot of injuries after a match, they are more aware and understand their own strength!

If Byodoin is really like a ghost, he is just a person who only knows how to play violent tennis and wantonly hurt others, and he is not stupid?

If you can't refuse, won't he run? Aren't the legs long in white?

However, these things—he was destined to go to the First Army, and his ideas, would be considered to be under pressure from the Phoenix of Byodowon.


Finally pulling himself out of the ground, Mitsuya Yajiu stood up and looked at Nioh with a complicated expression.

Listen to him be upright and persistently say what I will prove with my own strength...

Mitsuya Yakuto finally understood.

He finally understood why—the seniors of the Byodoin were willing to give such a young man such a great favor! There are many talented people in this world; There are also many people who worship the phoenix of Byodoin; There are even more people who have encountered the Phoenix of Byodoin.

Why did Nioh stand out from it, and was seen by the Phoenix of Byodoin and kept in his heart?

Until now he understands, who doesn't want such a junior who is willing to face him all the time and believe in him?

People's hearts are made of flesh!

People who don't care about the eyes of others, when the sun shines on you, you are still attracted by the warmth of the sun!

Just like the meaning of the current Nioh Masaharu in the Phoenix of Byodoin!

Although I am not afraid of the darkness, you are still firmly my light!

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