The day when Nioh's shackles were broken was in a day in the demon world that it was impossible to tell whether it was a good day or not. On that day, Nioh opened his hand as usual, and gestured with a gun, ready to start today's practice—and unlike before, it was at that time, he wondered—would he be shocked if the senior of Byodoin really found out that he had become a fox one day?

The days of being surrounded by foxes

!Haha, I feel that it is exciting to think about it!The

satisfied emotions quietly condensed in his chest, and Nioh smiled and shot this arrow calmly as usual... However, the moment the arrow feathers detached from the hilt, a powerful force was released, and a white phantom bloomed from the bow and arrow, and then quickly condensed around the arrow in the next second, surrounding the arrow with a super flow speed, wrapping it around and flying forward—and then

, Nioh saw that the mountain, his daily target, had collapsed!

Fa~ What happened

? Nioh was so frightened that he almost didn't hold his bow steady, and he shot the arrow? He didn't think about anything else! Why all of a sudden...

On the side, Baqike was stunned for a moment, then shocked, and then ecstatic, "Haha

, I knew you could do it!" Baqike jumped forward, jumped in front of Nioh, grabbed his arm and pulled him down, and touched the white velvet on the top of his head with his other hand, "I knew you guys must be able to!"

Nioh was still stunned, and Baqike touched and felt... Well

, is there something in sight? Behind the white velvet waist, what is this swinging around there?

"What is that white thing behind you?" asked Baqike.

Nioh replied, "There's nothing white behind me?" He was wearing a light green battle uniform today, and there was no white part!

And then Nioh's whole body froze!

Oh my God, he just touched it, and it was soft, fluffy, it moved, it was hot... This kind of touch is exactly the same as a pair of furry

on the top of his head! So, the last thing he wants to see is what happened to him after all-Nioh Masaharu is getting farther and farther away on the road of not being human, and even finally came to an end--tail grows!

Hehe, shouldn't he be lucky, well, now there is only one tail, instead of the nine big fluffy tails of the nine-tailed sky fox in his impression?

As soon as Nioh thought about it, he keenly noticed

that the touch on the back of his hand was wrong, he had already held the tail, why was it still itching on the back of his hand? It seemed that something furry had swept over the back of his hand? Poof~ What did he just think

? Nine-tailed Sky Fox, right? So-no, no

? Nine tails, really appeared?

Nioh let go of his hand in disbelief, looked into Baqiko's eyes, and said that the eye was a mirror, that-

Ba Qi Ke is also a little confused now, it is a normal thing to have a tail, after all, demons have tails, but can there be one, two, three tails? The important thing is that there are more than three, and the back

of the white velvet is full of tails! Seventy or eighty of them

!"White velvet, are you okay!" Ba Qike nervously grabbed Nioh, "Is the magic out of control, or are you sick?" Do you want me to take you to the hospital to see..."

This is a genius disciple that she has finally discovered, can't she just get sick and disappear like this!

Nioh has already got the answer from Baqiko's eyes and reactions, as well as the tail behind her that has its own ideas and sweeps away.

- The fox is out of the cage

!"Master Baqiko, do you have a mirror in your house?Now it's a little uncomfortable, can we go home first today?

" "Yes, yes, let's go!" "Baqiko, who thought that Nioh must have had some terrible differentiation disease, dragged Nioh and flew up, and hurried home to let his precious student rest and rest, maybe it would be gone tomorrow!

Nioh, who was ordered by Baqiko to rest, didn't want to rest at this time... Only you know what's going on with your own body... His intuition told him that the appearance of the tail was only the first stage....

Looking at the nine tails dangling behind the white-haired boy in the mirror, the white-haired boy was a little distressed this year, although he had known that the ending would be like this, but he was a little uncomfortable

! Is it difficult to go to the street with these nine hairy tails? Large-scale cosplay scene, it's too shameful!

But after that, it really has to be a human tail... Can't you take back

the two? Reaching out and tugging at one of the tails, Nioh said in his heart, "Tail, tail, can we have a discussion, you can have two less!"

Now in the Demon Realm, he is not a demon in the first place, at least let him not look so conspicuous, which demon in the Demon Realm do you see has several tails? I didn't see that Mr. Baqike was frightened by the number of his tails!

When Nioh's idea just came to him. The tail in his hand swooped back and shrunk. This is...... Disappeared!

Seeing it, I quickly looked at the mirror, and it turned out that a group of white velvet fleece that was moving behind it had disappeared, and I shook it in surprise, and Nioh was stunned, oh ~ no, it's all gone, and there is another one...

After the tail experiment, Nioh understood, and everything changed according to his personal thoughts. When he didn't realize that he could retract his tail, the shape of the nine tails was his most primitive appearance. When he wanted to retract his tail, there was only one tail left

! It was quite convenient to say that!

At least it didn't look so strange!

Nioh breathed a sigh of relief, the Demon Realm was not a territory he was familiar with, and he didn't want to be caught as a test subject.

After saying this, Nioh decided to take a sip of tea to suppress his shock. Ba Qike is very good to his disciple, and the room has all the necessary facilities.

The tail was withdrawn, and Nioh looked relaxed and was about to pick up the cup, but this time... Alas, what about my cup?

I looked down and realized the problem, the cup was broken... And it was shattered in front of him. Did something just happen?

When he picked up the cup, the obvious touch indicated that he had touched the cup, so he broke the cup...

Although the flower planter is said to be broken and safe, but now... He's a little bottomless.

Nioh's face darkened.

I always feel that something terrible has happened in a place he doesn't know!

Ni-chan is not there, and he is not familiar with life, so he can only ask for help.

"Master Baqiko—" Although Baqike is also a demon, she is the only demon that Nioh knows in the demon world. "Help, something happened!".

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