It doesn't matter what the name of the senior chosen by Nioh is, but he has a name called Harataro, but it doesn't matter what Nioh is called, what matters is his character, generally speaking, the style of tennis is very similar to his own personality, just like now, the senior selected by Nioh is an agile player, very fast, very responsive, that means that he is very active, in other words, to a certain extent, tempered

! This gives Nioh a chance!

Of course, of course not, the temper of the third-grade seniors has been practiced! But who made this a special period? Today is the day when the four first-grade children of the third grade challenged the mountain of the third grade! And it was in full view of everyone, and even because there was no one to control it, this matter instantly fermented to all the well-known clubs of Lihai University.

Nioh glanced at it and found that there were no less than 100 people who came outside to watch the lively

game--in this kind of scene, the third-year seniors opposite were definitely not in a good mood!

Nioh thought about it, and the original senior on the other side spoke, "Your name is Nioh, Nioh, I will show you what hell is, after this game, you will never dare to challenge the majesty of your predecessors!" Nioh

hooked his lips and sneered, "Are you talking harshly?" It's not a good level to say this cruel words, it can't scare me, a poor junior!" Nioh

is telling the truth, he has already seen this level of intimidation, it is better to be like those big demons outside, and directly slap him to give him more fear.

There's no way, who let him have a mere human in front of him!

Yuan looked ugly, "You stinky boy... Look for death

!" Nioh looked indifferent, and even yawned in front of Hashimoto, "Yuan senior, if you think you are not strong, please go straight to the game, don't play tricks on me here! I didn't sleep well last night, and I still expect to go back to sleep after the game?"

"In this case, there is no need to be polite to you!" "Lihai Dai is the champion of the Kanto Tournament for 13 consecutive years, and the main selection of Rikai Da is naturally not as Nioh said, and he doesn't even have any strength.

Since it can be a positive choice, it also has strength. It's a pity that he was born in the wrong era, born in this era of tennis geniuses who have a bunch of people who want to shine! The

first game is his serve, Hara Taro confidently threw the ball high, and then hit it hard, but there was no Nioh who he imagined that the goal would be decided in an instant, and the scene of dumbfounded happened.

Obviously, he played his best serve, the ball would pop up at an incredible angle on the ground, go straight to the opponent's wrist, and finally send the racket to win the score, which is his favorite way to serve, and it is also his favorite serve during the game!

Why did you catch it?

Hara Taro, looking at Nioh as if he had already anticipated his service line, took a slight step back. As soon as his wrist changed, he blocked his attack, and even, he made a fluttering counterattack...



could it be? Could it be that this kid had watched his fights or fought him before? Otherwise, how could he have known his attack routines.

But it's just a goal, but Harataro didn't lose heart, although there was some surprise, but after all, he thought that the serve was just a serve, and there were longer matches...


- 0-1.

Nioh wins.


Nioh wins.

However, in just 15 minutes, Nioh had already won two games. This data can be said to be breathtaking to those who are watching the battle outside.

At that time, they sighed not only Nioh, but also the other three, Yukimura was the fastest of them in 15 minutes, not only allowing him to play 2:0, but also allowing him to beat his captain to 5:0, depending on the game is about to be completed.

Sanada's strength is very strong, but he chose Deputy Minister Fujiwara, and Deputy Minister Fujiwara's strength is much higher than the predecessor of Harataro chosen by Nioh, so Sanada played very hard, and the score on his side was 2:2 and now it is a draw, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sanada is not falling behind, and Sanada's game may be won...

Finally, there is Liu, who is a standard data tennis, and has collected some of the information of this senior before the game, but it is still necessary to make a temporary reaction on the spot, so it is just a 2-1 at this time.

Because of the proximity, Ryu glanced back at Nioh's score, "Have you only played the second game until now?" This

game is too inkblot, isn't it? Although he didn't

say it, this is what Ryu meant!

Nioh said speechlessly, "The game is for playing, not for you to use to calculate data, as long as you win, do you need to really pinch the time?"

He likes to tease his opponent like this within the limits of strength and time, can't he tease his opponent like this?

Liu glanced at Nioh inexplicably, he always felt that Nioh had other plans, whether it was a 2:0 result in fifteen minutes, or what he said now, it was all to achieve a certain goal.

Nioh is this, are you going to do something at such a critical moment

? Liu guessed right, he is doing something? The senior in front of him already knew everything when he watched his game yesterday. Now all this is just to provoke his anger!

Physiology and psychology tell him that when people are angry, they can have a stress response and, in some cases, strength. When the speed increases dramatically, and the strength increases, too.

What he wants is not the plain Harataro, but the angry Harataro who has greatly increased his physical strength and speed.

Say something nasty...

Nioh looked at Hara Taro with a disdainful smile, "Senpai, if you don't even have a little temper, then I'll end him within 15 minutes of this match..."

This is a stunt that he has been hiding all along, and he is preparing to defeat the third-grade main selection when he competes in the national competition in the third grade this year.

Haven't used it on anyone yet

!" See me this trick, boy, it's an honor for you to be defeated by my thunderous rain!".

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