Yukimura was very curious, and the consequences were very serious!

To be honest, Nioh really didn't pay attention to this matter at first, after all, he felt that his minister's occasional curiosity had no effect on him, right?

On the day of the race.

Today's opponent is Yinhua Middle School.

Because he is a seeded player, Lihai Da has a bye in the first round, and the opponent in the second round is now, which is today's Yinhua Middle School.

Liu can do it, saying that he has made very complete information, "Their current main force is still

the third grade, the minister and deputy minister of the third grade, they are really good, doubles average!" "Liu's summary was finished, Yukimura said to Nioh and Maori, who were going to play the first game, "Although Nioh and Maori seniors are partners for the first time, and it is also the first time to play doubles, but considering various factors, my requirements for you are not very high, as long as the score is beautiful and you win the game..."

This previous words made Maori very pleased, nodded again and again, it seems that the words of Xiao Nioh did not lie to him before, although the minister Yukimura is strong, it doesn't look easy to mess with, but in the end he is a person who cares about his companions and seniors, you see now that Nioh is playing doubles for the first time, as long as he asks to win

! This requirement is really not too much, not bad!

Maori was also very relieved in his heart, but Nioh had a sense of foreboding, saying this, this is not Yukimura's style!

Moreover, the most important thing is that recently Ni-chan has played him a lot of smile questions about squinting eyes, about lilies, about black lotus and so on, and he doesn't quite understand this kind of terrible person, and he squints and smiles gently, what is the situation?

Nioh sighed fiercely in his heart, he was really puzzled, why did Yukimura cheat him? He has obviously behaved very well recently, and he has persuaded Maori seniors to come!

Sure enough, as Nioh expected, before Maori's head nodded, Yukimura's second half of the sentence came-Yukimura's

face was full of smiles, and he couldn't see what he was going to say next, "So, I hope that the score between the two and the opponent, please control it within 6:2..."

As soon as these words came out...

Nioh was a little surprised, but he felt that he had already expected helplessness to support his forehead...

Maori's head can't be nodding anymore. looked at Yukimura in a daze, his face was completely incredulous. As if to say, Yukimura, how did you have the face to say such a thing!

Yanagi, who was taking notes on the side, couldn't remember, and Sanada also looked sideways at

Yukimura - the most amazing thing was still Maori, after he finished reading Yukimura, he turned his head to look at Nioh, and suddenly said, "Little Nioh, are you sure that what you told me that day is true? Yukimura really didn't bully you?"

Liu, the pen that had stopped, involuntarily moved again, and said in his heart, first

of all, what is the name of Little Nioh

, and secondly, why did Yukimura bully him

? And, finally, I didn't expect you to be such a Maori senior? Could it be that you add a small name in front of it, is this your unique hobby?

Ryu felt as if he had discovered a treasure, and thought about it, if Yukimura became [Koyukimura] and Sanada became [Kosanada], what a worthy thing it would be, oh, Ryu was excited, he felt that this tradition could be mentioned to Maori seniors in due time, and it would be nice to make it an important existence like a traditional festival!

However, this idea just arose, and it was instantly extinguished, because Ryu suddenly realized something. He is also a member of the tennis club, and he is also a member of the four-pointed star, if Nioh can't escape, and Yukimura and Sanada can't escape, then he will

be next! If it were him, would it be difficult to call it [Koyanagi] in the future?

This terrible name, which hurts both others and oneself, and can threaten the people around him from time to time, feels that it must be eliminated! Especially for him, he must not be allowed to call his name Xiaoyanagi in the future

- draw a five-pointed star to mark

it! Yukimura's face remained unchanged, as if he hadn't seen the eyes of the people around him, and hadn't heard Maori's words, "Nioh, it's not that I'm too demanding of you, and it's not that I can't lower my standards with the two of you, after all, is it the first time for you two to play doubles? I'm not the kind of minister who is very vicious, and I'm also very reasonable! It's just that you didn't tell me about it yourself some time ago, saying that you want to exchange conditions for conditions-".

Nioh raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and he was about to say that he would say that he would change conditions at any time, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized what this condition Yukimura was talking about.

I always felt that at this moment, I suddenly understood what

Yukimura wanted to do - he said dryly, "You don't want to know about

Tokyo, do you!" Nioh bet with his personality that Yukimura definitely aroused interest because of the trip to Tokyo that he said before, but he didn't tell him what games and things would happen in Tokyo, so it aroused his curiosity!

It's been almost a week, isn't it so terrible to be curious?

Toss him for curiosity?

Nioh said in his heart, if he were an ordinary person, maybe he would really give in, he was not an ordinary person, he was not a human being!

"Minister, I think you're very right, we are the ones who want to win the national championship. It's true that the score should be pretty, and even if it's the first time you play doubles, I'll try to get you back 6-2.

Yukimura: "..."The

smile on his face froze for a moment.

"Oh well. "

Forget it, it's a big deal to wait for this matter to pass, when Nioh goes to Tokyo, let Liu check some news.


The game begins.

Standing on the field, Maori first breathed a sigh of relief, he really felt that it was a happy thing to be on the field for the first time.

"Do you all talk like that?" Mori suddenly asked before the game began, as he was exchanging tactics with Nioh.

Nioh: "... Huh

?" "Why did the Maori seniors suddenly remember to ask this?"

"Yes, I just think that the mutual temptation in your words is a bit profound, and I, an ordinary person, don't understand it very well..."

The people of Kanagawa are so scary!

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