After all, although there are so many people in this world, he was the first person to discover that Xiao Baimao was playing tennis!

Isn't this neat -

"Little..."The mouth of the Phoenix of Byodoin suddenly remembered, oh, this name can't be called Xiao Baimaoha, it has to be called Daimyo, "Nioh!" Fortunately

, he still remembers the name of Nioh Masaharu, otherwise it would be very embarrassing.

Nioh: "Hmm~ senior?" Nioh

, who was called by name, quickly looked up and covered up the movements in his hands by the way. Okay, he himself thinks that the act of saving the phone number just now is a bit too doggy.

But I can't help it?

That's fun! That's a phone number that the seniors of Byodoin personally promised, and you can write it down!

And, there's a little more...

Nioh also felt that he was not only a bit of a dog, but also a little kicking his nose in the face, and he especially wanted to ask...

Byodoin Phoenix raised his eyebrows and said, "If there is anything you want to ask, just ask, you don't have to twist and pinch in front of me

..." Nioh: "..."It turns out that he accidentally said this sentence just now! Since the atmosphere is here, if he doesn't say it, it will seem really twisted!

Nioh raised a smiling face, well-behaved, cute and sincere, "Byodoin senior, can I call you when I have time?"

Now that the phone number is wanted, if it doesn't have some actual function, it will be so sad, that's what Nioh thinks, hehehe.

Byodoin Phoenix: "..."This is really a nose kick on the face, very face-catching.

However, I am in a good mood today

!"Yes, but I am only allowed to play once a week!" After all, sometimes he is quite busy, and "Although you are allowed to play, sometimes you may not answer your call..."

Nioh's little face is visibly lost, not lost or anything else, he can play once a week, he is already very satisfied, very satisfied, but, if it is not easy, he can't catch it after hitting once...

"Then if we beat you and don't answer, will that count as a one-time thing?" Nioh felt that this kind of thing had to be carefully calculated, or he would have to suffer a loss.

Nioh is very persistent, although he is also afraid that the Phoenix of Byodoin will be busy or bored, but it is not easy to get closer to the idol, of course, he hopes that it will be better to be closer?

He promised that as a junior, he will be safe and secure, and he will only call once a week, and a phone call will not exceed ten minutes.

Resolutely do not take up the slightest extra time of the predecessors of Byodoin!

However, choosing to be obsessive seems to Byodoin to be a bit of an obsession...

Is this thing good or not? If it is an ordinary people's equality and phoenix, you must be persuaded to stay away from me. But this little white hair in front of me...

Anyway, I think it's okay!

Isn't it just a phone call? As for being so calculating, in that case, it doesn't hurt to agree with

you!" "If I can't answer, then it doesn't count, you can call again that week!"

"Thank you, Hondoin seniors. "I'm really not too happy, so happy that Nioh Masaharu couldn't look at Tokyo right, Tokyo is such a magical city.

After the meal,

the Byodoin game is in the morning, so it's just around 2 p.m. after eating.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it was time for the Phoenix of Byodoin to return to the team. Now it is a group activity, so naturally he can't act alone, and he still approved leave to his coach for this solo action, so he was given two hours of solo activity time.

It had already taken an hour to accompany this little junior to eat. Now, it's time to go back for a leisurely walk!

Nioh also knew that Byodoin was leaving, and he was a little reluctant, but he couldn't stop it, so he could only keep his mouth shut and enjoy the last time -

"Do you need me to take you to the station?" Byodoin Phoenix remembered that Nioh was still quite young.

"Thank you, senior, I'll just leave by myself!" Although this proposal made Nioh very excited, Nioh also took into account that Byodoin had been playing for a long time today, and that he had been with him for so long, so it was time for him to go back and have a good rest.

So, the two of them separated!!

Nioh can be said to have been reluctantly watching the back of the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple, and said in his heart, I don't know when we will meet again next time...

It wasn't until the figure of the phoenix disappeared around the corner that he turned back and walked home.

But just two seconds...

Accidents happen!


So, what's going on?

Nioh, who overlooked the mountains and rivers of Tokyo for a second, felt that he was now confused.

He was stunned for a while—he was blown into the air again!

Nioh really felt that he really had some kind of grudge against the wind.

Blown again!

This kind of blowing method looks like a monster passing by or a monster coming to find fault with him. Although he has not encountered many times in the past year, he has encountered two or three times, and Nioh cannot say

that he is familiar with the road, at least he is not panicked! However, that kind of panic is the usual time, and he is a little panicked today -

just after the panic, Nioh breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, his predecessor has just left, and he sees the current scene, otherwise this matter cannot be explained at all, how to explain it?

Let's not explain it or not, what if I am seen by my seniors and scare my seniors?

Nioh burst into a foul mouth in the bottom of his heart, this monster who didn't know where to come out, didn't he inquire about his name Nioh Masaharu

? Forget it to scare him, scare his seniors, can you take responsibility?

Nioh looked around, he didn't have anything to hold on to, he could only raise his fist, his body surged with a force, adjusted his center of gravity, and finally, by feeling, he lowered himself to the position directly behind!

At the same time, Nioh was shocked to find out. A transparent wave of light with a golden light flew in the same direction with the characters.


This looks a bit like a mage's charm? Ordinary charms come in a variety of colors, but only the mages say that the charms of the righteous are golden.

The spell wrapped itself firmly around a transparent object like a rope, and at the same time Nioh's fist arrived.

In the next second, the spell with the golden light dissipated, and Nioh raised his head to see who this benevolent brother who helped him was, and he saw it-Byodoin

Phoenix Senior!"Senior, didn't you go back to gather? Why did you come back again?"

Who can tell him why after defeating the youkai, he will see Byodoin Phoenix Senior?

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