A few balls down, Nioh's talent is almost vividly expressed, and at the same time...

"See? his biggest problem..."Daichi Sawamura and his setter bit his ears there.

"The strength is insufficient, the movements are very flexible, but the strength is obviously insufficient, considering that I am only 13 years old now, this strength is normal!" Because

of his age, Nioh's shortcomings were forgiven.

But as everyone knows, Nioh is here for this.

Hinata Shoyang looked at Nioh's performance and was very envious, "Oh oh..." Is this the performance of a newcomer? But it doesn't look like it at all, it's about to catch up with his senior.

Hinata Shoyo, who had already expressed all his thoughts on his face, saw the eyes of Kageyama standing beside him.

Kageyama: ... This guy, the first thing to pay attention to is not okay, and people are only 13 years old, and they have reached this level, what about you?

Kageyama's dislike is almost about to break through the sky, but, well, it may be because of the long contact, although the 13-year-old boy who has just joined the department is more powerful, and his talent seems to be stronger, he is still more in love with this stupid little sun next to him.

Kageyama sighed inwardly, not knowing what kind of hole he had hit in his brain.

Sugawara stared at Nioh seriously, and then, after looking at it, Dongfeng, who was also playing with Nioh, couldn't afford to smile, look at the Dongfeng in front of him, where is there still a little bit of a way to not want to come to the volleyball club, obviously he is a person from the volleyball club in his heart.

"Earth—" he said to the big earth beside him.

"What's wrong

?" Sugawara's eyes were filled with gratitude and excitement, "I have an idea..."

Dadi looked at Sugawara who was inexplicably excited

, "..."So

, what do you have in mind?" "Look at Dongfeng like that, don't you want to?"

Sugawara's words, at first, Sawamura Daichi didn't understand what it meant, but when he looked back and saw Higashi's expression, Fuzhi understood in his heart.

"You don't want to..."Sawamura was surprised, did Sugawara mean to let Higashi Asahi come back to bring Nioh?

Sugawara nodded, "That's right, think about it, do you think it can work...

Sugawara's idea is also considered, not casual, in order for Toho Asahi to stay quietly in the volleyball club, he will stuff Nioh casually.

Dong Feng Xu is the main attacker of the volleyball club, and his height and strength are very strong, to be honest, this is the main thing that Nioh lacks now.

His obvious lack of strength is very suitable for Toho Asahi to bring, and secondly, it is Sugawara's purpose, using Nioh as an excuse to leave Toho Asahi in any form in the volleyball club!

Sawamura Daichi is obviously very excited, but, "Isn't this not good for Nioh?"

After all, this kid has just come, and this is all counted, the purpose of their predecessors...

Speaking of this problem, Sugawara is also very difficult, this child is too young, and he is really afraid that he will think too much.

"Otherwise, I'll ask him for his opinion first!" Nioh's personal thoughts are the most important.

"I'll ask..."Sawamura said that this is his responsibility as a minister.


The round of serve is finally over.

At this moment, Nioh and Dongfeng Xu were speechless...

Nioh didn't expect that Dong Feng Xu would be able to control the attack power of the ball so accurately, because, unlike tennis, volleyball has a rebound, if the volleyball can't land, the speed of the ball is very fast, if it weren't for the mental power to cheat, he wouldn't be able to catch up with the ball speed at all. Not to mention that he can beat it!

So, this is Wuye's strength?

But yes, if this team doesn't have any strength at all, Xiao Ni will never let him come here.


Is there anything wrong with the senior of Toho Xu?

Nioh had already noticed it at the beginning, that hesitant attitude and dodging eyes.

Except for the fact that the seniors around him are a little similar to the predecessors of the Equality Temple, the rest are not similar to the predecessors of the Equality Temple. The Phoenix of Byodoin is confident and domineering at all times. He believes in himself and his own strength, and if he loses, he will grit his teeth and struggle to get up to win against his opponent

! But this one in front of him seems to be different, and he must have suffered some kind of setback!

However, the strength of this serve is indeed worth learning, and Nioh touched his arm, which had begun to ache faintly. What is this called? Now this muscle is really painful, this muscle that has never been trained, suddenly, unexpectedly, and even for a long time to meet the heavy blow of volleyball...

Nioh was silent, and suddenly felt a little sorry for his own flesh!

Just as Nioh was pondering there, Sawamura Daichi walked over, Sawamura's appearance and personality are just like his name, with the calmness and steadfastness of the earth, on the court, this is definitely a senior who is willing to let the players entrust their backs.

Nioh was ready to step forward and take the initiative to say hello, after all, all the seniors had come, and it was also the result that he should say hello as a junior...

Sawamura's seniors, who walked towards them with a smile, walked directly to Dongfeng Xu without squinting, and slapped the back of Dongfeng Xu's head with a slap.

The slap was so loud and loud that it scared Nioh out.

The most important thing is that Dongfeng's senior, who is obviously more burly and tall, and even more vicious-looking, just touched his head in pain, and then said complainingly, "It hurts, earth, you shoot too much!"

Nioh: "

Wow, is this how high school students get along?

If he is not as tall as Sanada, he will go up and slap Sanada on the back of the head.


It may be his festival day today next year!

Nioh is really feeling the difference between the tennis club and the volleyball club.

The volleyball club is six people, or even a bunch of people who need to fight together in the same field, and they absolutely need to cooperate with each other on the court, and there can be no selfish distractions.

However, the tennis department is different, although tennis is also a team competition, but it also belongs to its own camp, and the most cooperation is only the same tone between two

people! More is gone, and it doesn't matter if you ignore the individual trial, if you are extraordinarily outstanding!

But volleyball is not good, six people are strong to be stronger, and one god can't bring five tractors.


Nioh sighed with some disappointment in his heart.

Ni-chan wondered, "Host, what's wrong? Isn't it bad for me to choose this world for my host?"

Nioh shook his head, "No, this world is very good, learning volleyball can greatly increase my strength and physical strength." "

It's just....

Here he may not be able to truly feel the harmony between his companions.

After all, six people....

It's a bit of an exaggeration!

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