The next day.

Early in the morning, Nioh ran from the classroom of the first year of high school to the classroom of the third year of high school, and came to find Dongfeng Xu.

Dongfeng was visible to the naked eye and felt that something was wrong with Nioh today. I can't say what's wrong, I just think that today's junior seems to be laughing a little wanton... It feels as if some strange attribute has been unfolded

? Thinking about Nioh, who has been particularly well-behaved in the past two days, does not toss people, and does not talk much, Dongfeng secretly shook his head in his heart, how can he think of Nioh so much? This junior is obviously such a well-behaved person!

It is really undeserved, Dongfeng secretly condemned himself in his heart!

Then, just like yesterday, he walked towards Nioh with a smile on his face.

"Senior, I have a reluctant request..."

Nioh also has a plan. He had already inquired that tonight, a new coach would come, and that new coach would bring his former companions to form a team to play a game against Karano.

As for where he got the news, Ni Jiang said that he was deeply hidden in his fame.

In short, the system is produced by a high-quality product, and the news is absolutely true!

Nioh, who got this exact news, was not too happy in his heart, and it just so happened that he was preparing to stimulate the brain of this senior yesterday, so that he could be stimulated and recover quickly.

"I have something to do at home today, so I want to take a leave of absence," Nioh said with a smile. "I'll participate in the evening training, but I don't know when I'll be able to come, so I hope that Dongfeng's seniors will wait for me..."

There's no way, now the attributes of Dongfeng seniors are the same as Maori predecessors, and in my heart they are desperately trying to escape from the club, if there is no rope to pull him, he will definitely run away! Maori seniors

must be watched by someone personally, Dongfeng seniors only need a sentence from the juniors, a smile, kindness, and longing!

Just like now

, Nioh only needs to say with a smile, " Senior, I'm especially looking forward to the activities of the volleyball club, and I'll definitely be back in the evening, so you'll definitely wait for me, right-"

wink your big eyes, Nioh sells moe.

Although, it's shameful to sell cute, but it's useful to sell cute!

Although I don't want to go, I don't want to go! However, there is no way to refuse the request of the junior who is not hostile and well-behaved.

"Then~ Okay, then you have to come back quickly!" If he is left alone at that time, the ghost knows if the group of third-grade 'old friends' will keep an eye on him, and then, he will be stared at the whole person!


"Host, what's going on today? Why didn't I know you had something to do today?"

Nioh smiled, "Of course, I'm going to prepare for tonight's game!"

In this week, the biggest and main problem he saw was Dong Fengxu's mental health.

So, solving the problem is the first priority!

" Didn't the host already do special training last night?" Ni-chan remembered that the host who had played volleyball all night in the simulated court looked like he was sweating profusely.

"There's never too much basic training, and volleyball is a completely new sport for me... We must train again!" "

The purpose of tonight is to shock Dong Feng Xu's jaw with an absolute attitude. Let him feel the strength of the juniors.

If the strength is not beautiful enough, then everything is in vain....

"Let's go back, we've got a whole day..."



3:30 p.m.

Nioh is having dinner... No, it should be said that he is talking to dinner without saying a word, doing a psychological struggle.

"Host, you were just going to say that you were going to have dinner at this time..."Looking at Nioh, who was reluctant to move his chopsticks, Ni-chan persuaded. The heart said, the host is definitely remembering the matter of picky eating again!

Nioh took a chopstick dish with difficulty and stuffed it into his mouth, no way, there is a tough battle to fight tonight, he must absorb enough vitamin ABC, and his physical strength has always been his shortcoming, but today... Eat more, and strive to hold on for a little longer

! Ni-chan was so moved in her heart, "Host...", his host has really grown up!

Seeing Nioh so uncomfortable, Ni-chan felt a little distressed and said, In this world, there is nothing that can satisfy the host's picky eating desire, and there are delicious things? What are restaurants for?

Volleyball hall.

As soon as the new coach finished speaking, Nioh arrived at the school's volleyball hall, and then, with a quick hand, he grabbed the senior of Toho Asahi who wanted to leave.

Uyo was struggling, "Even if he brings all his old friends over, the number of people in this game is not enough", he happened to look back at the two people standing outside the volleyball hall, alas, adding these two is just enough!

"You two, are you from the volleyball club

!" Nioh grabbed the sleeve of Dongfeng Xu's senior, didn't let people run, and responded to Coach Uyo's words with a smile, "I'm a first-year freshman, and this is a third-year ace senior!" I'm sorry, the coach is late

!" I didn't say much at all!

When Wu Yang heard this, he immediately said, "Then why don't you hurry up and change your clothes and come to the game, hurry up!"

By the time Dong Feng Xu reacted, he had already been dragged onto the field by Nioh.

And then...... When he reacted for the second time, it was when Sugawara had already patted him on the shoulder, "Dongfeng, are you ready? The game is about to start?"

Dongfeng dripped a cold sweat, "... I'm not ready!" Before I could understand what the situation was, I was dragged to the arena!

and... Where did the junior who dragged him up, where did Nioh go?

Dongfeng looked left and right anxiously, but he couldn't find the silver-haired young man.

Sugawara chuckled in his heart when he looked at Dong Feng Xu's appearance, really, he is a third-year senior, and some things even need a 13-year-old boy to remind.

[Dongfeng-senpai, if you don't kick him, he will never move forward, Sugawara-senpai, you expect Dongfeng-senpai to think it out for yourself, you are really dreaming in broad daylight!]

[Tonight, I will take him to the field, and the rest depends on Sugawara-senpai, your own...] Sugawara

didn't believe it at all, but he didn't expect that there would really be a game that was so wrong...

To be able to see Dong Feng Xu return to the arena again, whether he is willing or unwilling in his heart, it is a good thing after all!

Where did Nioh go

? He was still here just now, why did he turn around and disappear?

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